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  1. Black Lagoon fic featuring Hansel and Gretel, with a special celebrity appearance. Title: Les Jumeaux Justiciers Author: St. Araqiel Summary: A pedophile gets more than he bargained for on a "date." 3+, AFFO, Anal, BDSM, Bi, COMPLETE, Contro, Fet, Fingering, H/C, HJ, Inc, Loli, MiCD, M/F, M/M, Minor1, Minor2, Nec, OC, Oral, Other, RapeFic, Rim, Shouta, Solo, Tort, Violence Pairings: Hansel/Gretel, Hansel/OC, Gretel/OC Spoilers: "Sit down. Have a seat." Feedback: Constructive criticism would be appreciated, as I feel this one was a little rushed.
  2. Yuri Golovnin from Hoshi no Ouji-kun. He’s a cute gay shota.
  3. "St. Araqiel" was my username on a Bloodrayne fan forum. According to the Book of Enoch (a Biblical work of questionable canonicity), Araqiel was one of the Grigori, angels who watched over humanity on Earth and chose to stay there because of their lust for human women. The "saint" part I added 'cause I thought it sounded cool.
  4. The last story (did I mention it's a songfic?) Title: Wütend Rose: Tschüss Baby Author: St. Araqiel Rating: Adult+ Summary: Never shall they meet again. Feedback: No flames, please Fandom: Evangelion Crossovers URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041366 Thanks again, folks St. Araqiel
  5. The midquel (also with a Breaking Benjamin-ripped title) Title: As We Dance With the Devil Tonight Author: St. Araqiel Rating: Adult Summary: Inuyasha. Asuka Langley Soryu. A different kind of affection touches farther across time. Feedback: If it's not a flame, review if you'd like Fandom: Inuyasha Crossovers URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091479 Danke! St. Araqiel
  6. Next is the prequel... Title: We Are Not Alone Author: St. Araqiel Rating: Adult+ Summary: Love made them loners. Loneliness made them lovers. Feedback: Would be nice! Fandom: Inuyasha Crossovers URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091100 Thanks for taking the time to read this post! St. Araqiel
  7. The first of four oneshots Title: The Dog and the Bitch Author: St. Araqiel Rating: Adult+ Summary: As Asuka sleeps, an old acquaintance returns with seduction in his eyes. Feedback: Appreciated, especially if constructive Fandom: Evangelion Crossovers URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040128 Thanks for going over this, fellow readers and writers! St. Araqiel
  8. I like 'em young and any degree of pretty. From Inuyasha to Shinji Ikari, as long as they're teen and cute, I'm happy. Also, I will admit to a healthy albeit cautious curiosity concerning shotacon (and lolicon).
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