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Charging Handles Forward

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Everything posted by Charging Handles Forward

  1. ...I thank him, post them on AFF, and get a billion happy reviews. Jeff Goldblum is watching you poop because...
  2. 2069 (No, but since this is also a crossover between InuYasha and DBZ, you'll find out just what the Hell happened to all of those demons that once roamed sixteenth-century Japan)
  3. Nightmare Before Christmas, The
  4. 2067: One year before DBZ's Son Goku and Android Seventeen return to Earth in what I now call Reroute to Remain (third title).
  5. All I know is that a great deal of slash fics are created at the expense of pre-existing storylines, pairings, and characterization, DBZ slash fics, in particular. Whenever this happens, the canon that spawned the story in the first place is reduced to a mere vehicle for the fic author's whims and thereby rendered a terrible disservice.
  6. - Wait, Cate Archer has nothing to do with this! -
  7. The Thin Line Between Love and Hate (song)
  8. Caught Somewhere in Time (song)
  9. Alice (Cooper, Alice Cooper - he wrote a song called "Dead Babies")
  10. Enemy at the Gates (movie)
  11. IMI Galil (Israeli assault rifle, based off of the Finnish Rk.62, which was based off of the Russian AK-47)
  12. Whoops! I am sorry that I have caused you any confusion because of my signature, but I am not a Communist. Leftist governmental policies such as the ones propogated in the Soviet Union are a threat to the things that I enjoy, things like violent video games, death metal, and private firearm ownership. (Thank you, First and Second Amendments!) Therefore, I'm actually in favor of a less powerful government and I lean torwards the right side of the political spectrum. I have the Soviet flag as my signature because I thought it looked cool when created entirely out of forum code, nothing more.
  13. Absolutely correct! I play violent video games, listen to death metal, and with an M-16, an AK-47, and two SKS rifles leaning up against my bed right now, plus around 3000 rounds of ammunition in my closet, I could wipe the floor with those Columbine fuckers any day of the week, and yet, and yet, I left high school with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.918, have had only two or three alcoholic beverages in my entire twenty-one year lifespan, have never partaken of illegal narcotics, marijuana or otherwise, and above all, have absolutely no criminal record whatsoever. Furthermore, I can't imagine killing animals for sport as being particularly enjoyable. I am living proof that Jack Thompson is an idiot.
  14. Integral of f(x) = 3x^3 + 4x^2 + 5x + 6 evaluated from 0 to 6.666979195 = 2028
  15. With the possible exception of the occasional vomit scene, food goes in and never comes out.
  16. 168. During sexual intercourse, a woman's cervix can be penetrated easily, readily, and above all, painlessly. 169. The uterus and the entire length of the vagina always lie in perfect alignment on the same geometric axis.
  17. Sesshoumaru/Kagura for teh win!!!!1111oneone
  18. Robin Williams
  19. Easy! Just jump and fudge at the same time. This action is also known as "fumping." How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  20. Mehndi. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...nak+tun&pl=true
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