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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. "The sillybugger Haven" - AFF
  2. Shirotaka

    Five words

    a big blue virating old
  3. Well I invented the internet!
  4. Today: CocoReed is 23, Ocelot is 23 as well, silentserene is just 19, ScarredSwordHeart is now 30, born_to_do_it is 29, and Nymphe is 37 years young.
  5. I find myself being one of two people I know are male around here... I IM a few folks.. all female, and I know Krong is a guy because of his signature.
  6. Winter is good for Cocoa and snuggling, both are good, rin even helps to set the mood some. d(^.^)b Revised opinion: Winter Rocks!
  7. Well I made Adam from some sand and pulled out one of his ribs to make Eve.
  8. "For the sillybugger of Grayskull! No way, for the sillybugger of AFF! Long Live AFF!" -- Solaris
  9. U: Umbrella Cockatoo (bird)
  10. Photograph -- Nickelback
  11. To real ancient fairyland! Where is real ancient fairyland?!
  12. Not Guilty. G/NG Has ever stabbed a friend in the back to get with a guy/girl.
  13. Yes, the gloom seems to have spread to the middle of the desert.. I didn't think it could rain 4 inches in a week in Phoenix, but here I sit, getting rained on. I wish I had some Mint Milanos and some hot chocolate.
  14. Of course it's possible for a gay man to be attracted to a straight man. Though not gay myself, I have had a couple of gay friends who would approach me every so often and ask me what I thought about this guy or this guy, or "Do you think he's hot?" Most of these people were straight, some of them even had girlfriends myself and the people asking me about them could see plain as day hanging over these guys. Love/attraction is not discriminate to gender, even in the "straightest" men or women. I know that most would not admit it, every single person has felt some sort of weird feeling they cannot explain for someone of the same sex that has made them seriously question their sexuality. I am not afraid to admit I had a man crush on one of my friends in CA a few years back, doesn't mean I'm gay; I am in a devoted relationship with a wonderful woman. Attraction is both chemical and situational, meaning it has something to do with how you were raised (seriously) so pinpointing exactly how any one person will feel about person X, Y, or Z pulled from a crown at random is damn near impossible. The next person you look at, male or female, could be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
  15. I created the solar system one day with some clay and elbow grease.
  16. 10/10 I just noticed the quote at the bottom of the signature.
  17. S: Saint Bernard (dog)
  18. I am no longer allowed to sleep past sunrise.. apparently.
  19. Neither have I, Both of the people I hate I have good reason to. I have never lost my keys/wallet/cell phone.
  20. ^ Should not be doing any skydiving.
  21. This Is How You Remind Me -- Nickelback
  22. "One small step for me, One giant leap for sillybugger"-- Neil Armstrong
  23. "This space for sillybugger" -- The one and only Knorg
  24. I still need to shop! Guess that means no day off for me..
  25. Rockstar -- Nickelback
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