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  1. Hi, I'm in need of a beta. I already have two, but they both are busy at the moment, so one more would be more than welcome. The only fandom I write is Lotr and Silmarillion. I hope you have at least vaque idea of Tolkien's books and canon. If you know any Elvish languages, that would be even better. Mostly I need someone who can check my grammar and punctuation, as English is not my first language. I write elf-slash and my stories are mostly fluffy and romance, mixed with minor angst and sometimes hurt-comfort. I can cope with strict canon, but I also write AU, depends on the plot. And one more thing: my beta needs tolerate Mpreg, as I sometimes write Mpreg-stories. And oh yes, my favorite characters are Imladris' elves and Thranduil. Sometimes Valar too are messing with my elves, but I don’t write with other races than these two at all. So, if anyone is willing to be my beta, please contact me: zilah.archive@gmail.com zilah
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