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Everything posted by Kirlaskia

  1. Acal: Techinically, for the NaNoWriMo you are supposed to do it in the month. It is to write 50,000 words (from scratch) on Nov 1st - Nov. 30th. So if you write it earlier and submit it in november that would be cheating and kind of defeats the purpose of doing the challenge in the first place.
  2. These parts are from my novel, Fated Enslavement. I rather got a kick out of them.
  3. Hi! A little late to post, but I won Nano with 88,964 words. The story is actually still ongoing and I have been updating regulary still. I have it posted in the Original > Romance section if you get bored and want to read. Its a Planetary Romance (sci-fi, fantasy, romance): Fated Enslavement. ^___^ It is nearly at 104K now.
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