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Everything posted by NekoIzumi

  1. I agree! Where is the review counter and is it gone forever!? ;__;
  2. Writing, failing, writing, failing, writing... ignoring the writing for now to play The Last Story instead

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  3. Thank you for all your help! I really appreciate it! Now it's a lot easier!
  4. Thank you for answering! When I copy from Word and paste it into the text area this auto-paragrahing feature automatically puts a new line in wherever I've pressed "enter" :/ Which in turn makes the text three times longer than it's supposed to be. I'm aware of that I haven't posted on AFF in a while but I have used this kind of editor before. I can admit that it makes a few things easier, like putting in bolds and italics, but when it comes to the paragraphs, they've all had this auto-correct in common. I have read the FAQ and I can't find anywhere how to turn that particular edit off. Because although I do like using the rich text editor, I would very much like to keep the text the way I wrote it.
  5. Actually, I'm not sure if this is plagiarism or not, I just reacted due to the rather odd summary. Adopted from some one on FF. Please R&R I havent checked closer than this so it might just be me wasting someone's time Just thought I'd let people know... The author can be found here for those who'll check this out.
  6. I've got two subsubcategories that I'd very much like to see Catagory name: Shikamaru/Naruto and Neji/Naruto Section catagory to be in: Anime/Naruto Do you have any stories for it?: Yes, I have already posted stories for both, not ten of them, but a few... and I'm working on more for both pairings. Until You’re Resting Here With Me (NejiNaru) http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097929 Boulevard of Broken Dreams (NejiNaru) http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094779 Hallelujah (ShikaNaru) http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095465 Eien (NaruShika, but at least its the same pairing) http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092980
  7. Ah, thank you for telling me!! I havent noticed. So, now I've changed the Naru/Shino stories... however... there still arent any subsubcategories for Shikamaru/Naruto and Neji/Naruto. Is there any chance of those popping up? Because I have stories for both, 2 minimum per category actually
  8. I have moved all my Naru/Shino to the right subsubcategory but I have a few Shika/Naru and Neji/Naru stories as well, so I'd love to see subsubcategories for those pairings as well. Is that possible? Please?
  9. My story 'Funk Me Up' has been plagiarised before, by a 12 year old nonetheless... and now the next brat has made a move. The title is the same, everything is the same... except one thing... the language. Its now translated into portugese (or something like that), one doesnt even have to understand the other language to realize its the same fic. My A/Ns are identical! Just translating it is still plagiarism!! This girl ~shinobigirl~ has posted my fic under her own name on this site... http://shinobigirl.animespirits.net/fanfics/ and this is the link to my own profile. Publishing dates speak for themselves... http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296812203 I've tried to contact the admins on the other site but either they dont care or they havent gotten my message. (or they simply dont understand english ) Please help me get my fic back!
  10. Well, it seems as if I'm stuck here looking for a beta again. Or at least a second one. Due to different circumstances, I've decided that I need one more. Now that's something new *sigh* so lets get this over with... I write more or less solely Naru/Shino and Shino/Naru fics, that's it. If you don't like this particular pairing don't bother to answer because I can tell you right here and now, that the contents of my fics are explicit. And when lemons are involved, rather graphic too. I write within the romance/humor category and although there may be a pinch of angst every now and then, I try to keep it to a minimum. That doesnt say that slightly heavier subject won't be brought up. It all depends on my mood. I usually check spelling and stuff myself, so my fics aren't the kind that you'll have to work for hours on. If you use spellcheck alone and send the chapter back to me, you haven't helped me at all since I can do that myself. I want someone who checks for contingent typos, forgotten lower-case letters and the occasional grammar mistake. It really isn't much more than that. I don't expect you to be on college level, but I'd prefer if you had at least some experience with betaing. When I send you chapters, stick to checking errors and don't change sentencing. There's usually a reason why I write the way I do and messing up my chapters is the best way to tick me off. If you have advice on how to change this or that, write it at the bottom of the document, not in the middle of it. I used to do it all myself (which is the reason why I have a few mistakes here and there in already posted fics considering english isn't my first language) but since I'm back in college I simply don't have the time anymore. Nowadays I post about once a week so if you don't have time to work in that tempo, then I'm sure some else will be happy for your help. I know they're tough demands but if you're interested in working with me, please let me know.
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