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Everything posted by laurenloogie

  1. okay, i added the details you asked for. I don't consider the fic to be a 'rapefic' but i've been with your site for nearly a decade so i'm glad to comply with any requirements you have. thanks for resending the notice. <3
  2. Huh, perhaps I missed it? My email gets a lot of spam so I tend to skip through things. Could you please resend the mesage?
  3. Hi, my Naruto fanfiction 'Criminal' was removed from this site once before... it turned out being disclaimer issues. Now it's been removed again and I have no clue why. Could someone please explain? I don't have frequent access to the internet so a friend of mine actually alerted me to this. I'm not angry, at all... just a bit confused. Please help me clear up this issue.
  4. It's weird... long ago, I wrote this Final Fantasy VII fic and got all kinds of comments cuz the pairing was popular. However, my fandom has long since changed to Naruto, specifically Akatsuki. My favorite pairing? Kisame and Deidara. Weird, right? What are your favorite Akatsuki pairings? Anything from Akatsuna no Sasori to Zetsu!
  5. Awesome, I appreciate it.
  6. Ok, I removed the review. Thanks for clearing it up... I'm not very internet savvy. I'll make sure to read through the guidelines more thoroughly:)
  7. Um, my story titled 'Criminal' appears to have been deleted in the naruto yaoi section. I can't figure out how to read the reviews either so I don't know what went wrong.... My internet connection is really crappy so I guess I don't really take the time to view the rules as much as I should. I have some ideas as to why it may have been deleted though and maybe someone could help me figure it out so I can put it back on. 1. I usually put an author's note at the bottom of the page where I talk about the chapter and ask for comments. Is it against the rules to ask for comments? 2. I put up a web address at the end of the first chapter to some fanart I have posted on deviantart. Is this against the rules? Sorry, I just have no clue... Please let me know what I did wrong here and also what I need to do to get the story back on. Thanks. Lauren
  8. OK I'm not done, heh. I mean... Sasuke's so angry and he's a tortured soul or whatever... so he just needs to get over being so butthurt and screw Naruto. I'd laugh so hard if the actual manga ends up that way.
  9. Heheh, I voted HELL NO. Sasuke's such an angry little shit. Sorry, Sasuke fans... of which there are many, I'm sure. At least Kakashi uses his sharingan for good. Meanwhile Sasuke's takin down Danzo (who's actually kind of a badass in the end), fuckin up Gokage summits, harassing Killer B... tsk. Ditching his faithful friends in Taka. And now he's implanted his poor brother's eyes cuz he abused his power and got all blind. I mean... Itachi used the mangekyo for ten freakin years, at least. Didn't see him losing his vision. Tsk. TSK! L on the forehead or whatever else.
  10. Hmm... I'm weirdly obsessed with KisameXDeidara. Deidara's just so... little. And Kisame's so freakin tall and sharky. I'm actually so obsessed that I'm writing a fic about it, haha. Other pairings, though... oh, here's a weird one that I had thought of - GaaraXDeidara. With Gaara seme... although they're both pretty uke in my opinion. And it would have to be an angry one-shot. I mean, Gaara's gotta have one hell of a grudge for getting, um... killed. I like KakuzuXHidan, too. Definitely some sort of S/M shit would happen with that pairing. KakashiXGuy is the first crack pairing that comes to mind... Or maybe NejiXLee, haha
  11. Haha okay. Ran this over with my insanely hot, bi boyfriend (no, he's not imaginary, haha) and we're gonna split up the pairings and post it. I'm gonna do NarutoXSasuke plus the akatsuki ones... and he's gonna do the garra and kiba ones. Hope yr still paying attention this post cuz it's gonna be... .... yah.
  12. Hehe... that's quite the request. Maybe... maybe. I'm in the middle of writing a ridiculously long and trying KisaXDei so... heh, maybe. Maybe? Maybe squared. Maybe to the tenth power.
  13. Thanks for all your posts... it's good to hear what other people think about this strange yet somehow sexy topic. First of all, I must say I definitely agree with Iggy Lovechild's point of view - uke-seme relationships are, for the most part, completely unrealistic. I hate the idea of a watery-eyed, underaged-looking, ridiculously shy character constantly getting it up the ass from a big, muscular dude with balls for brains. It just doesn't make sense, no matter what the pairing is. I mean... how many times in a row can one person take it up the ass before they just start getting sick of it? I hate to bash on particular pairings, but anything involving an obscenely young, new-recruit Cloud turns my stomach. Has anyone ever heard of statutory rape? I'd rather not think of my favorite silver-haired badass seducing a kid. I mean, it's one of the only times when a Cloud/Sephiroth pairing can technically happen, but a certain level of tact is necessary for handling something so... well... *ugh.* Sorry... awkward subject. I'll shut up. What else... On what Masamune said, I know that Sephiroth is the ultimate badass of FFVII and probably wouldn't take it up the ass for anyone, but in the strange and sadistic world I've created in my story, not much of the sex is consensual anyway. (Plot spoiler here!) I've actually devised a way around Sephiroth having to act too uke that I hope isn't complete crap. Is it consensual when one person is dead asleep? I guess not. It was either something along those lines, or a scene where Sephiroth actually consents to getting it in the ass. If you've read my story, you know he's really not into it. Anyways, the new chapter will be posted soon, boiling over with screwed up, perverted sex. Thanks again for the posts, and please post more if you feel so inclined. Lauren
  14. So. I don't know about you.... but I have mixed feelings on Sephiroth being bottom. He's usually portrayed as the dominant psycho 'I RULE YOUR ASS' type... but what are your opinions on Sephiroth playing the uke once in a while? I ask this because I've been writing a story 'at least he's hot' for over a year, and I've always, always put Sephiroth on top. Indisputably, Sephiroth has been in control. Why shouldn't he be? He wants to take over the world, after all. But I'm considering putting him in an uke role for one chapter and was wondering - does it deflate the reader's hard-on (imaginary or real), or is it actually kinda hot? I'm not saying he should turn into a doe-eyed, whimpering uke; I just think it's interesting to switch roles once in a while. Tell me what you think. If I get enough responses, it'll affect the way I write my next chapter. So please, do tell. oh, here's the link to the story... http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000288 lauren
  15. Of course there always has to be a bottom and a top... but I think it's kinda kinky to switch it once in a while. Even if you have an extremely effeminate man with a much more masculine man for a pairing (like an obvious uke/seme role), it's interesting to put the stronger dude on the bottom occasionally. I don't think there should be clear 'roles', unless you're just writing a PWP or a short story. Take chapter 9 in my story, 'at least he's hot.' Even though Rufus (from final fantasy seven) is the obvious uke in this story, I give the poor guy an opportunity to screw Reno for once. It just freshens things up. Seriously... how many times can someone take it up the ass before they just say *ENOUGH!* Ha ha... so yeah. Ukes should get some ass too. lauren
  16. Yeah, I found it very odd that Zoicite was given a female voice for us naive westerners. I can't believe that such an indiscretion to the plot could have even happened. It's just ridiculous.
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