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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. I created the universe! Last week!
  2. Because movies rule! Why do movies rule?
  3. Yes I am! DarkCabaret, So are you!
  4. ^ is trying to hard, acronym game is easy. ^^
  5. Happy Elephants Yell About Brash Bison Ordering Tea W I S C O N S I N
  6. 10/10 Still lol
  7. "Wayne's World! Party time! Sillybugger!" -- Wayne Cambell
  8. Shirotaka

    Five words

    She looked at him and..
  9. Rehab -- Amy Winehouse
  10. They suck at life.. Why do they suck at life?
  11. Yes it is! DarkCabaret.. I see you!
  12. ^ knows to much for her own good.. V must take ^ out.
  13. I am glad for ice cream making things happier.
  14. Not Guilty! Sober for over 2 years! G/NG Is not sober.
  15. Yeah, let's break down concrit.. Constructive Criticism. Constructive: Serving to improve or advance; helpful Criticism: The practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works. Some people seem to be very good at the Crit part, but fail to be helpful. If you want to give Concrit. BE POSITIVE!!!!
  16. I'm glad to be at home, enjoying a cool night with the woman I love with nothing to worry about but when to go to bed.
  17. ^ has reason to fear that open flame. ... unless of course you are a ninja... or have cookies!
  18. Not Guilty.. I think.. many drunken nights in high school I can hardly remember. G/NG Drank at least three times a week at some point in high school.
  19. More than I think you or I know.. Just how many LOTR fans are there? (honest curiousity.. must be tens of thousands..)
  20. The Reason -- Hoobastank
  21. Well I am the source of all the world's power.
  22. Shirotaka

    Five words

    "I have to make a.."
  23. W: Welsh Terrier (dog)
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