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Everything posted by nekoii
*sighs* Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, damn. I missed the drama when it was hot and happening. Alas, that is life. I warned myself that university wouldn't be as easy as high school... But nothing beats getting reality smacked in your face. Like as if life didn't dish out enough shit to begin with. Heh. Pity Juka. I had wished I could've spammed you with reviews as the chapters were uploaded. Somehow I think, living through the cliffhangers would've made the chapters that much more worthy a read. You know, anticipation build up and all. But because of my delay, I was blessed (was it a blessing really) with the availability of all chapters (over 10 chapters! man!) to read immediately. It was easier to keep track of the dates like that. And easier to recall everything that was going on. Like reading a book. A god damned awesome book. PUBLISH DAMNIT. (ps: and publish a 'clean' version aka minus any sex scenes, so I may purchase without being paranoid that unwanted eyes may come across my possession of the book ) again. Pity. that you're probably somewhere in that blessed-yet-smog-filled country. I will go there someday. China's just one of those places you HAVE to visit before dying. right under Japan which is on the number 1 spot xD but everything aside. I can now properly understand why you love 'In the End' more over 'Heaven far away'. As epic as HFA is.... ITE trully preludes to it. both are epic in their own way. I will always love Kazuya, for how he's so much like Akira, but so so soo much more fortunate. and I will always love Shuusei, for how he is somewhat like Chitose, but so much more.... godsss there's no one word to describe that Hell Butterfly! XD Your characters, are most definitely lasting. and your plots, are works of history. Take it! Take all this praise and inflate! and explode into wondrous works of literary art! (coz art is a bang x3 ) Yeah.............. I don't know when I'll come by here again. Not much of a forum fan. And i hope that 'follow this' function sends me an email should you reply here. But I'll be on LJ, now and then, more often than here. ;3 You're damn interesting Juka. I wanna keep you, sorta understand somewhat how those psycho stalkers and kidnappers feel like. *evil grin* hehehehhe watch you back! Kidding XP But really... I'll keep my eye out for you ;3 Your stuff are forces to be reckoned with. All of the aff readers (who do not read your stories) are idiots !!! Coz I know all those idiots just look out for the pron. and when porn does not come soon or fast, they abandon ship. THEIR LOST! haha! I hope more sensible readers come on the scene, and give praise to where it's due. Adultfanfiction doesn't have to be about the porn. It's about the maturity and intensity of the text. Catch ya around ;3 - nekoii hiwatari
c.48. oh. this is rich indeed. CONFESSION TIME!!!! *ding ding ding* yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! 83 but then... wait... what.... i take back that yay. wait what... Leaving? ;___________________; what why? c.49 “Tell me, Shuusei-san, how does it feel to have someone love you so unconditionally, so without reserve, so without inhibition?” Now............... where have i read this line before. It feels so so familiar. and this weird weird weirdness with Shuusei and Kirin dancing around each other in a dance that looks more like a battle of evasion. and Akira in the middle of it all.... and Akira... Akira... Akira.... his pain... and the clear torture he's going through. I wonder. how long he'd put up with it... and how long till someone notices... and how long till he perhaps dies from the harsh treatment... but well.... people grow old... and soon they are no longer able to administer said harsh treatments.................... you know... this really got me thinking... it's really... pensive.... really... it reflects. it referes. to... well, a lot. all you gotta do.... in any case of abuse. is to hold on. because time will play its role.... and eventually... you'll realise, you have more freedom than you used to. ... and ah... so Chitose had Shuusei for company during those 10 years. That's nice.... so very nice for them =) and.............. it ended. loops. birth. death. and birth again. then things dissapear, and it loops back. The EPIC of great proportions has rendered me speechless. I shall come back later. and rant of it's AWESOMENESS.
c.45 oh my god.... he's seriously STUCK... does Shuusei have any idea that Kirin has NO idea? He should know, right? I mean, he's hell's butterfly for gods sake! and Kirin.... Kirin thinks that Shuusei shot Toru. And Shuusei thinks that Kirin was out to kill him and it's all fucked up! grah! and KoBAKAyoshi is being a... ARGH. GRAH! sheesh! jeez! I was getting to excited at the excitement that was to come just a few chaps ago. and now.... I'm reminded about just how FRUSTRATING reading your plot can get.... and yet, I still read.... I'm nuts. xD c.46. Bastard..... I can't even begin to think of any vile profanity that would do such a vile vile evil DEMON justice. This Konbayoshi.... Man, thanks! Seriously! This chapter has brought back to clear light what a drastedly vicious schniving creature he is.... URGH. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. it leaves a bad feelign in my head. my eyes, argh my eyes! i want to scrub his name away! planning, scheming, .... He specialized in the long and dreadful kind of despair that would rob one of all their hopes before he would come in and offer himself as a god. .... this... THIS is precisely why i HATE HIM SO MUCH! you created a character that DEMANDS to be brutally murdered! oh god! madness! c.47. WHOAAAAAAAAAA!!! Taking a beating for the one you love.... WHOAAAA!! SAPPY! CLICHE!!! but.. but... SO FUCKING AWESOMELY GOOD!!!! some sappy cliche stuff, when done right, can be sooooo goood anyway you know.... my eyes are watering... and for some reason i feel that im swallowing back more saliva than usual... what the hell... ahhahahahhaha. and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! imagine that.... its like double hit. Kirin taking a beating for Shuusei. and it was Shuusei who comes in and saves him. this is some sort of new epic awesome sappy cliche? is it even 'sappy cliche' to begin with? it's just awesome. really. im baffled and speechless and have no idea why im so in awe and dumbfounded even. it's just awesome *w* seriously. im serious this time. my eyes are sparkling. really. *w* waaah~
I'm here! Man, doesn't the forum format look different. It's all red..... it's scary... anyway, I'm here coz.... THE IDIOT REVIEWING SYSTEM WARNED ME AGAIN! D< sheesh. so I leave part of the review here. “Mmm… yes… good night. Have a good sleep.” Have a good SLEEP??? XDD HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Eriko and Kirin make me laugh. Somehow, I think, they could be some-what friends on a different occasion. xD Restraint. Tolerance. Patience. HAHA! it has finally begun in earnest. COME ON!!! BRING CHITOSE AND SHUUSEI IN! :D
Do I hear whispers of a Chitose side story? *w* Read and reviewed ;3 Loved it Juka, it was great. And it wrapped up the wrap up even more tighter and neater. Feels so complete now. Yet there's space in this wrap for a little silver or two to slip out and cast their own nets I hope this story garners more attention somehow, it's definitely worth a read and maybe another read. ^_________^~ Hmmm~
Kirin is still young. And this is a great opportunity. Shit will brew up and hit the ceiling. But as messes are cleaned and new allies are made. Perhaps, the sun will rise again in the time of this young Yakuza boss. eh~ ;3 Hahahaha~ I'm so talking crap am I?
Argh! So Shuusei knows! So now I think, I can be more confident of my assuption... It is him.... *sighs*... Kirin is going to be heartbroken. And just before the reveal of the mole, Shuusei has some plans of his own up his sleeve doesn't he. something other than that operation... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~ Well, time will tell. Btw, I got the 1989 hit count! Yay, lucky sign? xD"
Once a few people clear the plate. xD Hah, you mean get killed don't you? No more athma attacks thank god, health is improving, in good time. I'm staring school again soon OwQ The story is seriously looking up up and up, this is the steep uphill of the rollercoaster~ *w* excitement brews~~~ let is boil over! Whooohooooots~ X3
Hi Juka. I'm better, just a bit of stuff still in my lungs. but. nevermind that. PLEASE GET THE NEXT CHAPTER OUT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONN!!! IM DYING! IM DYING!!!!! if you got my review, you'd understand why I'm spazzing now. but. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD JUKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHAT THE FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR KKKKKKKKKIIIIINNNG HHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! this sort of betrayal, can only be revenged with COLD BLOODED TORTURE AND DISMEMBERMENT BEFORE MURDER!!!! i better stop now before i get another asthma attack... argh... to much excitement, my weak lungs cannot take it... x____x *gaaaaaaassspppsss*
Breathing is a good option. It calms you and helps you think, and thinking is good. I practice 'deep breaths' a lot, but sometimes, I also forget then get all angry and frustrated and do not breath properly xD" But I've realized another important thing too. Pain. You know how sometimes, there are moments where you feel so dead and empty and nothing is interesting and nothing is worth it. It took two painful occasions in a day for me to realize how important this feeling is, how it makes you feel, importantly - feel alive. This gave me a better opinion about 'pain', and how, despite that fact that it can hurt. It can be of a good thing too. (So... What ever had happen over there in that island, if it was painful, I hope you find something valuable/useful out of it. *patpat*)
Cuba, I've heard the name, but know nothing about that country really. Hope you have a good time and get fully recharged with this vacation! Anyway, I can see where you're going with Shuusei. This type, reminds me of the sort, that would have been a totally ordinary and unassuming person, had it not been for the events that unfolded in his life. But well, having this 'Shuusei' go through all that you haven't told us, makes his character the intriguing one it is now~ I'm liking him the most as of now ;3 Life's the same mess it is. But I do my best to stay cheerful. Just gotta keep getting up each time you get hit down, but having to keep getting up get's very tiring too.... ah well~
I'm really looking forward to their relationship development over the chapters since there's so much "grow used to each other, grow to understand each other, grow to understand themselves in relation to their relationship and then grow to understand where their relationship stands in the face of reality." for them to develop, I wonder, in which time frame will this story end. (when they have graying hair?) ^__^" hahaha~ And perhaps, we'll get to learn more about Shuusei's past too? *pat's you on the back too* It's good to be able to get into a flow of things! May it stay that way eh? ^__^ I have wandered way to far from my stream @__@ haha...
They will have lotsa time to 'grow'~ XD and I think, Shuusei's experience is going in slow-mo. Most 'near death' experiences take the span of a few seconds, so 'your whole life flashes by your eyes'. But for shuusei, its in reverse. So he's viewing his whole life and the life now, with a slow timed ease. Yaaaaaaaaay~ ps: I'm a DBSK fan. who is still praying they make a come back. but for now, SHINee, f(x) and U-kiss shall satisfy me :3
You watch 'We Got Married' ?!??!?! Goawd, you're a Korean junkie too? *A* What about Korean bands/groups? *A* xD anyway~ Hmmmm okay, I see. There's still a lot of plot to be unfolded. Feel's like it's gonna be still a long way to go~ I'll be here reading as long as I haven't died (or get killed when my addiction to MxM gets discovered) ^__^
From what you've said, I feel hope that 'In the End' will be a story that has it's secret and twists slowly unfolding as the story plays on~ ^____^ I'll just wait and see what happens~ And thou it looks like Shuusei is about to drop dead at any moment, I think not. xD it's too early after all~ But for now, you're doing a good job projecting him as a DYING character. xD Hoping to see an update... soon? - nekoii
sorry. "guest nekoii" was me. i forgot to sign in DX
*sobs* Juuuuukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!! this story, this journey... Has been too great! *sobs* I honestly do not understand why your freegit story aint getting more love from the aff public. TTwTT I think I can phantom why... It's coz you don't have loads of sex in it, shame shame, but the majority of aff audience wants the sex and the sex only.... I think? shame. they missed out I guess XP stuuuuupid sex-maniacs. Anyway, I shall do my best in prodding what little people I know to read this story~! XD I'm sure, in the time to come, Heaven Far Away will gain more recognition. And will gain many fan's. *sniffs* THANK YOU JUKA!!!! *glomps* I'm so happy I got to read this story!!!!
I've read. *sighs* in reply to you~ Aaaah... my brain is going into overdrive. just thinking about what the future may hold... So many thoughts, and my self-made scene's~ *lol* But Kazuya is still young, and the future is lookin' bright for the little dear~ As for Shuusei and Tanrin (we're gonna get more of them! *squeals* ^w^ )... I'll mention this guess - that their story will be more close to Chitose as compared with any other mentioned character~ but who knows~ *shrugs* :3 time will tell~ Also Juka~ Thank you, for putting this into words : "I'm sure many people aren't happy with what was given as a finale, including Chitose himself, but such is life, there has to be sacrifices made. Some people have to make more than others." What is said here, is indeed so true. It's... rare - that the fiction world brushes the real world. Especially in this aff universe of fiction and fantasy. It feels... reassuring. that somewhere out there. There is someone who understands, that in life, some people make more sacrifices than others. :'3 thanks~ *hugs*
thanks :3 and yes, just keep this sort of material away from those 'pure innocent fragile' minds along with those 'paranoid narrow-minded closet-cases' people. And all should be well~ ^____^ I'm not even that comfortable letting my best friend know that i'm still into yaoi or M/M (even thou, she was the one who intro'ed it to me o_O" )
You arn't constructive much, eh. *rollseyes back at you* Sarcastic mistress of yaoi >> true, what you say. It's just that people react more strongly when they find/read material that is taboo and controversial. There's nothing wrong with (reading / writing about) detective stuff, or pirate stuff, or even murder. Because, thou it may be frowned upon, it is not personal unless you are directly involved. But with it comes down to a sexual-related topics, and taboo, it becomes personal. Because of what society has set as 'basic rules' (something like that). Get it? I hope my rambles arn't hard to understand @___@" btw, mistress of yaoi, love your siggy ;3
Hey there Juka, have r,r,r the 'final chapter' of the story... So there's just like "Three interludes" more to go before the official END!!! D: noooooooooooooooooeeessssssssssssss~~~~~ It's so sad, I do not want this to end~~~ TT___TT Kazuya's still so young and fresh and like you say "he does things dictated by his heart" unlike every other calculating character in this story. Except of Koki I guess... But still... *sighs* I want to see more of KAzuya, with Kazuya in prime time. More Kazuya focus! and more Chitose! I'm asking too much! argh~ I shall just go daydream about them eh~ Aaaah~~~ *holds onto the 'book' tightly* can I not let go?
Aye G~!!! Oh god, I don't know how I missed this particular post in the thread. I'm so sorry, that I'm only replying to your question now *bows* Anyway, my English is... okay I guess. I only have up to secondary school formal education on English, the rest, is self taught/learnt. The school's in my country teach in English anyway, thou we do have a native tongue for the country, and 2nd languages (mother tongue) and also 3rd languages, as official schooling subjects. "Nekoii" is my name. "Nekoii desu" translates as "I am Nekoii" in a brief and semi-formal way. "Watashi wa Nekoii desu" would translate as "I am Nekoii" in a formal full way. Oh, and Nekoii is a name in relation to the word "Cat" yeah... like kitty, or cat. or something like that. ^___^" Btw, past the swamp/wetlands is more like... some. dark... creature. thing. O_O oo0o0ouuhh~~~ menacing~~~
*added ya on LJ* wow, a new character coming, this late in the story *A* must be one of those hit-and-run (big impact then poof disappear) characters. maybe? xD I wonder, if the happy ending would be Owner & Kazuya . Ren & Chitose (this one would be something really~)