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Status Updates posted by Squall-sama

  1. *laughs* Oh, I saw you on when I revived you. >.< I thought you were around. -_-0 How many puppies did she have?

  2. *laughs* Well now you have a bunch more! *hugs lots and lots* And I know how you feel about home. But it's hard to really miss it when you never had one.>.<

  3. *makes a face* Juat one. I learn from my mistakes quckly.

  4. *sighs sadly* I guess I drove BG away with my killing>.<

  5. *snickers* I know. I try. *grins*

  6. *snickers* Only if it's by you... *grins* And yes, I do get some sort of perverse pleasure out of killing you then reviving you.

  7. *snickers* Well in that case... *hughughughug* I do cheap real well. *grins*

  8. *snorts and laughs* WHAT truce!? I can't even attempt to kill you! *laughs* I'd just be committing suicide that way and then you'd end up getting all my frags anyhow! >.< *pokes*

  9. *snorts and laughs* Yes, I noticed. I was a little thrown off at first. ^_^0

  10. *snorts and laughs* You're so weird, but as long as hugs make you happy that's ok. *hugs*

  11. *snorts* At least I got a lvl up before you go and kill me.... 50 TIMES! >.<

  12. *snorts* Don't get too comfortable, a few more lvls and I'll be able to take all your points. *grins*

  13. *snorts* Yes, you should..... *glares*

  14. *snorts* You'll get used to it. *grins*

  15. *spanks* Quit attacking me and getting yerself killed when you know you can't win!

  16. As per my previous comment. ^_~

  17. AWE! I'm so sorry! *hugs* But at least most of them survived right? I bet they're cute.^_^

  18. Awe! I'm sorry! Getting lost sucks! I got lost in Malibu once--that was scary--only because I was running out of gas>.<

  19. Awsome! I wish you the best of luck there and be careful! *hugs*

  20. Becca, dude... whats going on? You need to start killin'! Get up there with the rest of us!

  21. Buu, this doesn't like me. Go heal!

  22. Daily hug coming your way!!! =D *hugs*

  23. Don't you dare.........

  24. For how long remains to be seen......

  25. Fuck what do you do, sit there and watch the clock tick down? >.< Damn.

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