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    DemonGoddess reacted to JayDee in So very glad my work week is over, for a day. hahahah. And now I have the fecking flu   
    I need a “doesn’t like this but feels bad about this” button. Get well soon!
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    DemonGoddess reacted to pippychick in So very glad my work week is over, for a day. hahahah. And now I have the fecking flu   
    *hugs* Hope you’re in bed and resting.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in So very glad my work week is over, for a day. hahahah. And now I have the fecking flu   
    Oh, well, hells…
    I’ve been sucked in (finally!) by Dragon Age Inquisition. It’s actually amazing, and addictive. 
  6. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to DirtyAngel in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    Well you could join the Succubus Club
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    ::snickers:: I’d rather just not like the MIL, but I suppose that would be a Bad Thing.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to DirtyAngel in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    We have very comfortable guest rooms  
    Course the MIL is here so pretend you don’t like me
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    But you’re letting me move in, right?
  10. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to DirtyAngel in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    its 71 degrees outside right now, so na na na
    so never moving back up north
  11. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    Heh. As of 1:30pm, we had 9 inches in Central Park. Figure another 2-3 inches tonight gives us that foot of snow.
  12. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from BronxWench in I do not like winter storms, at all. I most certainly didn’t ask for 8 to 12 inches o   
    we got less than an inch of snow.  phooey.  I WISH we were getting a decent storm!  Lemme know what your final totals are Bronxie!  I’m curious what it’ll end up being.
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    DemonGoddess got a reaction from BronxWench in So, my work schedule appears to finally normalizing. We’ll see how long that lasts. A   
    You ever watch it in Thermian?
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    DemonGoddess reacted to Desiderius Price in So, my work schedule appears to finally normalizing. We’ll see how long that lasts. A   
    This reminded me of one of Alan Rickman’s lines in GalaxyQuest.  “Miners, not Minors.”
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    DemonGoddess reacted to pippychick in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    There is a difference to the 1930s here though, in that when Jewish people were scapegoated and villified before the holocaust (and you have to remember this happened across the entirety of Europe, not just Germany; anti-semitism, just like islamophobia, is an insidious thing), Jewish people really were a minority. Worldwide, they numbered in millions. Islam is the second biggest religion in the world. As of 2010, there were 6.9 billion people on earth, of which 1.6 billion are muslim and peaceful. I don’t suppose Trump has any colonnial ambitions. Or at least, he’d better not. The more present danger of Trump (and those like him) is destabilisation of the whole globe.
    Really… please let’s not go there.
    And to quote the late, great Bill Hicks: “Sorry, sorry… wrong meeting!” This is adult fiction time! *gets on with writing something that’s dark, probably quite disgusting and disturbing, but still much cheerier than the above*
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    DemonGoddess reacted to pippychick in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    I won’t pass comment on your family members, CL, except to say that I’m sorry, and that I hope they’ll come to their senses sooner rather than later. *hugs you and the kids*
    Concerning the rest, I’m afraid you are right, and, if left unchecked he is that dangerous. It’s the duty of everyone to oppose this monster, just as it would be were it Farage or Le Pen, even if our only success is to force him into some kind of moderation… until he’s gone, or impeached or something. In fact, if you’ve ever wondered what you would be in 1930’s Germany, now is probably the time to find out.
    At the protest, someone had a placard that said: “Trump is so bad that even the actual Mike Godwin says we can ignore Godwin’s Law now.”
    What he actually has said is: "If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler when you talk about Trump.”
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    DemonGoddess got a reaction from pippychick in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    No reason for you to be nice about it, CL.  We are careening toward a major disaster with this shitgibbon.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    I’m so sorry. Honestly, I don’t understand how people can manage to be oblivious to the slide we’re on. If he makes it through his first 100 days, I’ll be very surprised...
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    DemonGoddess reacted to CL Mustafic in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    This is good to hear. I have many candidates for tits status. I was just told by one of my family members that it’s just a difference of political opinion and it’s sad that we’re willing to break family bonds because of it. I’m biting my tongue because I’m pretty sure I’m about to go nuclear on her. Seriously, your vote that puts my kids at risk is just a difference of political opinion? I guess she was outraged when I told her dad that I’d bring my kids and let him personally tattoo their numbers on them when the rumper started the Muslim registry and if they were lucky maybe he could flip the switch on the gas chamber too. Yeah, I’m pretty much over being nice for the sake of family unity.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    Um, CL? We’re going to be the Muslim-friendly zone, so you get to come here. You can, however, elect any of your relatives you want to be shipped off to the tits zone.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to CL Mustafic in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    But that would leave me here close to the ‘tits’! *weeps inconsolably*
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    DemonGoddess reacted to CloverReef in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    As if I didn’t love AFF already. Warms my little social-phobic heart to know my favourite people on here are so avidly and actively anti-whatever-the-hell-that-thing-is. I could listen to tales of these protests forever.
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    DemonGoddess reacted to pippychick in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    lol… in her favour, she did sit down at the computer this morning and ask me how she can sign “this petition thing”
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    DemonGoddess reacted to BronxWench in WARNING: Personal politics ahead... So the petition against Trump making a state visi   
    Well, we’ll take her with us anyway. She’ll like it better here.
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