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Everything posted by PretentiousArtWhore

  1. I would never write anything involving children (unless it was a vampire child who was in fact actually centuries old), bodily fluids other than blood, semen and vaginal fluid, bestiality, male pregnancy (because I think it's extremely silly), snuff fics (yuck!), S&M, torture or extreme abuse (I'm just not into people hurting each other), basically anything that squicks me in any way. I'm not against other people writing it, I just don't read that stuff. I also won't write stories for super-popular,everybody's writing about it fandoms, (IE HP, POTC, LOTR etc.) even if I happen to like them, and I don't do anime or cartoon stuff. And I definitely won't write about real people, as in actors,musicians or other celebrities. As for Mary Sue, I'm neutral. If it's just for fun, or well written, go for it. Sadly a lot of SI fics are the products of deranged fourteen year old fangirls
  2. "And love said no" by HIM
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