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  1. Ok, the posting issues with my stories are resolved, I think, but I still need a beta reader. If no one is interested, well, consider this last call and maybe I’ll just post without. Thx either way.
  2. Story in proper category now, I think. Please correct me if I’m wrong. No need to address anything else at this time, I think. Thanks.
  3. Thx. I will put the story in the proper category when possible per my schedule.
  4. Thx for doing all you could. I appreciate it. I think for now everything should be fine. I haven’t checked but I’m sure your categorization of my stories was acceptable. As for the South Park one, it’s a one shot. No further chapters on the way. When Cartoons is fixed, I will be glad to repost it as requested. Till then, Celebrities makes a good placeholder since celebrities figure heavily in the story. As it goes in that show. I think we’re fine for now. Let me know if you disagree.
  5. Sorry for the delay in responding. I tried to post that story to Cartoons, I got an error message saying my connection was not secure. I tried to post to Celebrities instead, no error. So that was what I did. I wasn’t sure if you would be able to address the problem immediately, I cared more about publishing my story and decided to move it later instead of immediately if necessary, I assumed I could. Again, I had difficulty navigating categories and understanding which categories to put everything in. It seemed you had already organized my old stories under the new system, so I presumed that addressing the new ones was no big deal for the archives. If I was wrong, sorry. Let’s do this- I am unable to move the story tonight, I’m at work and posting from my phone. I will try to move it by Wednesday night. That should give you time to investigate the connection issue I had if you want. I will try posting it to Cartoons even with that if I don’t hear from you. No difficulties, no problem. It may have been on my end, not yours. Also if you prefer, I can just delete all my stuff from here, old and new. I have other fans in other places, plenty of backups, you want to put your archive over my stories, I have no problem with that. Let me know please. I will attempt the reposting when I can. Thx.
  6. I see. Well, then, I hope I did right on the first try. If you see any codes I missed, please let me know and I will add them. Forgive me, I am reposting here after a long hiatus and you now have more categories than you did way back when. I suppose I need a navigation assist for all the tags and such. I hope this is understandable. Thanks.
  7. Thank you. I have spent the past few hours posting several stories that were on other sites but not here. Please re-order my stories to their own categories or add codes I missed as you have in the past. More will be forthcoming as they are generated.
  8. Thanks Admins! I reset my password and I’m in. Thx also for posting my Star Trek story. I appreciate your attention. A South Park story (no sex) will be uploaded soon, hope it’s acceptable as well. If not, let me know please. It’s a crack crossover parody of the Super Best Friends with no sex scenes, so it may not be acceptable here, but it’s related to stories that are here. Readers can find it on other sites if interested. I am ok if it can’t be accepted here. Thx.
  9. Account unlocked. I hope to post the Star Trek story shortly. In the meantime, all fans are invited to seek out my new stories on AO3. Older versions will remain on this site and new stories may be added as time allows. Feedback is appreciated. https://archiveofourown.org/works/47745670 Thank you, AchtungNight. Update- I tried to log in and edit my profile and post new stories. No luck yet.
  10. My account is over a decade old, so I am having difficulty resuming it after a long hiatus. I have new stories I would like to post, including a Star Trek story. The admins have been emailed to assist my unlocking of my old account. I appreciate their assistance and that of any beta readers I can recruit in the meantime. I hope my old stories will be written and appreciated. My newer stories will be posted here in due time. Thanks- AN
  11. Fellow God of War Fans- I am penning a God of War video game saga fanfiction story that will potentially grow. The first chapter is now finished as per my own initial reviews as writer. I have forwarded it to three potential but unconfirmed alpha readers. I am also seeking beta readers and possible other alpha readers also. I do not have time to look through all the beta reader resumes available, so I am advertising and hoping potential willing beta readers will answer. This also applies to editors who have worked for me before and might in the future. I am willing to pay such editors a small sum if interested, time frame is one week. To any who would answer- please be aware that this is an adult romance story rated M. It is also a crossover between God of War, other religious mythologies on which that game saga has not yet touched and ones it has touched, and a popular science fiction saga I will not identify here. I consider this story the most epic story I have written to date. I will be posting it to this and other sites. Please message me, if you are interested in being my beta reader. Please also be aware that the story ships Kratos & Freya. You may ignore or otherwise malign this humble boat captain if you would, but he hopes he will be respected in his sailing needs. That's a metaphor... I mean, analogy. I hope they have such things where you are from. Talk to you later, readers. -AN
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