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Everything posted by SummerRayne

  1. That pic is exactly how mine look (maybe a cup size or two smaller) on my body.... >.< no freakin' lie....
  2. Sonic
  3. explained to him
  4. Yeah, in my opinion he definitely SHOULD get thrown in jail for that. Putting out someone else's work BEFORE it was published and it was word for word? He should get sued and thrown in jail. Thats totally incomparable with anything like fan-fiction. That's taking something that belongs to someone else and deciding what you want to do with it. That's absurd. That's why we have disclaimer's on this site because the writer's character(s) does belong to them. You could compare this with building your own house brick by brick and then have someone say, "That's not your property" Like I said fan-fiction is totally different, but if someone is putting out your exact material without your permission (as stated in the first case) that's just not right. That is messed up. UNLESS, the person got a profit for the fan-fiction OR he was trying to pass off the characters as his own. If so, then he got what he deserved. If not, then that's really messed up and if he gets sued all the HP fan-fic writers on this site should, too.
  5. OMG! Knorg...just sent me 2,000,000 naughty points..... Surprise Shock *Screams and runs around the room*
  6. (Before we start to name the entire Simpson cast) Saxophone
  7. Ok sorry I didn't mean to make this topic about plagiarism. It's about fan-fiction.
  8. JUST fell in love with? Hmmmm, Kyo-kun from Fruits Basket. I would become a pedophile for him. I think they're in high school and I'm a junior in college >.<
  9. Homer Simpson
  10. ^ Can be long winded when it comes to topics of fanfiction.
  11. Zyx, are you sure it was Encyclopedia Dramatica that you read this story from? Because I searched there and absolutely nothing came up like it. In fact, the site isn't anywhere near the sort of site that looks like it's excepting story posts. It refers to itself as "the evil Wikipedia". Just wanted to get it straight because I wouldn't want someone going around saying that I wrote crap like this when I didn't.
  12. I can't recall off the top of my head, but I've never done anything like that in reference to writing. I have never written a story that wasn't fan-fiction.
  13. Plagiarism according to dictionary.com: Plagiarism does not have to be a word for word thing. So maybe, I just need an example of you taking someone else's "base theme" and making it your own. Maybe you're trying to describe simply being inspired by one person work and writing something completely different, but just changing a few things is still considered plagiarizing. Plagiarizing refers to something as small as an idea not just the words you use. So, like I said maybe just need an example of you changing the base theme of someone's work. I was never really good at theme when I was in high school. lol
  14. I am so excited about this topic. I'm gonna post soooo often on it and I hope others do the same. I always enjoy a good laugh at other writer's expense. lol :-P
  15. I have a general forum were I asked people this question. But I wanted a more black and white answer from people. So I would love mainly yes and no answers to the questions. I'm not sure about my answer, but I know a absolutely awesome writer who also writes fan fic fiction on aff. BUT there are also writers who don't write so well fan-fiction and otherwise. Take the poll! :-)
  16. You could always take it as a way to inflate your ego DemonGoddess061. You must be beautiful if you can catch the eye of a 20 year old, but you're more than old enough to be his mom. Would it be crossing the like to mention the word "milf"? Teehee. Just kidding. Hehe. But I really am sure you're beautiful.
  17. I am 130lbs with natural double D's and it hurts my feelings that people think that's too big in the the poll. It's not MY fault, you know. I would've been happy if they stopped growing at B cups, but nooooooooo... Sigh. I'm glad I'm 21 and married now. Why? Because he has good health insurance and I'm gonna get these things off me faster than you can say, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous." :-)
  18. Lol. This post wasn't for real, right? Just a member wouldn't have 2 million naughty points to give away to the top five people.
  19. Is it bad that I have Jojo's "How to Touch a Girl" in my head? lol I'm also 100% female, we'ere better creative thinkers ladies, which makes us better writers. Teehee. *Hides behind Knorg hoping the males don't stone her.*
  20. I think that's called plagerism. lol If your basing "original fiction" on somthing "you've seen" then it's not original. "Chang[ing] the base idea" of something can be hard for most beginner writers and could resort in them just paraphasing someone else's ideas, which is also plagerism. I wouldn't give this advice to any aspiring writer. Now, if you meant "If your basing an original [FAN-]fiction on something you've seen..." then I understand the sentence. If you didn't mean that then you just described plagerism.
  21. Life is like a sillybugger. You never know what you're gonna get. -Forrest Gump
  22. ^Even though he doesn't have a life he has friends at the aff forums. :-) <Has a life and sometimes wishes she didn't. It's kind of tiring sometimes. lol
  23. Are we not allowed to post any links to aff members fan-fics?
  24. it should be.
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