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Everything posted by Pokeprof

  1. And this would save my mark's that I used for scene changes, regardless of what they are?
  2. One thing that I've always had an issue with when uploading my stories to AFF.net was making sure that it looked good. IE, everything that needed to be bold, italicized, or underlined was so, there wasn't a HUGE gap between paragraphs, and my markers that showed a change in scene or character view were visible. As such, for the most part, I copy/paste the HTML code from Fanfiction.net's editor when you upload a story and, for the most part, I've find that useful. However, the last couple of times, I've found that my marks for scene chances, the '--' mark, hasn't worked. Either something wrong with ff.net's code or Aff.net not recognizing it, but either way, I ask this. Is there a better way to upload everything and make sure it's all there? I'm a bit of a lazy man, I must admit, so I'd prefer to just be able to copy past when needed, but if anyone could give me a good suggestion to help with this, or perhaps a mark that would show up with my current method, I'd appreciate it.
  3. Mmmm, I talked to a friend who remembered seeing the guide I'm talking about and he supplied something that I had forgotten. In the guide, they showed the Harry Potter Example using a Vampire story, showing all the thins wrong with it and the showing ways that those same things could be turned into a good story, even with the OC. That strike any more memories? Also, I think this was before the whole changing of who was leading AFF.net at the time, so it could have been something the previous guys could have done.
  4. Catagory name: Capcom VS Section catagory to be in: Games Do you have any stories for it?: Yes Lots of games with Capcom vs some different companies. (We've had Namco, Marvel, SNK.) Would be good to have a place to put them all. --added
  5. It's been a while since I looked at it, and I'm now unable to find it, but it contained a rather interesting and informative article about how to create characters and not have them become mary sues. It used a Harry Potter story as the subject, showed what was considered overpowering to the OC/Mary Sue, and then went through changes to both story and character that wold possibly make it more receptive to the readers. I'm just curious because my friends and fellow writers on a separate forum have been asking me about this since I've told them about it, and I'm wondering where I can find it again so I can show them.
  6. Most of my ideas come from the archives that are lacking (Points to his Killer Instinct and EarthBound stoires), and I'm working on stories for archives that are lacking in specific areas (Glares at the Kingdom Hearts archive that has a whole bunch of boyXboy pairings but almost none boyXgirl despite the hot female characters).
  7. Concidering my own sexual vocabularaly is kinda small, I don't have that much against certain words. As long as they're spelt correctly and aren't putting the same word in every sentance to describe a persons' parts, then I'm happy.
  8. My only problem I ever have is when a fic archive of my favorite show/game/ what not is filled with NOTHING but Guy on Guys stuff. I mean, there are at least 8 prime female characters to go do the naughty with in the Kingdom Heart series (including the Hot Female Org 13 member) and yet all anyone cares to write about is Sora and Riku or Axel and Roxas getting it stuffed up their bums. I'm not bashing BoyXBoys stuff, but please, lets have some BoyXGirl or EVEN GirlXGirl once in a while! Please?
  9. It's bad because most Mary Sue stories also tend to be written horribly, enough so that they grate on the very readers nervers. That and the fact that it doesn't make since for your favorite characters to go gaga over an authors character in a single chapter, it just kinda takes away what you love about your character when they completely snub the characters they know and should love for someone who just pops up outta no where.
  10. Mary Sue's are really up to how the story goes about more then the character itself. I remember reading a story about the Teen Titans where a character was introduced as a super hero, helped out with the titans, and spent a better part of the story trying to court Raven (which he did, in the end). All in all, he IS a Mary Sue (Or Gary/Marty Stu, if you're wanting to call male sues' that) character, one who goes into a set group with no mention of him before, and ends up not only being a hero but having one of the main characters (Who is known to be resistant to emotions) fall in love with him. But it was how the story was presented and how well done it was that made it exceptable. Under most stories, I highly doubt that I would have been receptive of the sue, because often they do all that in a single (And often first) chapter. The character I'm talking about went through trying to get Raven over the course of over 40 chapters in all, all of witch were over 20 pages long in word. And while some may point out size doesn't matter when it comes to storyline to be good, I can tell you that I read all that in a single day. THAT's how good the author was. Also, for those of us who create original stories, or stories based in worlds that have no set storyline/character development (IE, most of my stories are about Video Game characters back during the SNES days and most of them were either silent protaganists or had stories that didn't reveal much about the character) it's hard not to create a Mary Sue as at least the hero or main character. In fact, I'm quite guilty of making one myself in my first erotic story which is placed in the Pokegirl World (Go to Pokegirl.org if you're wanting to know what the hell a Pokegirl is, or just read some of our stories) in where I had a character who not only has an unusual abilitiy that hasn't been completely revealed yet, but has also gained a rather strong and rare ally with little difficultly right off the bat. So not even the best of us are immune to writing Mary Sues, but as long as we actually try and give our readers a fantastic story that keeps within the realms of what they know and keeps they're favorite characters the way they're ment to be (Even if they happen to fall in love/have sex with a differernt character) then we still have fantastic stories.
  11. Just what exactly did they do that was considered 'Illegal'? And from all this 'Hostile Take over' stuff I keep hearing, wouldn't there have been a few dissatisfied authors about who wouldn't like the site changing hands like that? And yet I haven't heard a thing about that at all.
  12. Curious, if the four mods had taken over AFF like you've said they have, how come it hasn't been brought up until now?
  13. I'm not exactly sure what to think here, I mean, as far back as I've been here (and can remember) Dark and the others have been the heads of the site and everything has been hunky dory. Yeah, there were some things that could have been change to make everything a little better, but for the most part it was fantastic. Now we've got Jaxxy coming out of the blue and sending Aff into the depths of chaos. I'm not entirely sure who to believe at the moment, or what's really going on. I'm just hopping that everything will be cleared up by morning.
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