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Everything posted by TurtleHermit

  1. I would think so. I mean calling it "Erotic" is much like saying something is "Baroque"- it's just an adjective really, and it's all based upon perspective. AND since these people ar no longer amoung the living, they cease to be people and become cadavers, which is a resounding noun, with the sound of an object rather than the abstractness of a living breathing human. A body, is a body, is a body. So, yeah. I would think it could be classified as all that.
  2. Because I address almost every remark, doesn't mean I am throwing a hissy fit. I just like to talk to people. I'm a sociable creature, to tell you the truth. And I never wanted a flame war, I just liked to point out that DemonGoddess is close friends with SquallSama, and I think that her comment on me wanting a flame war because of a comedic term, while overlooking her friend's blatantly burning comments was a teensy bit fishy. I'm like the littlest kid on the block, with lots of milk money.
  3. I have to point out, you did not in any universe sound like you might have been laughing while stating your "opinion" in that manner. What is laughable is, that you accuse ME of flames, though my comeback was just very, very precise, addressing all of your objectives and countering them with my own words. I made a freakin SHREK joke at the end. Come on. I didn't flame you and my reply wasn't "Malicious" as you call it ...you know it, and I know it. It was just my exacting return to your punishing words. Don't mention the word "flame"...because, I didn't do it, and I don't think you did it. So please, don't be a meanie!!! And...BTW, I NEVER called you a name like "Bitch". Personally sharing here, I think people (especially two women) calling each other "bitch" is one of the most degrading things, and I NEVER would participate or SUPPORT that sort of behavior.
  4. -In response to DemonGoddess' light jab (because the quote tab didn't work for me) that I may have wanted or intended a FLAME WAR..... .... My personality....I like humor, I don't think I should be sued. I honestly can't believe as a Mod that you have just pointed the finger at me with the underlying hint that I could be a rule-breaker/flame war inciter...and COMPLETELY DISMISS the other participants on this topic, that have been incredibly rude. Just as "inappropriate" as I if NOT more so... When I said, "roast" I wasn't reffering to actual flames. I was thinking more along the lines of comedy terms. As Dictionary.com says about the term "roast".....: "A facetious ceremonial tribute, usually concluding a banquet, in which the guest of honor is both praised and good-naturedly insulted in a succession of speeches by friends and acquaintances." I guess....I guess, I thought I might get ribbed, a few would dislike things, and others would agree. But that has not happened and if I had known this sort of attitude would be taken up against me, I wouldn't have offered my thoughts, honestly.
  5. What apparently, no one seems to understand no matter how many times I say it....so, I shall put it in the dreaded caps lock.... I DO NOT DISLIKE YAOI, ONLY THE FACT THAT M/F IS LESS PROMINENT AND THEREFORE HARDER FOR ME TO LOCATE BECAUSE OF THE PLETHORA. Now, I am NOT "targeting" as you like to call it, anything. It was a gripe, about not getting what I want when I want and how I want it....people do it all the time here, but because my gripe is about Yaoi, I am the one getting lambasted. Yuri, is rather a minority, and does NOT in any way, clog up pages upon pages. I like everything...but I especially like equality...and Yaoi is a dominatrix... Oh? And everyone? Caps lock again... I AM NOT CRITICIZING AFF....or the system. I think the system is okay. You all don't have to shove down my throat how great it is. I know. I go there. I EVEN participate in the Forum. You don't have to tell me in a very nationalistic way.... "Love it, or get the hell out".... So a recap, becuase I HATE repeating myself... 1) I am NOT "targeting" Yaoi because of a special bias. I mentioned it because of it's prevalence. 2) I like the administration, the filing system, and AFF.net. You don't have to preach to the CHOIR!
  6. As a general thought in response to the original author my thoughts on MarySues are.... Popular books, have Sues to some degree. It is what makes them fun to read. If you aren't something better or different or interesting in some way...no one is going to want to read about your characters. They may like your plot, they may like your use of rhetorical devices, but they can't love your characters. People, are Mary Sues. People, like you and me, have "cool cars", and their names ARE "variations of Raven" and unfortunately MANY people are abdandoned as children without known parentage.... A Sue is a perspective...it's that niggling line that everyone draws mentally at some point in the dirt where they say, "No more. This is too ideal, and not fucked up enough to be humanistic." So, in my opinion, the Sue Litmus is most definitely ONE person, or even a compliation of persons' PERSPECTIVES....and that does not mean it is the word of God. Nor does my opinion, nor anyone on this Forum's...Mary Sue...is a name. A name of a girl. A girl who exists. Leave her as a line drawn in your mental dust, and if the writing is bad, say it is BAD but to throw around the name of an innocent female in an attempt to classify and stereotype?.... Well, people....lol, that seems a little "Sue" to me! lmao!
  7. Quote number one: "If you're going to complain about something--especially something as politcally racial as homosexuality--in whatever form--go all the way man, you might as well, you've already dug the hole--you need to sleep in it too." -Um, no. No, actually I do NOT have to "go all the way". I go as far as I MEAN, and you are certainly in NO position to tell me how far I should go. I simply wrote that I was not homophobic, I meant no more and no less. If you took it as more that is merely because you are volatile about the subject and wished to see more than there was. Okay another quote to address, "Once again, going back to that fantasy being fulfilled thing; gay, straight, bi, whatever, that charaters are put into situations that they would never normally be put into BECAUSE that would never happen. If it makes the author happy to see the straightest guy in the world molest the gayest guy ever--let them do it. I've seen worse--believe me." -This is a rant, this is not an almighty matter of "letting" anyone do ANYTHING. I think you are entirely, ENTIRELY too offensive. Much more so than, I. And after browsing your AF page, I see that you are almost entirely a Yaoi writer, proving to me that your touchiness runs deep in your writing, and that Yaoi is close to your heart, making your argument just as "uninformed" as MY rant against it....so, yeah. And another, "Are you even looking in the correct place for the stories you want to read?" -Well, yes. Yes, I am as a matter of fact. But not every section has a M/F, or Yaoi label as the good Mods have well informed all of us. I look, and I sift and I still come up Yaoi, Yaoi, Yaoi. And I simply find it extremely tedious. Yes, this was a RANT, but a mild one at that meant only to stimulate another prevalent consensus which MANY, may I repeat, MANY other people on AFF echo...the fact that Yaoi in many ways acts like a weed in which it multiplies to an extraordinary degree with no recession in sight, to the point in makes AFF every-day-life difficult. Gesh, you act like I had taken your Yaoi God and crucified him! My words were gentler, and didn't possess the condescending STING YOURS did. Next? "KEEP reading then proceed to bitch and rant about how awful the story was." -Now, now children. Use your words. No need for such mud flinging! And as for the rebuttal....I HAVE read Yaoi IN DEPTH for a prolonged amount of time, and have EVEN written a scene to enhance one of my mainly M/F works! So...do not presume like an ignorant, finger-pointing-prat that I do not *know* of Yaoi because I am not gungho about it....they have mindless soldiers for all that jazz. You. Oh, a favorite quote! "Do you know the exact reasoning and theory behind slash and yaoi in Japan?" - Sweetheart, do YOU know where Yaoi comes from? IT IS A FACT OF LIFE THAT MEN HAVE SLEPT WITH MEN SINCE THE BEGINNINGS OF TIME...."women" didn't "invent" it for any reason, it has always existed as part of the human sexuality. Yesh. And your stab at sensitivity-bootcamp has failed. Like I previously stated, I have WRITTEN Yaoi, not kissing, not touching, but full on sex, because I am not an ignoramus and I recognized that it would enchance my story in a way making those two characters heterosexual, just would not. And the last quote, I'd like to adress: "Perhaps next time you wish to bash something like yaoi, you might want to be a little more objective and less personal about it, do your research, your arguments may hold more sway." Your closing comment. How sweet you are. And, now I am sure you can fully believe that I KNOW what I am talking about, and the only reason that people like you feel free to become volatile about this is because you take yourself TOO SERIOUSLY...honestly. You. Take. Yourself. Too. Seriously. Ease up, realize this is a gentle rant on the fact that Yaoi stands as a mild obstacle in the way of my pleasure-viewing... Everybody, try, try to step away from your platform and appreciate this for what it is....a rant. Put down the torch and pitchfork, I am no ogre and I shan't grind your bones into dust to make my bread! LMAO! Game, set, and match!
  8. Now, my title was a little general, but I have a theory and why Yaoi is actually (sometimes, often times) a downfall on AFF.net. Now, I am utterly liberal and have a gay uncle and gay mothers which I love dearly and would never change. I am NOT homophobic by ANY stretch of the imagination however, I have in my five years of fanfiction reading on VARIOUS sites, how destructive Yaoi actually is. Yaoi has become violently popular within the past few years, and with it has come a plethora of bad writing, bad pairings, and a BAD BAD BAD understanding of Male on Male relationships, contrived within the minds of straight women who NO NOTHING ABOUT THE SUBJECT THEY WRITE. Why is it written? Same reason "men" have "fantasies" about two women. Women think it's hot. So they write it....without regard to it ACTUALLY FITTING the characters and their personalities.... Can't STAND stories which feature ACTIVELY STRAIGHT MEN...what?! What?! Butt-plugging another guy and usually an ENEMY, or FRIEND? It turns me off so badly to see that. And of course, I think the same of hetero fanfiction. But this is the biggest problem I see with Yaoi....NOT, that it's most of the time COMPLETELY out of character, or how women write *sometimes* falsely about that in which they have no BIOLOGICAL or otherwise knowledge....but.... THAT IT IS RUINING ADULT FANFICTION SITES AND FILLING IT UP WITH YAOI WHEN A GOOD HETEROSEXUAL PAIRING CAN'T BE FOUND AMOUNGST THE BUTT FILLING AND COCKSUCKING!!!! Yes....if there were plenty of both, not a peep would be heard from me... unfortunately that is not the case. I'll tell you...compare the hetero and the Yaoi on AFF for example...it might as well be called YaoiFF.net. Whenever the rare happening in which I spy a "M/F" in a sea of M/M....yes, my sad little heart leaps and I think...."Oh! Yay! SOMEONE has realized woman-sex is much more adventerous and interesting, than the same ole same ole butt-piracy and licky-licky job of males!" Oversexed, bad authors, screaming fanbrats of Yaoi....please, sit this one out....I want to live to see the day where women are useful literary fodder for the fanfic again.... Proceed to the Roasting, I dwell in fire.
  9. I pretty much hate Ichigo/Rukia and almost anyone with Ori. I don't like anything sexual involving Rukia whatsoever, I think she looks like a prepubescent boy and entirely unattractive. I love Bleach but I find the premise of Ichigo going through all the crap to rescue her...a little....contrived. So yeah, Rukia and anyone=eck. And though I have nothing against Yaoi, I think Bleach is a more heterosexual anime, myself.
  10. I can't say what you're feeling is wrong (seeing as how so many people share this feeling) but in my opinion I think if you want to see truth and beauty like Wordsworth and all the Romantics talk about you really have to NOT CARE. Period. If some person is three hundred pounds, it certainly is NOT your place to judge them, you have no idea how they became such a weight, and think...if you woke up tommorow three hundred pounds, I bet you would have to eat some humble pie. Hopefully your boyfriend would still love you and look past your physical form. I think if he could do that without being disgusted by you...then he would know the meaning of truth and beauty like is is meant to be known. I'm sorry, I think what you said was a tad bit hypocritical and nonsensical. You can play the health card all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that there are people out there who hate themselves because OTHERS (somehwat like yourself I imagine) hate them, are disgusted in them, and "cannot imagine being that unhealthy in eating habits".....yeah. That's morally wrong in my opinion.
  11. I simply could not believe what I wandered upon one cool Internet browsing evening. But I shall tell you folks...it began with this website that is in relations with the Bush Administration, was purposing to have all the "Unsaved" (yes, this was their term) people CATALOUGED, as in, put into a database and persecuted! Well, as I found, it GOT BETTER. I then found a site on a Link bar that directed me to this article: http://www.ironhymen.com/boysprivates.asp Which says and I QUOTE: "The stuff that comes out of boys every time they use you has as many calories as seven whole pints of Häagen-Dazs. That's why all the girls who do "it" always get so fat and ugly and have that ulcerated skin that screams to everyone in church, "I am an insatiable slut!" *This site is a joke, combating the stupid things crazy religious political 'publicans usually shpeel.*
  12. I agree. But the way you described the story...lol, well, I'll post what the summary REALLY says about the story, because your description is, uh, well...a little limited. And the work truly recieves due justice. [/b]This was taken from the author's description! A college girl is abducted from her life by a gorgeous Fey man, and brought to a realm where the vampiric Lord Delacroix rules, collecting a gallery of women with blue eyes. Can she tame the wild Fey? Or the smoothly refined vampire lord? I understand at first glance this may seem, well, to be blatantly honesy, a little chick-romancey. And while it has its moments, I am beginning to see a real story here, complete with political dynamics, social boundaries, semantics, and of course, throughout the story the author (who was not named by the above person, but I shall name here, Decadence Refined) implicates odd, but admittedly tantalizing diction and verse. The lines come off the computer screen and my small dorm is suddenly filled with this imaginary world. It's a small delight, in a sea of trash I am beginning to see at AFF. Has anyone noticed the asshole who posted in all CAPS? On. My. Nerves, I tell ya.
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