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Everything posted by natana

  1. natana

    This Is A Shame

    I really hate these closed minded fools say we should think one way or another. It's middle ages and "burn the witch" all over again. Anyway, You guys are really awesome. The way you exploit this topic and state your ideas, that is something I really admire. You really inspired me to seek greater knowledge. Wikipedia here I come. P.S. I dread the day then my parents will find out what Aff.net is all about. Moreso ,I do not wish to know how they relieve UST. Since I grew up in really closed society (post SSRS) the idea of my parents having sex is just eww. I mean, really, we didn't even had the talk about birds and bees.
  2. K, let me think about that. So top 3.. 1) The Lord Emperor Vampire Saga by kiix . Book 4 Clove is my favorite so far, but others are brilliant too. 2) Sanctuary by Janette. Oh hold for now, but she said that she'll continue. Besides, one can always enjoy her other blackwidower universe stories while waiting. Warning a little bloody and dark.. ok, more than a little. 3) The Last Pure Human by TwistedHilarity. This one is without vampires Hilarious an sexy... P.S. All the stories have slash relationships so beware!
  3. I'd like to know an answer to this question too. Not that Lanseng ever will interbreed as his all body and soul belongs to Hashmalliam. But if in distant hypothetical future Hashmalliam were a girl could she have babies with her seer?
  4. Whoo hoo hoo Skell . Can he be too cool and luvable? Nah... Thank you very much K.for.kiix for reminding Kiix about Skell, and thank you too Kiix for adding him to the voting list. BTW, I'm quite happy that Sex is winning too, him being my second favorite and all
  5. Totally agree. SPOILER : Besides, Severus sure lived up to my expectations
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