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Calanthee last won the day on August 2 2011

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Almagabra, AU
  • Interests
    Writing slashy stories, games both emotion and physical, reading anything on AFF, pleasure with either gender, killing the unwary without mercy and troll bashing for fun/profit... I must not forget bugging the Uptight...you know who you are! Badass, Calanthee

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  1. jam
  2. Thank you all, for answering my questions, now at least I know it wasn't just me who did something wrong! Calanthee aka Gslinger
  3. I have a lot a space a the end of my chapters, don't understand how delete it in the AFF text box. Before publishing I found way to delete extra space in my copy before publishing. But after publishing I can't seem to find away to do it that works, without messing up the chapter? Please any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you! Calanthee aka Gslinger
  4. In the archive why are some Story titles and Authors in Brown, while others are shaded in blue? Sorry my curiosity got the better of me Calanthee at trujaney@yahoo.com
  5. Dear Demon Goddess, Sorry for being bitchy earlier, my old computer gives me trouble a lot and I get confused easly... didn't mean to take it out on you! I know you guys work your fingers and knuckles to bone trying to keep things going on AFF. org... here... but please forgive me. My computer has two browser, so far I got Google Chrome done and changed over. Thanks for the added info it helped a lot! Sincerely, Calanthee the Gslinger If I did what you guys do daily, I need something much stronger than coffee to keep me going... closer to rocket fuel!
  6. Art Work is on my mind and writing a little bit on the back burner simply for the reason I need the money.

    1. BronxWench


      What sort of art do you do?

  7. Art work, writing is a little on the back burning, just simple reason I need the money!

  8. Its fine to seek perfection in yourself if that's what you want to do, but have compassion for those not as skilled as yourself some people just enjoy telling a story even if its not grammar and spelling perfect. I have read stories with perfect grammar and spelling and tone of voice that comes across superior and the story ends up boring as hell! To me a good story makes me want to read each word that comes next even if they are spelled wrong and the periods and commas are missing. To me character development and plot structure are much more important than pure and perfect grammar and spelling... surely not every word we say to each other daily is perfect english we are all flawed is some ways, so are stories. A really good story rises aboves its flaws just like people do. No ones perfect, neither are stories. It must be very boring to read stories only to seek out their mistakes. Guess that's why I wouldn't make a good editor. Cal
  9. Some vicious Grammar and Spelling Freaks seem to read stories not to just enjoy them but to find fault with them in every possible way. Not to be helpful, encouraging, or constructive but just to feel superior and bring some one down. People write for a lot of reasons not always to create world shattering litature, but sometime for personal reasons. It helps them to relieve stress, sometimes just to be creative, or simply deal with lifes everyday problems. So what's wrong with that if this a free open website. Everyone, except plagiarizers or stealers of others people's words, should be able to write and publish here whatever their skill level, unless you plan to start testing us for grammar and spelling! God Forbid! If you find a story you don't like and you feel that it's beneath you.... simple don't read it. Don't troll it with hateful nasty critics just to tear the down the story and its writer. If you feel you can be helpful with your critisms and your intent is pure then fine go ahead kindly make suggestions. But vicious cruel preditory Grammar and Spelling Freaks are not wanted, your the worse Trolls of all! Cal
  10. Thanks very much, Guest babe, you found it, I guess I'm lossing it! Gslinger
  11. Missing less than a week, but I can't remember the name of the story. Outlaws name was Bose and he just realized he's gay and he liked men. He robed banks and trains and his gang didn't seem to mind that he was gay for they still consider him a dangerous badass and followed his lead. I can't remember the name of the hot sexy rancher, either. My mind must be going! In the story the rancher was couple years older than the big bad outlaw. Mr Outlaw fell hard for the rancher and it seemed to be getting real serious. Please help, guys I really liked this story. I'd be glad just to know what happened to the story and why it's not here any more or I can't find it????? Maybe the Fierce Dragons of disciplinary action on AFF took it down for a particular important reason? So whatever, just let me know what happened, I can take being disapointed because the story's not around anymore. Really, Not mad, just curious Gslinger
  12. Chapter 5 is up on The Necessary Shimmer BE warned 1.Non- con 2.Cursing 3. Graphic wording descriptions
  13. New original story by Gslinger, I have no beta, any feedback would be appreciated! Story by Gslinger Title: That Necessary Shimmer Summary: A very beautiful synthetically created humanoid with a twofold or dual gender called an Ashim was purchased to service the carnal needs of the crew and officers aboard a starship. Fandom: N/A Original Chaptered Story: 1 &2 so far, more to come. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106198
  14. If it sound like an autopsy... it too clinical and not sexy, still some slang word are vulgar or sexist, I rather use a discription of what the body part does or how it reacts, in place of slang or anatomical terms, to me it's whatever makes the story flow and evokes the right sexy mood. Angry Cursing is another story, it calls for different guide lines, it need to shock! I positively hate the word cunt it is totally sexist,...I wont use it for any reason what- so- ever, not even as a curse...and pussy is silly I can't take it seriously. I'd rather use wet folds, or moist petals. For Female insults I'd rather use slut or horny bitch. As for men I perfer Cock, shaft, manhood over dick, but will use dick in cursing, even though it could have two different meanings in that context. For what it's worth my 2 cents It would be nice it they would come up with more cleverily discriptive words for sexual functions! Even thought it probably considered anatomical or clincal...I'm sort of like the word ejaculate, it has its own funky class.LOL Cal
  15. aging painfully

    1. BronxWench


      Given that my new neighbor thought I had died, I'm happy to settle for aging right now. o.O

    2. DemonGoddess


      died??? well, the aging thing definitely has its ...ouchies

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