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  1. Title: Keeping Cupid Amused Author: evefaxton Summary: The Nine Muses think they can do better than Cupid. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Cupid/Muses, Michael/Thalia, Dionysus/Erato and whoever else happens to pop up. Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated A fantasy-myth based harem fic centering around Eros aka 'Cupid' and the Nine Muses with various other pairings that might happen should inspiration strike. I know this is Adult fanfiction and there's very little lemon going on at the moment. But I tend to write with plot as primary focus. Not that there won't be any sex, it's just my style... and perhaps my downfall. So consider yourself forewarned. Thank you for checking it out, evefaxton URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094777
  2. Is it possible to OD on chocolate? Nah!

    1. DemonGoddess


      NEVER ever possible! Not enough chocolate in the world to do that!

    2. BronxWench
  3. Title: Friend or Foe Author: Evefaxton Summary: Karin has to help Konoha and accidentally falls in love in the process. Rating: Adult+ Pairing: Sakura/Karin Some manga spoilers. So beware. Feedback: Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated, even if it's a 'You missed a comma there'. XD Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy!
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