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Everything posted by mangamazoku@hotmail.com

  1. aww. here's some blonde-dom huggles back.

  2. Lol, funny the people you meet on the internet. Ouchies on the sternum tat, most painful place! (my entire back is covered in kanji and cherry blossoms) Don't have low self-esteem, asian men are hot and short guys work for the girls like me that get tired of dwelling at armpit level.
  3. Author conventions help the getting an agent part, a friend is going through that process now. Sadly, even getting an agent is difficult, let alone publishing after that! As for the classics, I enjoy a few of Austen's works, but many of the classics do suffer from being slow and wordy.
  4. And the fruit of this digital inquisition? They will find that most everyone uses the internet for PORN! Invasion of privacy and unlawful search without a warrant aside, what a fucking waste of taxpayer money.
  5. That's terrible news! Pratchett is one of my all time favorite authors, and after loosing Douglas Adams, I don't know how the satire genera will cope. Alzheimers is probably the worst disease I've ever seen, my Grandmother had it and I would rather have most other diseases than forgetting slowly much of my life and family members. It's always the most brilliant authors that get the terrible diseases.
  6. I once knew a guy in my ex's dorm in college who got so drunk one night he walked into his neighbors room (co-ed floor) and started pissing into her trash can. She woke up and screamed at him, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" to which he replied, "pissing." and walked out. He was pretty embarrassed when he came to the next morning and bought her a new trash can.
  7. You think smelly bitches trying on clothes at the mall is bad, try dressing them at your work! I'm the manager of a novelty photo studio, you know the kind, dress up as a cowgirl, corseted-ganger; the old time photos. I have to dress the smelly bitches in costumes. and they f*cking reek. One woman was actually damp with sweat while I was fitting the corset around her lumpy bulk, and the smell was similar to sour milk and onions, and the worst ones are on the rag. I lysol to costumes after they leave, but the dry-cleaning bill is still through the roof every month.
  8. hmmm, funny to be writing about my possible kinks in the middle of a dry-spell (last long term relationship I got out of was vanilla as hell). D/s I get off on power, but I'm fine playing submissive too. Tattoos, piercings Innocent looking men Asian men Light S&M Yaoi - I think I was a gay man in a past life. I dig short guys - I'm really short so it works out well. Never done it, but the idea of dominating a man with a strap on intrigues me.
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