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Posts posted by RikuDrak

  1. I'm in my mid twenties and I do indeed wear baggy pants but there's a reason for that. The State of Colorado and my local sheriff's department trust my judgment when it comes to carrying a concealed weapon and I exercise my right every day. Can't walk around in Dockers with a gun in my waistband, it would be pretty obvious. As for being a fool, I'm far from it.

    Now, in regards to the topic of this rant the same complaint comes from every generation:

    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on

    frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond

    words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and

    respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise

    [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint" (Hesiod, 8th century BCE).

    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for

    authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place

    of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their

    households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They

    contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties

    at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." (Socrates as related by Plato, ca. 4th century BCE)

    People have been having sex at that age since the beginning of time so I find it hard to believe that these kids are somehow cheapening themselves. We make the arbitrary distinction that people under the age of 18 are minors and are therefore incapable of reasoned thought, but that is only a recent phenomenon.

    As for honor, what code do you refer to? Knights in the employ of a feudal lord who held to a code of chivalry as directed by the church were little more then legitimized brigands. Might made right and they did whatever they wanted (murder, rape, pillage, etc.), especially if their opponent was of a lower class, different religion or a foreigner. Were there honorable people? Sure. But were the before times of the long long ago really any different then now? Not really. Hollywood and pop culture have simply sanitized the past and made it seem as though the world was populated by better men then us.

    Look at the 1950's. We have the images of mom at home making apple pies, dad working hard to bring home the bread, sissy innocuously daydreaming about holding hands with that dreamy boy on the football team, and junior industriously working on that next merit badge. Where did that come from? Leave it to Beaver and all those black and white reruns on Nick at Night. But what was it really like? Minorities were oppressed, religion was forced down your throat, anything that was different was evil, and people that didn't fit into society's perfect mould suffered in silence or were publicly attacked.

    So stop with the cynicism, it’s all so cliché.

    I absolutely agree 100%

  2. *laughs* That's just me being funny. You can't take me seriously ok. That's what piss most people off is my sarcasm and dry humor. Just think about it and it's really funny.

    Anyway, I agree with you about the DA thing, but I was talking about the people on here. I've noticed most people on this forum aren't very partial to Anime and that's why I said it. As you can see, this topic hasn't exactly garnered a lot of replies and usually ANYBODY who loves anime and who's gong to AX would reply to it. Hense my "racist" comment. ^_~

    Ah :3 Gotcha. *writes that down for the future*

    I am depressed now--I think I've moved past the stage of really being pissed off--I mean, I'm still frustrated as hell and angry at time, but now I'm more sad than anything else. *sighs*

    I've PMed both the twat that is "in charge" of the gathering and the admin guy who is in charge of all the gatherings and info and locations and crap and neither one of them have replied back to me. I was polite and thought I got my point across pretty damn well, but now everyone is ignoring me!


    Why do I always get ignored!? Why do my opinions mean so little when it really matters!?

    I fucking hate cosplayers...... :)


  3. How ironic, I speak Dutch fluently and know a little bit of German and you don't. haha.

    Seriously though, I make a statement and you reply by saying I have bad taste???

    Fuck you.

    Because knowing Dutch and German means you have more expertise on judging if they sound bad or not? And yes, yes I did. I believe you have bad taste. I also believe it's ridiculously easy to get you worked up enough to spout "Fuck You."

    Or that you're pretty trigger happy with it.

    Oh and, by the way. I said your taste was bland, not bad :)

  4. I don't remember and after all this time reading this topic I think I might have liked being civil, if it hadn't been for all those assholes. Who use it to insult you expecting not to get hit in the face. People like you actually... If you're gonna be defending civility, it might be good to try and have a normal conversation about it. Fuck you.


  5. Where the hell did that come from? I actually have a good retort ready but you don't want to hear that.

    Hmmm... I'm being a hypocrit... Nevermind XD

    I happen to agree that being civil isn't overrated as well. Indeed it can be hard to control intense emotions, but you're not a child, you should have proper control over them. Not many people are quite fond of people who can't talk in a level headed manner because they are overrun with emotions, and plenty of people will not appreciate someone who is violently against getting themselves under control.

    Hence why I mentioned a lonely life. And I said don't whine because, to be honest, a lot of the posts I've seen you make (back then) are nothing but.

    I'd say please give your retort, but I posted that comment ages ago and have since taken a hiatus. I don't know if you're still around or not, or even if you remember what your retort would be. XD

  6. Dutch XD

    that's so cool, I'm from the netherlands too. I need to meet this friend of yours <img src="http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif">

    And on topic: I think German and Dutch are two of the ugliest languages in existence. And I know alot of languages. Well, I'm not fluent in most of them, but I know what they sound like, know most of the beautiful words. I think the most beautiful language I know is Spanish. Just those two words stroke my inner most core: Llevame, Salvame <img src="http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif">

    Pfft you have bland tastes. Dutch and German are my two most favourite languages and they sound absolutely incredible to me. I'm quite fond of the idea of mastering all their sounds. Plus I find Romanic languages too soft and pansy :huh:

    I would really like to read in German but I'm afraid I don't know enough at this point in time. It won't stop me from peeking every so often.

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