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Everything posted by Sky_Pirate_Tat

  1. I am just appalled by this: http://storydivagirl.livejournal.com/35645...ml?format=light Basically the person who owns the site "Fanhistory" (don't google, she makes money off any visits she gets) has been outing people in fandom. By outing I mean putting their real names publicly on her site. Most people who write fic don't want others to know that they write. . . what they write. I think us in fandom who write smut have a lot to worry about in this case. Yes, this person is doing it without other's permission. She is just using fandom to make money. (The more people visit her site, the more she gets). And she is also creating wank just to try and get more page views. You can find out more on metafandom: http://community.livejournal.com/metafandom/ Any thoughts?
  2. The accomplishment is a big reward to me. I like feeling like I did something big. XD I'm also one of those people who enjoy reading their stories after time has passed. It's great to see how far you've grown in writing.
  3. Really there's too many to name for me. Most of my list is desserts oriented too. XD I mainly like Laos food- which my dad's side of the family makes. I like coconut based sweets, red velvet cake, chocolate, strawberries, raspberries, lemon pie, crab, candied sweet potatoes, tarts, cookies. . . and I could go on.
  4. Well I'm already dating my ideal girl for the most part. Anyways. . . Curvy with large breasts and a nice round bum. Long hair, preferrably light colored or red headed. Curls are a bonus. Cutsey, innocent like in some ways but a tiger in bed. Speaking of in bed, she has to be willing to be experimental. Now for the less "superficial" stuff: -Emotionally strong, can survive without me (in case I die or something) - Responsible, caring, smart, and goofy/playful. -Gamer, artistic, adventurous in tasting food.
  5. I like pretty much every accent. The only one that annoys me is mexican, in fact I don't care for the Spanish language. As for my favorite, it's a tie between Canadian and Irish. I used to bug my ex girlfriend (who was Canadian) by asking her to say "about" because I thought it sounded cute.
  6. I hope the same too. XD 19 over here.
  7. The only "fake writers" are plagerists. Yes, most fanfiction sucks but once you pick out the weeds there are VERY good writers. My favorite fanfics are those that take the original story and establish an idea or storyline so well that it feels like it could be canon. I write fanfics because it's fun and challenging. It can be hard to write someone else's characters IN character. It's fun for me because I like writing whether it's original on fanfic. I don't read a lot these days (because of work)but when I do it's mostly fic because I have friends who write it who want me to read it and I enjoy their writing. I do wish I could find an original story that I could just sink into though. I miss that feeling. It really depends on the person. Some can juggle fics and original writing and some write more of one or the other. For me it's a phase. One year I'll be really into writing fanfic and the next I'll be gunning to write original stories. I do think that more authors are basing their storylines more on their favorite shows- most especially the anime fans have this problem. I don't think I need to explain it. . . just look around at all the characters with random Japanese names who go to a school in Japan and. . . well I could go on.
  8. Thank you very much! I'm sorry to hear that your debit card was stolen though. :/
  9. I gravitate towards one-shots or short stories since so many authors have left me hanging with incomplete stories. I only read longer fics if a friend has written it or it's somone I know that won't give up. I write short stories most of the time because I get too many ideas at once.
  10. Neat~
  11. I don't have a problem with Yaoi though it's not something I look for or write often. Ironically I've been flamed more about my girlxgirl stories than the guyxguy stuff. Either way though it made me a little mad but you have to think that person is pitiful for being mean enough to purposely put someone down.
  12. ;D I say go for it. If you think you'll have fun with the idea then do it. I've actually meant to read your fics after reading your Freya x Fratley fic. :3
  13. I just bake sweets for the holidays. There is no way in hell I'm touching Christmas shopping ever again.
  14. Scat and anything like vomiting or peeing isn't my kink. As for everything else, even if it's not in my interests I'll try to write it to challenge myself.
  15. I write mostly yuri and sometimes het. For me, there has to be a girl in the story since that's what I'm attracted to. XD I do like some yaoi but all in all it doesn't interest me as much as girls.
  16. That's happened to me a couple times. I take it as a sign that I should write it! You would be surprised how a few fics you write can interest people in the pairing and eventually they'll write their own fics too. ;3
  17. Hi! I'm Tat. I'm probably known for my Powerpuff Girls fanfiction thought I've strayed from that fandom. I write for whatever I'm in the mood for these days instead of sticking to just one for a year or two. Still it stands that I write mostly lesbian fic, a sprinkle of straight. I'm not really into gay/yaoi smut. I'm pretty open about what I write about except to my co workers. XD I look like a cute little girl but I have the mind of a perverted old man.
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