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I'd have to say I'm interested in fanfiction in general, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I write and have recently decided to try being a beta so I'll see how that goes.
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Sadly they aren't the only ones that seem to find it amusing. I've seen a couple replies saying it's funny or that it's actually good writing. To each his own I guess but I'd rather not be subjected to it when I'm trying to find something to read.
I had hoped the 'person' would get bored and go bother someone else but appearantly not. It's such an immature thing to do but sadly I doubt the poster is a child.
It seems the trolls that spammed most of the archives yesterday are back again with new usernames. So far I've only seen the things they've posted in the Harry Potter section but I'm sure they'll get around to posting in other sections soon. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296863565
Hey! I went over what you have written for "It's Only Love" and there were a few things that stood out to me in terms of sentence structure and characterization. If you'd like I can beta the chapter you have posted and then send it to you in an email, just so that you can have some idea of what having me for a beta might be like. If you don't like anything I do then please know I won't be offended, it's totally understandable. If you're still interested just let me know. sisterae
Hi, I wasn't sure if you're still writing your fic but I've recently decided to try my hand at being a beta and I just wanted to offer my services as it were. You can find my application in the author resources section, it'll tell you more about my strengths in terms of experience. You can also find some of my work on aff.net, under this penname, if you were interested in seeing my writing style first hand. I have no problem doing common spell checking as well as grammar and I don't mind being a sounding board for fic ideas. sisterae
I've recently decided to try my hand at being a beta and I just wanted to offer my services. If you're interested you can find my application in the author resources section which should give you a fair idea of my experience. You can also find some of my work on aff.net under the same penname if you'd like to see what my general writing style consists of. sisterae
I've never been a beta before. Still, I've got to start somewhere if I want to become one. I want to beta something but I haven't found anything to my liking yet. I’ve been a part of one fandom or another for close to a decade, both writing and reviewing. I’d have to say that in the beginning my reviewing style was very reserved. I didn’t want to overly praise authors but I also wanted to make sure they knew just how much I enjoyed their stories. In terms of the technical, I always tried to write more than just ‘great job!’ or ‘lol I luv this so much’ heh. I tried to give an accurate description of how the story came across to me, the characterization as well as the emotions it evoked, if any. I also liked to build a rapport with the authors, especially in regards to chapter fics. If I planned to read it continuously, I tried to give a review every few chapters depending on the contents of each chapter. I’ll admit I’d be hard pressed to find all of my old reviews and lately I haven’t been active enough on line to give many solid reviews other than to those I know. But here are three recent reviews I’ve given in different fandoms. How familiar I am with the author on a personal level has a lot to do with the tone of my comments. “I think the way you've written the Malfoys is spot on. I also think the manipulative behaviour Harry exhibits is accurate in regards to the type of things he's learned as a ward of the household. It's like he's set his mind to wanting the kindness and security he believes Lucius can offer and believes affection is the way to get it.” – A New Family For Harry – shadygrl – Harry Potter http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600013625 “That was pretty much awesome. The way Willow dealt with his fears and doubt, totally in character. The way you've written her as such an open honest person just makes this whole series better. I like that you make her human without turning her into some sort of Mary Sue. Every new chapter I read I can picture in my head because it just works. Great job!” – Living Underground – 38gnihsurc – Anita Blake/Buffy the Vampire Slayer http://38gnihsurc.livejournal.com/100302.h...=696014#t696014 “Love this! Empire Records is probably one of my favorite movies ever and I love the idea of all the guys hanging out in a record store. The banter is brilliant and the fact that I'm not the only one to ever use the phrase suck my balls makes me feel better about myself as a person.” – Mystic Records – Giselleslash – RPS – LOTR http://giselleslash.livejournal.com/151819...949259#t4949259 Like I said, I’ve been posting fiction, both original and fan for very close to a decade. I started writing when I got my first computer and am now on my third so I’ve had a large amount of time to make mistakes and learn from them as well. I have several stories posted on my writing journal. They are all unlocked to my knowledge and can be found - http://fed_up_fiction.livejournal.com/ There is both het and slash fiction. I’d say I’m best with canon and characterization in the fandoms I’ve been apart of the longest. My spelling, grammar and vocabulary have gotten considerably better over the years, with more experience and a broader scope of reading material. I’d say my biggest flaw in terms of reviewing is my timidity on offering concrit. I never like to feel as though I’m pushing or pressuring an author because I know that sometimes creativity can be hindered by too harsh a review. I do feel that I’m honest though and try to voice my opinions as openly and as gently as possible. I also get hung up on punctuation on occasion. I’ve been known to rush over dialogue and forget to add full stops though I usually catch the exclamations. However, that’s mostly in my own writing rather than others. Well, I’ve written many things but haven’t posted half as much. Nevertheless, I assume I should list what I have written even if I haven’t posted it. I’m taking the warnings straight from AFF.net itself; only the ones I assume are the most extreme. Abuse, Anal, BDSM, Bondage, Blood play, D/s, Dom, Double Penetration, Exhib, F/F, F/M/M, Fet, Incest, M/F/F, Minor, Moresome, Mpreg, Non-con, Peg, Rimming, S&M, Slavery, Spanking, Tort, Toys, Trans, Violence, Voy, and VS. I honestly don’t think it’s possible to squick me. I’ve read just about everything and have yet to find something that I don’t find a little fascinating even if I don’t find it stimulating. I think I’ve been a part of fandom for so long that at least in terms of fiction I have very few boundaries. I’m willing to work with any of the things mentioned above as well as anything on the list. I can honestly give a practical opinion on anything I read, regardless of the content. Even if I don’t get the kink I can do my best to beta appropriately I believe. I don’t believe I have limits in terms of what I’ll read/write/review. I believe that writing is simply an outlet for creativity and as such shouldn’t be limited by social taboos. I also believe that just because you write something doesn’t mean you practice it. I know plenty of people that consistently write non-con and find the practice repugnant. As long as it’s in a fandom I’m familiar with, I’m willing to offer my services for beta on just about anything. If there ever is something I’m uncomfortable going over, I’ll be sure to let the author know before I try to beta their work. I’ve mostly written in the Whedonverse, more specifically Angel the series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve also written for CSI, both the original and Las Vegas. I write Bandfic and Actorfic or RPF. I’ve written fic for various films as well. Pirates of the Caribbean, The Chronicles of Riddick, The Fast and the Furious, The Lord of the Rings, Elizabethtown, The Mummy trilogy, and others. I’ve recently gotten into the Harry Potter fandom and have written for that as well as Anita Blake. I read in all the fandoms I’ve written in depending on my mood I guess. I’ve reviewed in all of them on various occasions. I’d say I’m most comfortable writing Willow, Spike and Dawn from the Buffyverse. Gunn, Cordelia and Faith from the Angelverse. And Severus and Harry from the Potterverse. I’d like to become a beta because I want to help, in any way the author feels comfortable. I think it’s amazing to read anything for the first time and be able to give an honest opinion without the influence of others. I also like the idea of being able to help an author bring their ideas to life. I find giving a solid input and helping to create a better story very fulfilling. I believe being a beta means helping an author in the way they feel is appropriate, not necessarily pushing my ideas on them. It is ultimately their story and should be treated, as such, with respect. I wouldn’t feel comfortable making any changes without their explicit consent. I’ve taken several secretarial courses and have experience in that field and I’d say I’m fairly well read. I have an extensive personal library that I continue to fill when I’m able and I spend a good portion of my day reading. I thrive on research. I feel like it’s a very important part of writing in general. I have several folders solely used for fan fiction resources, from language dictionaries to common terminology from different countries. No matter the setting, I try to be as knowledgeable as possible on everything I read and write and am not averse to taking the time to study up on anything I find myself unfamiliar with. In addition, I’m not nearly as pompous as this may make me sound so please give me a chance?