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The Rabid Semicolon

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  1. Hey. I'm looking for a writing buddy. This isn't for any single, specific story or anything. I just like to write stuff with other people. You could consider this as almost an RP buddy request or something like that. Firstly, although I only specifically mentioned Final Fantasy, I'm also into other fandoms, so it doesn't have to be Final Fantasy 100% of the time if you're into other things. Final Fantasy games I'm willing to write for are I, II, IV, VII, and IX. I might be willing to write for X as well, though I never really got far in it, so I don't know much about it. I prefer to write slash pairings, but I'm open to het. Yuri is out of the question. I have no problem with it. It just doesn't appeal to me in any way as I really am incapable of relating to it as a gay guy. I'm a huge fan of MC--I don't think it's used nearly as much as its potential would allow. I enjoy most kinks so, if you have any you wanna' add into things, I'm all ears. I tend to be a fan of the more strange looking characters--the anthros, if you will. What can I say? Tails and fur are sexy. If you're up for it, I'd really hope that you have AIM. If you don't, then we'll have to correspond to start one of those private forum thingies. I've tried to download many other instant messengers and they all crash my computer or, at the least, seriously screw up its ability to do much of anything. So, AIM or a forum. I'd prefer AIM. You can contact me via PM or by responding to this thread(obviously). You can also contact me via AIM or email. My AIM address is Dinkelberg27. My email is the same, just with @aol.com tacked onto it. Signed, The Rabid Semicolon
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