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Looking for the name of a fic where Hermione uses the time turner, some sexual escapades ensue and she ends up pregnant and married to Harry. I think there was a threesome with Ginny in there somewhere.
I went and did it. I finished it the way I wanted to. At least I think I did, nobody's left any comments on what they think of it as a whole, but that's another, entirely different issue. It was the same thing for me, no end in sight, till one hit me, then I had something to work toward. My biggest problem was "How the hell do I get there?". Thanks for your opinions, they were helpful. Crash, (Ate2butte)
In as much as I would like more feedback for the stories I have posted on AFF, I realize that I'm not going to get what i want. The number of hits I've had does make me feel better, because it tells me somebody's looking at what I've put on their monitors. It does help with the incentive to keep on going. There have been struggles because one story has been going on for two years. Even with long periods between updates, the numbers still go up. That tells me somebody is interested, and that's all I can ask for.
I''m writing a fic called "The Three of Us", and I'm in the process of writing the last chapter. T least I think I'm writing the last one. This is the way I wanted to end the story, but I also think it's not going to wrap it up neatly enough. It's been a struggle to get this far, so I do want to end it, but I can see potential for taking it in another direction. The big question is, do I scrap the ending I'm writing and continue the story? Do I write a sequel? Do I end it and write something completely different? This is a link to the story: AFF "The Three of US" Thanks for your opinions.
Oct, 1956. Old enough to know better, Young enough to think I can get away with it, and stupid enough to try!! Working after school for $1.50 an hour. That was above minimum wage. Putting myself through university on 4 months of $6 an hour, and I had money for beer!
GreenWizard brings up a valid point. I am not defending pedophilia, but showing how opinions change. People base their opinions on two things, 1) What they've been taught 2) Their own experience People today have been taught that sex between adults and those under 18 yrs of age is wrong, and it's illegal in most places. What Greenwizard brings up is correct. Up until the early part of the 20th Century, it was acceptable to marry someone under the age of 18. I'm not sure, but I don't think there was an actual 'Age of Majority' at that time anyways. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 yr old cousin when he was 23. It caused quite a scandal, but it was legal. That was in the mid Fifties. If you go further back, you'll find that people were married off and having kids before they were 18. Mostly because you if you lived to 40 you were 'ancient', but that's where this stems from. For the first few millennia of human life, you were lucky to make it that far. As science improved the quality of life, and life expectancy started to increase, society changed the definitions of what was right and what was illegal or immoral. So getting back to my original point, for most people writing on this thread, what they've been taught is that sex between adults and children is squicky. Through their own experience, most don't have any with adults being in an accepted relationship with someone under 18. Because of this, they can only base their opinion on what they've been taught. If they were to do some research into their family tree, they would probably find someone who got married under 18. I'm fairly certain my grandmother was 17 when she married my 22 yr old grandfather. They'd been married for 52 yrs when he passed. They were married in the 1920's. If they didn't, what do you think the chances of my sitting here typing away are? To wrap up. Society wasn't always like this. It has changed over the years and will continue to change. What is acceptable now, may not be 10 or 15 years down the road.
It's called 'Brand Management' and they teach courses in it in University. It's about the perceived image of the company. I.E. Nike and that little sweat shop issue. Anything that may have a negative effect on the company's bottom line is a no-no, whether it's real or not.
That's part of the problem. There is no real scientific proof that stories involving sexual interaction with children, will cause a person with those desires to go one way or the other. People will use the 'I looked at/read child porn on the net and it made me do it' defense, so they don't have to take responsibility for their actions. Without valid scientific proof that reading about sexual acts with children enables them to diffuse their needs, the argument is a wash. Lawmakers on the other hand, will jump up and down, condemn it, and do everything to ban it, because they are media whores. They will scream at the top of their lungs and ignore any plausible facts, so they can be seen as doing something to protect the children. Parents worry about the safety of their kids, and they vote. We all know that the primary goal of any politician is getting re-elected. So they make noise, jump on a hot button issue and they just need to be seen as 'working for the Public Good'. No politician in their right mind will want to be seen saying "Maybe we should determine if written child porn is dangerous or not." Nope, much easier to just ban it all and make everyone associated with it a criminal.
LJ reacted to the pressure put on them by a group with the intention of removing material like that from the web. They would look at it and ask one question, "How does this affect the bottom line?" LJ and their parent company are not in the business of protecting your rights. They are in the business of turning a profit for their shareholders. If a decision of theirs affects your right to free speech, that's not important, because they can persuade themselves that they've stomped on that right for the 'Public Good'. WFI is doing what they've set themselves up to do. I don't agree with it, but that's my opinion.They believe that if somebody reads something about incest, or sex with minors, they're going to jump up from their computers, run outside, and molest the first child they see. Yes it's a stupid knee jerk reaction, but it's their way of protecting their children and making themselves feel good. They don't care about you or your rights. Their ideas and thoughts are more important than anybody else's. Just ask them. Ask them what they've done to help minors in the underage sex trade. Minors involved in prostitution because they've fallen through the cracks in the social welfare system. Have they offered to adopt any of them? Have they supported shelters and programs to turn their lives around? Have they volunteered their time to help any of these kids. What have they done to eradicate the cause of this problem? Oh wait, that's right, because they forced LJ to remove anything from the website that had to do with minors and sex, they've cured the problem. Now they can pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves for a job well done, without actually having to get involved in any of the real reasons behind a lot of this.
You have to be very careful about this. Not everyone on this site lives in America. The laws are very different in other countries. This week a man in Canada was convicted of "Possession of Written Child Pornography". According to Canadian law, written descriptions of sex between an adult and anyone under the age of 18 can be considered as child pornography. This is a result of a case that went to the Supreme Court of Canada a few years back. The man was a convicted pedophile and was trying to publish a graphic story about adult/child sex. The Supreme court for various reasons, mostly what was called 'Artistic Merit', dropped the charges for the fictional story. He was convicted of a number of different charges that were laid at the same time. They only dropped the ones associated with the written story. The law was changed to read that instead of 'Artistic Merit', the story has to meet the criteria of 'Being for the Public Good'. In other words, if the court determines that you wrote a story about adult/child sex because it sounded good, you now have a criminal record. When I read the law, 'Being for the Public Good', allows someone to write about their own experience, or someone else's, as research or information. The law is aimed at Fiction. The way I understood it, if you write a story, it cannot be just about the sex. The sex would be a sidebar to the main impetus of the story. Even Harold Robbins had a plot and character development. The law refers to adult/child sex, but it does not discern where a graphic sex scene between two 17 year olds would fall. Both characters are underage, so there is a strong possibility it may be considered as child porn. Another thing that should be mentioned, is the definition of the term possession. If it appears on your monitor, you are in possession of it. That is the way that it's defined in Canada. It does not have to be saved to a file. It just has to appear or have appeared on your monitor. When it shows up, it's usually saved in your cache file. Even if it's deleted a ghost will remain until it's overwritten. In Canada, if you write a story that falls into the above criteria and post it on the net, welcome to the wonderful world of 'Distribution of Child Pornography'! I am not a lawyer, but I looked into it when I saw the story of him being convicted of possessing written child pornography. It piqued my interest, because I had never thought of that as being a crime. It's fiction, it is the product of someone's imagination, how can it be illegal? Well the people in Ottawa thought it should be, so now it is. Knowing that there are authors that write about adult/child sex, some of who may live in Canada, I thought it needed to be mentioned.
I got a Beta! Thank you very much to Faery's Delight for taking up the challenge.
Mod's note: I've moved this post here myself because this is where it belongs. Feel free to add your own comments about Faery Delight's work. I asked really nicely and Faery's Delight has agreed to Beta my story. She's already done one chapter and she did such a great job I wrote the next one already!!! Did I tell you i'm thrilled with her work?
I'm looking for a beta for a story I'm writing. It's posted on AFF.net and is called the Three of Us. It is an au Buffy fic involving Buffy, Faith and Cordelia. It contains violence, and sex between consenting women. I'm looking for a beta to correct grammar and spelling errors, as well as directional input. I'm comfortable with what I've written so far, but I am not confident in my abilities. I do have an idea as to where the story is going, but I take awhile to get there. If you're willing to help, please let me know. Thanks, Crash