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    volitile fire
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  1. Yes...yes it has... That was funny.
  2. Um...well... I justed finished reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Picked it up at random and found it to be...well, for lack of a better word, weird. Don't know why so don't ask. When I was reading the book my head was constantly tilted to the side. The next book will probably be by John Grisham or Dean Kootnz (my hero)
  3. One: stop spying on me. Cause this has actually happened to me. When I first found out I was angry. And then, like the pervert I am, I asked if I could watch.
  4. Well for the last three weeks it's been: 60% on laptop 20% on PS2/PSP 10% watching TV 10% eating, sleeping, ect.
  5. Depends. I'm normally here about 5 times a day but if I was in school it probably be much less
  6. I'd just spray paint it black. I don't like pink, said it countless times before. Sadly my mother continues to buy me pink things. When I come in with a spray painted shirt she asks, "What happened to the pink shirt?" "Oh I am wearing it. It just decided to be black today. Tomorrow it's thinking green would be good." And yes I spray painted my pink Ipod black.
  7. Seeing as that has recently happen to me, yes, I would tell my mom because eventually she will find out and if it's later.... Oh boy....
  8. Amen to that. As a female who constantly plays DDR and exercises, having 42D's is a pain in the freaking ass. My girlfriend loves them but personally if I could take a pin and deflate them I would. I remember when me and older sister were younger and she would always ask me for some of my boobs (Where I had a lot she had, well... nothing) and I told her if I could I would but I can't. Damn you twins!!!
  9. I have to same problem and I do that too but then I think it becomes even worse. If you want to really finish one story but ideas of another one pops up, what do you do? I end up continuing the new idea and it really ticks me off.
  10. I am no longer allowed to groping my girlfriend in public. (Even though I've done it countless times)
  11. Psybee

    The Why Game

    Because the government dictates our food intake...why?
  12. 7056
  13. Psybee

    The Anything Game

  14. If my mother's side of the family found out I'm gay and that I have a girlfriend I would either be forced to go to every religious meeting they had or never speak to me again. (I'm praying for the second one)
  15. I can completely agree with the idea of "Sluts and Fools" as well as the fact that all of this starts at youth. I taught a summer math course last summer as a favor for an old friend. The students were about 9-10th graders so they were about 14-15 years old. Now, in the program the rules clearly states that they must dress in an appropriate manner. They must have not read that rules. The girls wore tight pants and shirts that looked more like napkins = Sluts The boys wore do-rags and hats and pants hanging off their asses = Fools All the girls talked about was how they were going to meet their "man" or "boo" after the program was over and what they were going to do with them AKA sex. Same went for the guys in addition to checking out the girls in the class. Now mind you, I'm not old fashioned at all. I'm in the 18-23 range but this was way too much to handle. One day for about half the class time, around 35 minutes, I didn't teach. Instead I gave them a bit of a reality check, telling them they shouldn't be dressing like this their age or even having sex and that by acting like this they were disrespecting themselves. Canterro makes a good point. Humans don't change. If they do, the process takes an extremely long time. The next day some of the students were still dressing like the day before but then again, there were some students who actually listened to me.
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