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Everything posted by Psybee

  1. Anything with hot sauce on it. Mmm....hot sauce.... -drools-
  2. I talked to my advisor yesterday. His advice: "Never go home." Or if I do have to go home to stay at a friend's place. I'm probably going to do that.
  3. Thanks all. I told another friend she was like, "You're so paranoid."
  4. Chinese: dragon astrology: taurus
  5. So here's my situation. I'm a college student who works two different jobs to help pay for tuition. I get good grades, get along with my girlfriend, blah, blah, blah. Well, last spring I went home to visit my family who I have not seen in a long time. Work kinda prevents me from doing that. So I come home and I find that my dad is sleeping in the basement and my mom's taken control of the upstairs bedroom. I notice but I don't say anything. I just want to have a good time at home. Well, on the day I was supposed to go back up my dad pulls me aside and says, "Things have really changed haven't they?" "Not so much. Andy (my brother) is still fighting with everyone." "Me and your mother are getting separated." It's funny how words can ruin your whole weekend and, possibly, the rest of your life. Did this comment affect me? Fuck yes! I saw all my hard work go down the drain as I barely scraped a 3.0. Fast forward to Fall 2007. Once again my visits home are sparse because of work but eventually I make home for Thanksgiving. I don't even close the front door when my brother warns me to say away from mom. I brush off his advice and go see her. We hugged before I saw her face become serious. "You knew," she asks. I mentally shrug and wonder what is she talking about. "Knew what mom?" "You have a younger sister." Now there is something I have forgotten to state. My father has two other children, a daughter and a son, who live with their mothers, so I'm thinking she's talking about "Shelly", my step-sister. "No," she continues, "You have a 5 year old sister that lives with Robbie (step-brother)." Sigh To make a long story short I went through the same cycle as in the Spring and C's greeted me when I looked at my final grades. Now it's 2008 and so far I have not visited home. Sadly I have to go home in the next two weeks because of a dentist appointment but I' terrified. I don't want to go home and find out another secret that will affect me and my grades. I don't have the emotional capacity and I don't feel like talk to my Advisor about my failing grades. So AFF Community, do I have a right to be afraid of going home?
  6. At first I laughed and then I went damn, cause I'm living the same exact experience.... I find it so annoying to find that one person can't take the two seconds it takes to get some toilet paper, wipe the seat and flush the evidence down the toilet before leaving. It's even worse when you have people you share on small, claustrophobic room called a bathroom and they still do it.
  7. Here is my tremendously short response seeing as I have five minutes until class starts. Fanfiction answers the "What ifs" that people have: What if this character was killed? What if this actually happened in the real world?, etc. Fanfiction writers have the balls to actually post their "What ifs". I'll be a good forum poster and answer the questions when I get back
  8. Bet their IQ's under 60
  9. Psybee

    First Things First...

    My stories come to me when I sleep. No wonder I never get any sleep and I have rings around my eyes
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