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Posts posted by ArkaineX55

  1. Are there so few that played FFIV and FFV?

    I would do my opinions on each character and what pairing, but that would be too long. I'll keep it short and sweet.

    my pairings (Pre-PS1, may edit for PS1-beyond era):


    Lots of freedom here, so I don't have to comment much.


    Played a little bit of it, but not much to speak about any pairings in mind.


    Same quirk with FF1.


    Favorite FF.

    Cecil/Rosa, Cecil/Rydia

    Kain/Rosa (open to it, but not as supportive), Kain/Valvalis

    Edward/Anna (the spoony bard needs luvin' too.)



    Bartz/Lenna, Bartz/Faris, or all 3.

    I want to pair up Gilgamesh with someone, he was the coolest part about FF5 storywise. Poor guy...


    Terra/Sabin, maybe Terra/Leo

    Celes/Locke, Celes/Terra

    [EDIT: Now with the rest of the list!]


    Second favorite. Too bad the FFs after it aren't as good.

    Ramza/Ovelia, Ramza/Agrias


    Olan/??? (that one mage character that was with Delita, and the last scene with Olan)

    Altima/??? (can be anyone, she was rather cool. She would start 'power plays' with the characters, heh.)

    Meliadoul/??? (I would say Ramza... but I can't really imagine them together.)


    Of course, the game is open to alot more, so I'm just scraping the surface!


    ...okay, I dont really like the seventh part, so there's only one couple I like.


    call me odd.


    Quistis/??? - Quistis was one of the few characters I liked (besides Laguna) and she's kinda open to a few pairings. So it can work out rather well.

    Fuujin/Raijin, Fuujin/Seifer


    I love this game. So I have a few pairings to share:


    Steiner/Garnet, Steiner/Beatrix


    Amarant/??? (I was thinking Lani, but a Freya is fine too...)


    The game's alright, but some characters whine too damn much.

    Wakka/Lulu (Not many people like Wakka; I thought he was a great character.)

    I haven't played FFXI or FFXII yet, so I can't comment.

  2. Rather odd that my thread back at the news subforum would create this. I'm kinda proud biggrin.gif

    That being said: I don't mind if there is an article or not. I kinda like the attention it has right now. We all know what happens when there are too much people on one site, do we?

    I can easily see that situation that NightScribe posted. I would object however that parents are less likely to see AFF though.

    Yeah, I know about the AFF link in the FF.net Wiki as well, so that last line may be void...

    Just my cents on the table.

  3. Story #1 http://www.nwanews.com/adg/News/198812

    Story #2 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,293636,00.html

    Deciding that the difference between the word “pregnant” and the words “not pregnant” is more than just technical, the Arkansas Legislative Council on Friday asked the commission that publishes state law books to undo a change it made to fix a flaw in a new marriage law.

    At issue is Act 441 of 2007, which was intended to set a minimum marriage age of 18, unless the girl is pregnant and has parental permission.

    The act contained what the sponsors say was an error that allows females of any age, even infants, to marry if they have their parents’ consent.

    Yeah... This is even way off for me. I really don't know what to say. fear.gif

    This was even on the 2sense radio show.

    [Edit: Thanks EveKnight]

  4. http://www.maltastar.com/pages/msFullArt.asp?an=14323

    One American student sent major corporations, governments and even the Vatican on the defensive after coming up with Wikipedia Scanner, a software program that reveals who changed Wikipedia entries. Wikipedia.com is an online encyclopedia edited by general users, who write articles on every imaginable subject. Since it is written by users, anyone can edit, delete and arrange the articles on Wikipedia. What Virgil Griffith did was come up with a program that reveals who edits these articles, via a system where it scans the I.P address and cross-references it with the I.P. directory.

    As soon as the software was launched on the internet, chaos erupted.

    I can see why this raises alot of concerns. However, Proxies can cover up alot more than people think.

    It's still pretty awesome for what it is though.

  5. Oh I didn't mean you didn't knew that, I was just talking about the article. I apologize for any misunderstanding.

    I do remember the bragging though, and I admit that alot of parents were happy about it (friendly competition I guess.)

    I only saw a few cases of what you described, my uncle/aunt, and a couple of store incidents.

    now you hear things like... 'I can't give Prozac to John because it makes him see things and he went psychotic on us the last time. Now we have to give him this instead.' or 'Tina can't stand her psychologist, so we're in the market for a new one.'

    Kids need attention (they can't help it), and I bet a few days in the park may calm them down.

    I guess that parents don't have much time for their children now...

    (I could go into this horrid rant about parents, pharmacy companies, doctors, etc. but that would turn this thread into hell on earth.)

  6. On Cartoons:

    Cartoons rock. I downloaded 2 seasons of Freakazoid and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm still trying to figure out when King Arthur and the Knights of Justice will be available for download.

    I want to see Dino riders, but I had no luck finding anything.

    but that's not to say all cartoons are good (or they're so bad that they are good.) here's an example:


    I haven't seen the whole vid, but it still creeps me out.

    On Kidz bop:

    Those CDs scare the crap out of me. I think they are the reason that the IQ of kids are dropping.

    It'll be hilarious though if there was a KB verson of Megadeth's 'Holy Wars', 'Rust in Peace Polaris', 'The Scorpion', and Metallica's 'Master of Puppets'.

  7. why can't they just be kids?

    Reading that line alone makes me remember an article on Men's Health. I don't remember the title, but it did revolve around kids (mostly boys) being diagnosed because of 'excessive maleness.'

    Though I know it can happen to girls*, but it seems that ADHD is more likely in boys though...

    *My cousin is diagnosed with it, so I know it can happen.

  8. I have had a history of depression

    A little paranoid schizophrenia (but not enough for Me to ever seek treatment)

    A little Obsessive Compulsive

    I also seem to have unusual thought patterns when socializing. I don't know if there's a specific disorder involved but I have difficulty speaking to people face to face and I can be a little "too polite" apparently.

    At my younger years I was labeled 'somewhat Autistic', I had Asperger's for awhile. However, It seems that I got over that syndrome 2 years ago (is it even possible?)

    I have similar problems to Agaib though; History of depression, paranoia, OC, etc.

    I'm not depressed anymore nor am I paranoid. I am slightly Obsessive Compulsive.

    I think socializing in real life can help a bit as long as you're not too analyctical (sp?) I became less polite over the years though, so I have a bit of fear that I may offend someone without knowing any better.

  9. Hello, my name is ArkaineX55!

    I Enjoy Video games, Programming (starting to), Reading/writing, and modifying various parts of computers/other junk.

    I like less known titles in Video games like Septerra Core, Shin Megami Tensei, King's Field, etc. I currently hang around the 'Fire Emblem' and 'Tales of Destiny' Fandoms, so you're most likely to see works around there. wink.gif

    I haven't started writing yet, so I came here to get some pointers from some of the other writers. I don't plan to make writing my job (Programming is going to be my major), but I sure want to make my writing as nice as possible.

    Male, 19 and Single. I'm mostly going to be a het writer, I may do one Shounen work however. I just like pairings that have actual substance behind them (I'm a picky basted.)

    I just hope everything goes ok!

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