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  1. http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/wtf/dr-whippy-i...etes-298892.php Dr. Whippy, developed by Demitrios Kargotis, is an ice cream machine that will serve you delicious ice-y goodness depending on how unhappy you are. Using voice stress analysis, the machine will ask the user several questions and will use their responses to gauge their level of sadness. The sadder you are, the more ice cream Dr. Whippy serves, the easier it is to handle someone you love being set on fire. No information on when it'll be out or for how much—but has the Omron Smile Measurement Software ever had a better home? That's it! I'll act sad and have all the ice cream I want!! Ice Cream for BREAKFAST!! Honestly, this is very funny.
  2. 9191
  3. ^ I do bring the MP3 Player everywhere, and when I mean everywhere, I mean places that don't have alot of people. < Uses old-fashioned CD-based MP3 players V Uses Newer MP3 players
  4. ^ Thinks this is an intelligent idea. < Listening to the Descent (VG) Soundtrack. V Probably listening to music while going through that drive ^ mentioned.
  5. 9189
  6. I don't think anybody can function on less than a 3-hour sleep cycle, much less me. I have never slept on a hammock.
  7. 9157
  8. I'm neutral about it, since there are some that are good. I do like the incense though. I have never been fond of scented markers.
  9. Rome
  10. 9151
  11. Mine is the mech that player controls in the game "CloudPhobia" it's a Side-scrolling shooter for the PC, only 1 level but it's free. The mech is in boosting mode.
  12. I can understand that. I also apologize for the slight misunderstanding on the Jesuit/Catholic issue. There are times that I need to rethink things through. Athiests have their fair share of assholes I guess. I'll try my best not to associate with them. I hope we're on the same wavelength foeofthelance.
  13. Nice rant foeofthelance! Had to blow off steam eh? On the Atheist part: Christian-run schools are not as good anyways. Any school nowadays is really watered down. I would rather Home school my children (when I have children that is...) If the children want to learn some religion, fine by me. They're going to find out sooner or later. (and btw, the "Under God" part was added to the anthem, but you knew that. And the Coin, I'm sure that motto was added in the 1860's, probably 1866.) I firmly understand it was shoved down our throats. I would prefer that it would be shoved without the motto and the added line. Just to add my 2 cents.
  14. Crazy Oval Mad Egrets Biting At Caveman Knees! R A G N A R O K
  15. 9141
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