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Everything posted by SoftObsidian74

  1. I didn't take your review as being negative at all! And you're well within your rights to feel anyway you want to feel. I totally twisted his character and he's a great guy, so I understand! lol. Thank you so much for the feedback and I'm very flattered and honoured you like this story so much
  2. angeles: I’m so glad to hear it. Thank you. MarksPet: lol. I’m happy to hear your hunch was correct. Hmm, the red light question. Yes, very good question. We shall see! Thank you ☺ dramione_lover20: I’m happy that you liked the twist, and that you’re excited. I am too. Thank you! ☺
  3. angeles OK, gotcha! And thank you Yes, you're right, teenagers rarely consider all facets of a problem before making a decision, unfortunately that happens with adults as well. Horny_Virgin It's not my shortest chapter but it is my third shortest chapter and it's the shortest chapter I've posted in the story in a year or so. I hope you got the answers you were looking for in this latest update. I'm so happy you're still enjoying and wouldn't mind it going on and on...but I think some of my other readers would kill me if I didn't end it soon. lol I definitely will get back to "Two Much" once this is done. Promise. And thank you so much for the encouragement RavenTiger Yay! I'm really glad you enjoyed Harry domming Ron and Hermione together like that and the build up to a reconciliation. Thank you! Wickedswanz Thank you, Wicked! That's really nice of you. And yes, I understand it's long as hell and not for everyone. I can't imagine how anyone could get through this in one sitting but some people do read really fast. I'm definitely not one of them though. lol
  4. angeles: Thank you! Glad you thought so Oh you know I had to put in a cliffie Salon_Kitty Thanks babe, you're so sweet. I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue, and think the split works. (((hugs for everything))) hotboz2007 Thank you so much for your feedback It does suck when you have to see someone you broke up with everyday. I think avoiding them is usually the first reaction, but eventually you can't hide, and that reality really brought home the weight of their split. I love that you liked the sex scene but felt something was off. That's what I was going for, so that's really cool to hear. lol@ you loving the Draco/Ron sexytimes. They are fun to play with as a couple. You may not know the answer to your last question until the end, but I'm sure you have some strong hunches by now. Horny_Virgin Thank you. I think everyone was thinking "what the hell happened" during the Quidditch match, most of all, Harry. EchoDesiree That's really cool, I'm glad the story held your attention like that, and I hope you continue to enjoy it. If you want more Golden Trio reccs, just let me know. Thank you! Julian Venere I'm glad you found Harry going all Dom on Ron and Hermione hot and that you felt the tension between him and Ron. As always, thank you so much for your feedback Raven Tiger Thank you very much, Raven. I'm glad you enjoyed the warm and fuzzies and liked the Quidditch match.
  5. Hey guys, I hope this forum works for you. It was suggested I use this by the Mods since I'm not allowed to post long author's notes in my story any longer. If you want to ask me questions or talk about the story, we can use this space to. I'm open to anything Thank you all for reviewing! Angeles: Thank you! So glad to hear you say that! Horny_Virgin: lol@Dumbledore the bastard. Yes, he is a bit of one in this fic. Hope you don’t mind. Thank you for reviewing ☺ Queenbee: I’m glad you liked it and I hope you like the rest. Thank you. April: You liked that? lol@ go Minnie! Thank you. Joshsmote: I’m glad you feel it’s improving and that you’re even warming up to Draco ☺ Thank you. Hotboz2007: I know it was a bit of a bomb to drop. Let me know if you ever want to discuss it. Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Itsgonnarain39: Really? That’s awesome!! Thank you! MarksPet: Wow! That’s really cool. I hope you and your Master can get into something naughty and fun as a result. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you! RavenTiger: Thank you! I’m really glad you enjoyed the Dumbledore/Harry scene. Angelmuziq: I’m glad you liked it. It was a bit crazy, huh? LOL. The rest of the story is too. I’m glad you’re loving it. As far as what’s going on with Harry that will be revealed at the end. Thank you for reviewing ☺ Julian Venere: LOL@breaking the “Gryffindor always wins against Slytherin Quidditch” rule. There are some things that need rectifying here. lol. I’m really glad you enjoy Ron and Draco together. They crack me up as well. And I’m glad you liked the way the quarrel turned out. I’m really sorry for destroying Dumbledore’s integrity here but it fit with the story I want to tell. I really do love the bastard ☺ I love what you said about the inverse God theme. I never really thought of Harry’s acceptance of Dumbledore’s plan for him like that and it makes me want to go back re-read that entire book again. Thank you so much for the feedback ☺
  6. So as you can see all of my stories have been rated very low now: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296827996 They also rating spammed Salon_Kitty as well: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296851847 It's not fair someone can downgrade a story's rating by spamming. Please tell me something can be done.
  7. He/She keeps deleting it before you guys can see it. Also, is there a way to stop him/her from spamming my ratings?
  8. Hi, for reporting the Troll, I have been attacked. Almost all of my stories have been spammed with multiple low ratings. Is there anyway to fix this? Oh and I got this lovely message: HHRFanForever 2010-06-17 id # 3001333490 Rotz! Like always.
  9. I'd like to report two violations. One is in the H/Hr section on a story called Folie A Deux by Salon_Kitty: HHRFanForever 2010-06-15 id # 3001333307 Sorry. Not buyable. That one is just OOC to the extreme and completely unbelievable. Hermione would never go so low to do it with Ron. This person continues to sign in and rate the story as a "1" to bring the ratings down. Also, I got this response this morning. id # 3001333404 > SoftObsidian74 2010-06-15 id # 3001333340 > I know you're the same punk bitch that flamed my story as well. In case you > don't understand the meaning of OOC, it means OUT OF CHARACTER. These are > J.K. Rowling's characters...NOT YOURS...so if JKR paired Hermione with Ron in > HER books, then it is VERY in character for Hermione to be married to Ron. > Dumbass! It is not in character. Because JKR herself (but I'm not even sure of that) wrote the OOC books "sux" and "shit". Only the books 1-5 are in character. So Ron + Hermione is fucking OOC. Just because a piece of shit like you can't get it, doesn't mean that everyone is as dumb as you. > You know what's not buyable? Your opinion or sanity. Get a grip and stop > harassing good authors. I'm not harassing "good" authors. I'm just harassing shit authors, who not even ship H/HR, but think they can handle a H/HR story. Guess what, they all are just a failure to nature. > It's no wonder why the H/Hr has so few stories...because of NUTS like you. It's no wonder we have a so catastrophic "good to bad ratio" of H/HR stories, if such shit authors like yourself or fucking Salon_Kitty are permanently writing their disgusting Hermione/Draco or Hermione/Snape or Hermione/Ron storlines into their H/HR story "attempts". Go home and fuck yourself. Dumbshit!
  10. He's doing the same on the HP boards as well: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600019609
  11. Hello Everyone! We have started a new awards community; the Smutastic Awards! Lovers of smutty Harry Potter fan fiction of all ships are welcome! Just click on the following link for more information about rules and our timeline: http://community.livejournal.com/smutastic_award/ Please come by and check us out so you can nominate and vote for all the great smut you're reading! In the meantime, happy smut reading to you : ) SoftObsidian74
  12. Yeah, only he calls himself Steve Irvin (member handle) now...but he still leaves the same messages. I'm shocked, he actually is improvising...lol. I couldn't resist the urge to delete his review, but if he posts again, I'll let you know and leave it up.
  13. So, in general, what I'm noticing is that my trolls/flames are probably coming from the same person. I'm learning to just deal with it, but as I scroll down other Harry/Hermione stories, I notice similiar flames from similiar handles saying similiar things. It's not every Harry/Hermione stories, just the ones where: 1. they are married to Ron or Ginny 2. Harry and Hermione don't end up together 3. something bad happens to one of them preventing them from being together And of course, the crappy stories as well. lol. Usually the handle will use names like Harry&Hermionefan, MikeDaniels, Creamytastyshit, Little Astronaunt 12, Sweetgirl Is there anything that can be done about this? I can honestly say I believe it discourages anyone from writing this ship on THIS site..... SoftObsidian74
  14. I have another Troll for you to kill. Here's the author's page: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296840626 Here's the link to my review page and the flames they've left: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mp;no=600016460 Thanks again for your help. : ) SoftObsidian74
  15. Yeah, I'm gonna just leave flames up from now on so you guys can deal with them properly and to expose their idiocy. Thanks for your help. : )
  16. I've gotten flames from this person before: Here is their Author's page: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296824601 Here is a link to their flames (5 in one day): http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mp;no=600016460 Thanks for your help. SoftObsidian74
  17. So, I just got 26 flames!! I turned off my Anonymous Reviewer option but the guy you handled before. Creamy Tasty Shit...came back as Creamy Tasty Shit2. LOL! Do you guys trace IP addresses? every time you get rid of this jerk, he's just gonna add a different number to his last name. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mp;no=600016460
  18. Thanks so much : )
  19. He's doing again. this is the 4th time in the last 3 days. He posts 5 posts in a row. Here's the link to the review page: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mp;no=600016460 Here's his ID's #id # 3001192908-12. thanks : )
  20. OK, so I deleted all his trash talk...couldn't stand it..but here's the original flame, posted over 10 times today : ) Yes, it's me again. Creamy tasty. Because you must have accidentally deleted my review I'm posting again, so that you don't lose all the beautiful ideas of me and you: Yeah! I love that shit. Pleaze let Ron bugger Harry up his arse and then let Harry lick his own shit from Rons dick. And then maybe Hermione can shit on the two boys and then they can all eat that creamy shit together. Harry then should put his foot really deep up Hermiones arse, so that he is not fisting her, but footing her. Maybe even Harrys foot and Rons dick the same time up Hermiones arse. I really thing that Ron is a foot fetishist and would cum really hard on Harrys foot up in Hermiones arse. Yeah. I love your story. It's so fucking incredible. The best fucking story I've ever ever read. I've never read a better story. Maybe it is because it is the first one that I ever read, but I think I will never read a better story too. To be sure, I will never read another story again. This is so incredible. So fucking incredible. I love that shit really hard. Please write more of that shit. Please put Ron's creamy shitty dick up Harrys mouth, after it was up his arse. And than let Ron go to Hermione to fist her up her tight little fucking cunt. It's a shame that Seamus got her first. Because I would have loved it, if Hermione were a virgin and bleeding like a cut of pig. Harry could have licked that warm and tasty virgin blood. But maybe you can make her bleeding from her monthly bleeding. Harry could lick it and taste it. That creamy blood. He could smear it all over Ron's body and then up his arse. And than maybe draco could stumble about them too. He could come with his broomstick (pun intended) and put that thing up Harrys and Ron's and Hermione's arse and then lick their shit. I think Draco would love to lick their shit, as he really is a shit fetishist. Why would he be with Crabbe and Goyle, if not for that? Maybe even get Hagrid to the quidditch pitch. I thing the half-giant would love to bugger the three guys with his huge half-giant cock. Yeah. What a incredible fucking good tasting story. But ... there are always some golden showers. I thing Ron should pee up to hagrids mouth. As I thing that Hagrid is a pee fetishist. Buckbeak could also make an appearance and could be buggered by Hagrid. And I would love to read about Macgannagol in her cat form and her and Hagrid together. She would be so tight for him and his half-giant cock. Imagine. Macgannagol in cat form. She is so small. So sweet. I think Draco could not be stoped to bugger her up her cat arse to. But don't forget to include filch. He is the cat fetishist and would love to fuck Macgannagol up her arse. Hagrid than could lick that shit from Filchs dick. I would love to see that happen. Yeah, I love your fucking story. It is so incredible good. Best shit I have ever read. I love such shit storys. Shit in storys is always good. And your story has a lot of that. But it could have so much more of that shit. It's easy to write. I thing my suggestions are really good for your story. Maybe we could co-write it together. I can give you so much ideas about shit in storys, that is even better than your shit in this story. Yeah. Dude ... no ... thats not right. You are girls, right? Yeah, girls. I love your shit. Maybe even some action with the giant squid. That would be really awesome. Norbert could come back to. Than you have even dragon shit in your story. As Hagrid is a fucking Dragon fetishist, he would love to bugger Norbert up that giant arse. Hagrid could swimm in dragon shit. He would love it. I would love it. And I know, that you would love to write that too. This story is so hot already. It makes me wanna cum over my keyboard. Oh ... yeah. Shit. Now i have to stop writing this shit, because my keyboard is all slimy. But I don't want to stop. There are so much more ideas up my arse. no. thats not right. It is up my brain. So much more ideas. What do you thing about some action with inferys and maybe even with dumbledore as an infery. Yeah. Macgannagol and Dumbledore. So much shit is possible. I would love to see dumbledore as an infery as he is licking some blood from Macgannagol's creamy and tasty pussy. That could be so good. That would be so good. I would pay you some cents to write that shit for my. I'm not so good with writing. I know, that you are not so much better, but better is better and you could write that creamy shit much better than I. But I love to give you even more ideas. There is so much more shit up my arse. No... up my brain. I want to put it all out on you so that you can write more of this tasty bloody shit. I want to lick that shit. It's all in the imagination. Yeah. I love it, dude. Girls. This shit is so creamy and tasty. I love it. There is no other word for that as love. This is so good. Creamy shit. Gimme more of that. And please some monthly bleeding of Draco. No. Hermione is the girl in this story. But ... this is the best idea ever. Make Draco mpreged by Hagrid. That would be fucking awesome. Best idea ever. A shit covered baby up in dracos arse with Hagrid as the father and Draco as a mother. What a awesome shit. I love it. My ideas are so bubbly in my head. They have to get out, so you can write about them. Maybe Ron can get mpreged by Dumbledore. I think that would be really awesome. And than Ron is licking the shit of Dumbledores dick, which was up that dragon arse. Awesome. I love it. We are such a good team. You gave me such a good sudden inspirations with your story. It is awesome. Just awesome. We are a good team. My ideas and you are writing them down. Yeah. I love it. Maybe a crossover would be good too. If read about a german scheiße video in south park - the movie. I think there was cartman's mum and she was playing in that shit video. Make her cum over to Harry Potter and let her make a casting for her next german scheiße video. That would be so fucking awesome. Incredible. I hope you can write that all down really fast, because there are some of your readers who want to read more of that shit from you. My ideas and your writing. What a team. Maybe we are as good, as the Team America. Fuck Yeah! Yeah. You could make Hagrid have aids. Then everybody has aids, aids, aids. But I don't know, if Macgannagol in cat form could get aids. And Norbert too. I think a dragon would be resistant. Hey. That's the idea. We can take some of his monthly dragon blood and than we can make somethink against aids. That is a fucking good creamy, shitty and tasty idea. You are so good. It's all you. You gave me the inspiration with your fucking good creamy, shitty, tasty, bloody, creamy story. I love it. More after your next chapter. I think my ideas are enough for one hell of a good chapter for this fucking shitty story. I love you and want to have your babies. Are shit. Mpreg is in real live not possible, right? Okay. I want to make you some babies. That would be even more fun then to write my ideas down. Love you, until next time. Your lover Creamy tasty shit Can someone shoot this guy for me? : )
  21. Keep getting repeatedly flamed by the same guy, and a few others. His name is Creamy Tasty Shit. LOL. No seriously, here's the flames: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?s...mp;no=600016460 Can someone take care of this asshole? : )
  22. ----------------- Thanks, but I found one : )
  23. OH good...I was just gonna do a poll on this and I'm glad you already had one...I'm having that problem now...my story has a lot of hits but only a few reviews...I wonder if that means it sucks...I always review, so I don't know if folks feel shy about it or just don't have anything to say yet...but it is disheartening..
  24. Yea, I'm adding new chapters but it never appears on the first page of the latest page. Is there another reason why that may happen or a way I can make sure it does happen when I add a new chapter next week?
  25. I have a problem. When I update my story, it doesn't get bumped up to the first page. Sometimes it stays where it is...anyone know how people bump their stories up when they update? Any help would be appreciated.
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