Monkey Lady
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Monkey Lady
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Let's see, what it feels like... For me it starts with a nice warm, content feeling, like a good stretch when you wake up. There is this sort of warm, heavy feeling in the area...maybe with a feeling of missing something there, depending on how turned on I am; an 'empty' sensation. As my arousal builds I get little tingles that run over my thighs and the whole area of my vagina (it's that a clinical word), and sometimes over my nipples. Anyway, as blood starts to divert to that area, the slightest of touches makes me want to arch upward into his hands. It's nice, like getting a foot massage, you know that nice achy-good feeling? If my clitoris is stimulated at all, it starts out with nice little twinges that begin to ache and kind of burn as blood fills it. Sometimes it can get too sensitive and it hurts to touch it, but in that case, pressing part of the labia over the clitoris helps ease the sensitivity. As an orgasm builds my groin starts to feel heavier, fuller and I'll get these lovely little contractions inside and my nipples will tighten and tingle. It's sort of like reaching for something, searching for it (which is why it can take a while and us girlies can't get too distracted or we'll never get there). It keeps building and climbing until you find this certain spot that's just right and once you get there an orgasm is a breeze to reach. My thighs, butt and groin tighten up and begin to burn and then as I orgasm waves of pleasure spread out from my clitoris and vagina, and my insides contract (which is probably a really nice sensation for you boys out there-I envy you). Afterward it's like your pulse is centered right down there and the vagina/uterus will contract for a little while. I once watched a show about sex (BBC is awesome) and during a female orgasm the uterus would dip downward, the cervix touching the pool of semen in front of it. So apparently orgasms are good for more than just a fun time, yes? So there, that's my slightly clinical sounding version of what happens for me at least. We're all a little different, but you should be able to piece together enough generalities to get the gist of what happens. Hope that helps someone at least. If not, oh well. I just like to talk about sexy...but then that's half the reason we're here isn't it?
Let's see, words I can't stand... -Jizsm -how do you even spell that! I hate it, it is just vulgar and not in the good way. -cunt- it makes my hackles rise every time. I've read the book CUNT and I still hate that word; it's ugly -cum-someone else mentioned using 'come' instead. I agree -sword, mighty sword, throbbing sword, etc.- it's just cheesy and really misleading as to what the real thing is like (and more of an amusing image than sexy) -box -spunk-just not that sexy, kind of juvenile -pussy...it's not as bad as cunt, and in the right kind of fic okay, but definitely one that I don't care for -bucket loads (of anything) -anus/penis/vagina-too clinical, but tolerable -manhood-too over done by romance novels (though so is 'length' and I don't mind that one) -proof of her innocence- I'm not sure why...maybe it's just a little too 'used' -Oh oh ah ah yes yes that's it yes oh god!- It's distracting and you could just use description to imply those noises, along with a little verbal usage. I've read whole paragraphs where most of the words are just sounds and it makes me think 'meh, the rest better be good, 'cause I'm skipping this part'. -Five minutes after meeting: "I love you! Marry me!"---Seriously? That just makes me think the author is like thirteen. Maybe "God you're sexy, I want to sleep with you for a while, k?" but 'I love you'? ...eh So that's a bit of vocab that pisses me off in a fic, all of which could probably be fixed by a good beta. I had a beta point out that I used 'dude' in just about every conversation between two young men, and another who said I used 'muttered' and 'murmured' too much. I was like, 'huh, you're right. That must be annoying to read.'. Get a beta, they work wonders.
I totally hear ya! Wouldn't it be nice though?
I agree. It's a little awkward the first time. An orgasm is sometimes hard to achieve because you don't really know their body yet and they don't know yours. You don't know what angles work best with them, or how they fit you, or you're just not comfortable yet. I couldn't orgasm my first time, though half of that had to do with him changing positions every two minutes, trying to fit them all in. I was really close while I was on top, but he sort of gave up on his own orgasm and lost his erection (he'd been drinking a little too). It was just weird the first time and we didn't know what to do with each other. NightScribe, I've gotta say you're partially right. Intense orgasms, sans clitoral stimulation, are more difficult to achieve and less intense for most of us, but don't give up ladies. I've had some very nice vaginal orgasms...though clitoral ones are usually the best.
Those are nice lines to use and probably realistic enough. If she's shy, she'll probably cover her breasts or clamp her legs together so he can't 'see' her. Having him reassure her is a nice idea and will help set up your transition to falling in love.
Well if you don't want the sickly sweet standard missionary position, and she's too shy to be on top, you might consider bending her over a desk or something. He's probably rather aggressive, right, so that might work. I wouldn't do the blood thing either. It has it's place, but in this case probably not needed. After all, not every woman bleeds. For me (if you don't mind me telling you about it) he pushed in and I was like 'oh! that's a really snug fit! It kinda stings, but it's not bad...and now it's nice.' It felt nice, but not quite enough for me to orgasm, and he tried to go too long and hold off his orgasm so we could try like ten different poses (not quite) and in the end he got a little frustrated and lost his erection. Kind of disappointing...but still fun too. I only had a few streaks of blood in my panties later and that was more from a tiny tear on the outside. My sister, on the other hand, spotted for a couple of days...so to each her own I guess. The stories where there is a huge splotch of blood on the bed just annoy me. I mean REALLY? A gallon of blood you say? Gosh! I'd say write a fantasy of yours, how you'd like it to be if you were that woman, and you'll be fine. Just don't make it this nauseatingly sweet scene or something out of a horror movie, and we won't tease you later for it.
Oh that must have been lovely. My husband is 28 and isn't like that (he's a bit over-weight and says it's that). *sigh* Maybe when he's 40...
My husband and I tried that marathon thing once. It was when we first met and we were like 19 or 20. Over the course of two days we had sex 9 times. By the end he was shooting blanks and I was BEYOND sore! It was just one of those novel things that we did mostly to see if we could. Now, 10 years later, I WISH he could go that many times, but sadly no. So it's possible to have a half a dozen encounters (for a guy), but it's not comfortable for either person (guys get tender down yonder too) and it's not something I think most people would do all of the time. OUCH!
As a bisexual woman, perhaps you can help me with something. I am married to a man and I'm very much attracted to him (good thing right?), yet nearly all of my crushes in the past 10 years have been with females. There was like one guy and then about seven women. Do you suppose that it's just natural for women to find other women attractive? My husband and I went through a rough patch about a year ago and a few times during that period he mentioned that I should go back to the US (we were in Japan) and explore my attraction to women (I later discovered that this suggestion was more to get me out of the country where he was having an affair...but that's another story). I was all set to move back to Moscow (in Idaho and my former college town). It's a really open town (yes in idaho) and the gay community is awesome there and well accepted by the general population. Anyway I was truly considering it and even planning where I might go to find other women who might introduce me to this new wonderful world. I was searching for an apartment online, wondering where I could work, and if this one bartender still worked at CJ's bar (she just had something about her that had me going back to the bar over and over in hopes that somehow she'd take an interest in me). Now, does that make me just another straight, vaguely lonely woman, assuming that all women can find other women sexually attractive, or does that place me in a bisexual 'category'. Does one actually have to have a relationship with a woman and a man to identify as such or can you simply feel a very strong attraction? It's very confusing. I still wonder what it would have been like and even now I've decided that should we ever divorce, I will return to Moscow and attempt to explore this side of me. Maybe that will even help answer this topic. There are a lot of people in this gray area of attraction, and sexuality in general may have nothing to do with whom you are attracted to.
Attraction isn't about sexuality necessarily. It's about certain things just clicking into place, though I'm sure sex is a big part of it. I identify primarily as a straight female (married to a boy and everything), but about 90% of my crushes in the past 10 years have been with females. I'm attracted to strong personalities and a certain amount of free spiritedness. Of course if I wasn't married to a man, I would happily try to explore this bi-curious side too. I think that you can be attracted to anyone that strikes your fancy just right, gay or straight. Though I have to admit that several of the women I crushed on were in fact lesbians, though that might have to do with them being slightly more likely to return that attraction than another straight female might. Not sure there. Anyway I think that gay men would be attracted to anyone that they see as their personal type, just like you would or I would. They might proceed with caution or simply admire from afar, if they were uncertain of the other man's sexual preferences, but that doesn't stop the initial attraction. Yeah for boys who like boys. Bless you all!
I think I started out in DBZ with Goku/Vegeta, at least briefly. Naruto/Sasuke were the pairing that really got me into and then, best of all Draco and Harry. mmm. I actually started out with all het stuff, but I ran out of stuff eventually and had to move on to boys, and man am I glad I did! I also got into yaoi manga so the obsession has stuck.
Beta Needed For Naruto Slash And Also For Orig. Para. Romance
Monkey Lady replied to CrimsonEmbrace's topic in Request a Beta
Which pairings do you typically write? That would be helpful in deciding if I could help you out or not. There are a few characters I just can't abide. -
I am working on an exchange fic and I really need a beta who has experience and who can keep the story a secret until it is revealed. The author names are being kept secret until June, so I really need you to keep it quiet. Once I post it to aff.net you can talk about it all you want, but not until then. The story is a Harry Potter fic with possibly a Hermione/Snape pairing and a Draco/Harry pairing. It will also include traditions such as pureblood weddings and Samhain (Halloween). It shouldn't be very long, due to time constraints, so it should be easy to beta. It will be rated NC-17 for sexual content. I'm not sure if it'll have SS/Hr het smut yet, but so far it does have DM/HP smut. I can't really say much more about it, since people might guess which story is mine, but I'd be happy to divulge more to a good beta that I can trust. Secrecy is VERY important. You can't tell ANYONE until I give you the go-ahead. What I need from you: Spell checking, proper word usage (fixing typos), British language experience would be lovely, but it isn't necessary, ideas for expanding paragraphs or whole sections, ideas for making a scene more 'visual' (sometimes I get so into writing and imagining something, I forget that people can't see what I'm seeing), anything else that we come up with during the beta process. e-mail me at bean120001@yahoo.com if you think you can help me out. Monkey Lady