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Everything posted by SFC_Omicronus
PWP, in my opinion, is pretty much a one-night stand. S/He's there, s/he's there, they're both frustrated, and they just need to let it all out without either of their emotional baggage in the way. From a realistic standpoint, it's pretty much the same: one person's at a club, the other person's at a club...They just need to let it all out. I will admit that some PWP stories are great reads, though. I've read my share of them, though I personally find them hard to write.
Has anyone else had this happen to them?
SFC_Omicronus replied to Psychopomp's topic in Writers' Corner
As much of a review whore as I am, I've been writing since I was a kid, and with the opportunity to upload my work for people to see, I do admit that higher hits and lower reviews turn me down a bit. I always remember, though, that as much as I'm uploading my work for people to see, I'm uploading my stories both for myself and for my faithful readers. Like my work, I'd rather get few reviews that really speak to me (as seen in my latest work, Excalion) rather than many reviews that say 'Loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter!' (as seen in my earliest work, Reaching The Stars) I love reviews, and real review gems, like one I got from the person who posted on this thread before me, really inspired me to write. My current work in progress is a major epic, and the fact that though it isn't published let alone finished yet, she's likened it to other books more worthy of the genre, well... It makes me feel special, and it really tells me that I'm doing well at what I do best. Quality over quantity, I always say, which is probably why I only update once in a blue moon. XD And, admittedly, I do have your story on my 'To Read' list. I really should get to that... -
At the risk of....Ahh, to hell with it. I'm a shameless plugger. If you want to look for a great plot, character development, and stories based more on relationship building rather than just straight-out sex, I suggest looking through one author's work on AFF.Net by the name of templeton21. Her work is nothing short of spectacular, her characters are down to earth and her stories are very much romantic and realistic. Another author I'd look into is LittleMissMalice. One story that I'm currently beta-editing, called 'Cherry', is a great read. I'd also plug my own work, but...heck, check out some of my work as well. Most of my works are in progress, but hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as you'll enjoy the stories from the authoresses mentioned above. I think I'm risking my profile here by plugging these authors as well as my own, but their work is really enjoyable, and I'm thinking they may be right up your alley. EDIT: I can't believe someone that's so anal about spelling and grammar just made the stupidest mistake. I corrected it, though.
I have a dangerously overactive imagination, so that's essentially what starts forming the mix. My inspirations come from everywhere, like music, books, dreams, even stuff that's happened in real life. I'm tempted to shamelessly plug, but I think there's a thread for that already...(I may edit this and end up shamelessly plugging later)
Good afternoon. I've never been a beta before. Still, I've got to start somewhere if I want to become one. I would like to become an official beta on AdultFanFiction.Net. As well, I want to answer the following request. I have been reviewing fanfiction since I was eighteen years old (six years, give or take). My reviews have grown as I have, especially as I became legal age (19 in Ontario, Canada) and started to read, review and write adult (fan)fiction. My reviewing style is...fairly honest, in my opinion, though I gush a bit. I note if there are any spelling and/or grammatical errors (as I am not a beta yet, I normally recommend looking for one here on the forums) at first, if there aren't many, I will note them specifically. Following that, I give them my opinion as a reader and, dare I say, a fellow artist. I started posting my own (fan)fiction online around the same time I started reviewing it, since I was sixteen years old. My first fanfiction was a Digimon songfiction (like a beta, an author has to start somewhere) called Memories of Olde. My profile on Fanfiction.Net is here and on FFN’s fiction-only mirror, Fictionpress.com, my profile is here. My strength lies in spelling and grammar, as well as characterization and pacing. Friends in reality and some people online familiar with my writing have mentioned that my prose has a poetic touch to it, and I believe it is because I try to put something of a “flow” to a story. I don’t expect someone to understand, but reading some of my work may give you an idea. I suppose my weak areas would probably be in updating. I work overnights, so I have a very small window of opportunity to use the computer, which is in the bedroom I share with my fiancée. I’m sure I have other weak areas, but I don’t really notice them. To be honest, I don’t really look. The most objectionable thing I’ve written (so far) is non-consensual sex (borderline, if not all-out rape), one instance in my Fictionpress.com profile under the story “Destruction of a Vow”, and the other in my AFF.Net profile under the story “Roads Leading Back” (non-consensual incest involving a minor just shy of becoming legal age, and even then, it’s very brief). I’m a bit picky with objectionable content, as you put it, and I will read it only under certain conditions. Bestiality, with the exception of the AFF.Net author Keith’s work “Lamia” and “Lamia II”, is something I would not touch at all. Non-consensual sex is something I will read, only if it’s expressed well, as with incest. Sex involving underaged parties is something I will read provided that the minor involved is at least fourteen years of age, and is written well. My personal limits when it comes to reading (fan)fiction lie mostly in the realm of visual and artistic quality. It’s a real turn-off for me when the entire story is a large mass and paragraphs aren’t spaced. As well, it should catch my attention by the end of the first chapter. I can put up with typos as long as the story itself catches my attention. When it comes to writing, I’ll admit I have something along the lines of Writer’s ADD. I will have several projects going on at once and I let inspiration lead me wherever it will. Where reviews are concerned, I will review a story after I have read the latest installment, or after I quickly jot down what story I’m currently reading, and which chapter I stopped reading at. I’ve written the prologue to a Resident Evil 4 fanfiction, but inspiration hasn’t led me to continuing that particular project. I own the game, so when I play it next, I may be able to find something to inspire me. My early works were in Digimon, and I haven’t read any fanfiction there since I left FFN. As I stated earlier, I’ve drifted from fanfiction and pretty much devoted myself to original work. I look for fanfiction on occasion, but not for anything specific. I want to become a beta because I feel bad turning down invitations to do beta work for someone. I’d review someone’s work, mention that there were a few spelling/grammatical errors, and suggest a beta (normally if it’s multi-chaptered and they’re scattered throughout the course of the story). At that point, I’d get an e-mail asking if I would like to become their beta. I’m not an official AFF.Net beta reader, and I don’t want to get myself and the other author to get into any trouble over the fact that I’m not “official”. I thank you for taking the time to go through this message, and will humbly wait for your reply in regards to my application to become an official AdultFanFiction.Net beta reader.
Birthdate Required Modification To Be Added
SFC_Omicronus replied to DemonGoddess's topic in Forum Updates
It said my birthday was already set in my profile, but I input it again just to make sure (I'm either forum-tarded or forgetful with profile information...I can't remember which). In any event, my DOB has been reset. As for revealing that info to the public, well...I can understand why people want to hide it. I'm probably for that as well. -
I have a couple of fanfics on FFN, as well as its 'originals' mirror, FictionPress.com, but ever since I found AFF, I've been posting all my work here. I guess maybe it's because I'm perverted? At the risk of sounding like some sort of anarchist or something, I really don't keep up with the politics and lashing out that's going on with the site and forums. I came here to write and enjoy other people's works, hoping that readers enjoy my work as well. As long as nothing interferes with that, I'll continue to post my stuff here for people to enjoy.
Yeah, it's a real bugger...except mine is a block with arms, legs and a mouth. Just when I feel like writing, or when I'm in the process of writing, it slaps me in the back of the head and goes, "Hey! How about turning some attention from that story and pay attention to me?!?" No matter what I do, inspiration comes at the worst time. I bring a notebook to work (I work overnights), but whenever I have the chance to write, nothing fruitful ever comes, and I get the best inspirations when it's so busy I don't have time to write it down. I feel like I let my frequent readers down when I'm not able to post chapters up quickly. I love to write, I honestly do, but Writer's Block is really frustrating.
I agree with everyone who has given their input. Whether we are visual artists or literary artists, an artist is never fully content with a piece once initially finished. I, too, find that I have to tweak something here and there, reword in one place or another, or maybe even change one entire section of a chapter. I find that it just makes me feel better about the finished product, and you don't have to worry about editing backlash, seeing as it's your own work...lol.
Being a review-whore (I'm not going to deny it... ), I love in-depth, honest reviews. I like to know what people think of my work and what sort of ideas they get out of reading my stories, no matter how long-winded the review may be. A couple of examples of this are in the review lists of a few of my stories (yeah, shameless plugging. I just can't help myself), such as H.S. Lennox's review in my story Internal Affair, and cu-kid's review in my other work, Nexus. Those that reviewed for Roads Leading Back are open about their opinions and want to find a better understanding of the characters in the story as well as the choices they make, and that's fine with me. Knowing that people actually take the time to read, review, and appreciate my writing (such as asking questions about the characters and/or offering constructive criticism) is what I really look for. I may not have many reviews to what I've posted, but I'm happy to know that the reviews that I do get are ones that help me write.
Lamia / Lamia II by Keith have always been two of my favorites. Acquiescence of the Heart and its sequel Revelations by cu-kid are another (Though they follow the same characters and timeline, the sequel can be read as a stand-alone). That's all I could put up. Have to get ready for work.
It was Penthouse for the record. I read my first one when I was six, and I still remember it like it was yesterday... *sighs nostalgically*
When it comes to actors/celebs, I'd have to agree with Madlodger and wanda. But where would that go under in the vote? I'm assuming under Fantasy people only? I had considered writing fanfiction involving actors and celebrities when I joined onto AFF, but thought better of it. I thought it would just be asking for flames. I should note, though that the two SI fics I've written (I think we're all guilty of writing one at one point or another), I've never mentioned my real life name. I felt that not only does it add some level of anonymity, because they're written in the first person perspective, it gives me a chance to reveal myself safely. ...I don't know. I guess I'm starting to rant. Forgive me, I just got out of bed.
I'm not going to deny it: I'm tooting my own ocarina here (horn seems so...cliché, and I actually own an ocarina...lol). I'm really proud of the following of my own works and their titles: "Internal Affair" -- A double-entendre, and the one I'm probably the most proud of. "Roads Leading Back" -- There's a certain rhythm to the title that seemed so right. "Reaching The Stars" -- Slight double-entendre here as well. I should note that when it comes to the story, I try to theme the chapter titles around the title of the whole story, just to give it a sense of unity as well as some sort of theme. I believe "Internal Affair" is the only one of the aforementioned titles that doesn't follow this rule.
I agree very much to what EveKnight75 said, for the most part, which is a main reason as to why I only accept "Authors Only" reviews. Cu-kid, you and H.S. Lennox have given me lengthy, long-winded reviews, and believe me, I absolutely LOVE going back and reading them over and over and over. It makes me smile knowing that I've actually made you think about my story and that you may have given me a perspective that I may not have noticed before. Granted, I'll take the one-line "OMG, Lurve it! Write more plz k thx!" reviews as something nice, but it's like getting a package of socks as a birthday present. The fact that you gave me something is nice, but it's not exactly what I want. Long, lengthy, in-depth reviews are a great inspiration boost. Also, I note that reviews, though greatly appreciated, are welcomed, not required. Some people will think, "Hmm, that was a good story," and just forget about it the next time they visit the site. That, and if people keep saying "Don't forget to review," it seems forced. If it's welcomed, however, I feel that you're asking for their views towards the story. It's possible you may get a lengthy review that will give you a new perspective on your story, or you may get none at all. I'd rather ask gently for an opinion rather than grab someone by the collar and go, "Hey! Tell me what you think!" I hope I didn't offend anyone. I'm just speaking my views on the matter.
I've got a few I'm rather proud of. The following is from my work, Reaching the Stars. In this little snippet, Christina, the female lead, is chatting with her friends about spending the night at the apartment of the person she left the club with, who happened to be a multi-billionaire... Also, this excerpt comes from the following chapter, when the main character, Jack Pembroke, talks a little about why he decided to keep the reins of his uncle's company rather than giving it to his cousins... This is going to get too long. I'll let someone else post while I look for something from another of my works. *plots more shameless plugging* hee hee hee.
I have a large array of music, and normally, I'll think "Hmm, let's listen to this," and try to get an inspiration out of it. Two songs by what I dub the "Medieval Metal" group Dragonforce inspired me to write two of the stories I'm currently working on, Nexus and Excalion. Those songs are "Soldiers of the Wasteland" and "Fury of the Storm". I should note that the former is almost ten minutes long and the latter is almost six, but damn if the guitar riffs aren't bitchin' to listen to. Also, a bunch of sexy songs (in my opinion, anyway) got me inspired to write my first work I posted on AFF, Reaching The Stars. "Chained to You" by Savage Garden, "Calling You" by DJ Sammy, and two songs by Kevin Little, "Turn Me On" and "Tempted to Touch". I used those songs in the actual story, and it worked well for me. Where dramatic stories are concerned, I have a whole bunch of sectionals of an actual novel I had an idea for way back in high school that are still sitting in my computer inspired from somewhat depressing songs. Stuff like "Listen to Your Heart", by Roxette and the slow remake by DHT, "Never Had A Dream Come True" by S Club 7 (yeah, I know, disgustingly cheesy), and so on and so forth, are just examples of the kind of stuff I listen to when I'm in a bit of a funk and I feel like writing something.
What does it feel like to receive a "blow job?"
SFC_Omicronus replied to Ginevra's topic in Writers' Corner
Hmm...How could one possibly describe it without sounding like a summer rerun or a faceless documentary? For starters, I don't know how it can be described as a wetter version of a handjob, because I don't think it feels that way at all. A handjob covers a lot more of the surface of the penis (touch-wise), and gives a warm, dry, most often soothing sensation, depending on the speed and pressure with which the handjob is applied. A blowjob, however, has a few more things to consider. Often, there is less surface contact (lips along the shaft of the penis and tongue underneath. I don't want to generalize, but in my experience cheeks don't play a very big part in skin-to-skin contact.) and has an all-encompassing, if you will, warm, moist heat from the woman's mouth. I should note (I speak for myself when I mention the following) that the ridge at the back of the head of the penis is very sensitive. When touched, it's a jolt of pain followed by a wave of sensation. That's all I could come up with. I know it's not much, but I recalled all of this from memory and tried to put it into terms as close to technical as possible. I hope this helps. -
Hey, this is my first post on the site. cu-kid, you might remember me, neh? Anyway, I agree with you all on some degree (but don't tell my fiancée this) that Christmas is just WAY too overdone. I live in Canada, and the mall I go to all the time started setting up their Christmas displays immediately the day after Halloween. Mid-November rolls around, and already I see the first Christmas commercial, advertised by Canadian Tire. My fiancée's and her family absolutely go bug-nuts once the season rolls around, and we already had our Christmas lists up and on the fridge. To some degree, I can understand the festive season, but it's not that I absolutely loathe it, it's that I just can't get into the hype. My family barely spent any effort in celebrating the season once I hit Grade 8, and after that, we just bought presents, didn't even get out the fake tree. I don't know. I guess I have the holiday blues, and I just needed to let it all out.