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My hostage my love is blocked...now what?
kiix replied to kiix's topic in Review boards/AN Chapters/Excessive AN fixed
If I can have the review data from My Hostage My Love; Cake: A Blood Nation Novel; That's What Brothers Do and The Black Tower, I will remove the stories from aff.net -
check it now
The AN chapter was removed the day I received notification. It was incorporated into the first chapter. The original "CAKE" with the reviews is not available in the authors panel which is why I contacted the forum. Has it been deleted since I can't find it?
Was CAKE deleted? I don't remember receiving any notification that I was in violation of any policies if it was. I would have liked to have kept the 300+ reviews. Kiix
I prefer stories with a supernatural bent. Apparently I keep gravitating over to the dark side with vampires, demons, were-thingies. I attempt to read all the offering I can find but, I said attempt. I can forgive the grammar and spelling (so many put up with my beta virgin territory) but if the characters are flat or cliche I just can't get into their world. I don't mind 'darkness' in a story as long as there are consequences. ie, non-con. There are far reaching problems that should happen. If a swarmy Harlequin happens then I just have to back out of my browser. As long as the characters are believable, I will follow a story right through to the end and in come cases, my wallet followed them right to the checkout counter.
Does the story have to be complete or can a wip be nominated?
What sort of cover are you planning to do? Do you have an artist?[/color] I have hired an artist. I looked at (her?) gallery over at deviatart.com and when wow. I've got a low res copy and am waiting for the fun that is wire transfers from bank to bank to get unsnarled. Her name is rianti hidayat. I like it. It is sort of shows the darkness of the story.
Greetings I am in the process of self-publishing my novel "That's What Brother's Do." I have shopped it around to various publishers and while I got nothing but rejection, they were loaded with advice which mainly was - it's good, but too dark so publish it yourself. So that is what I am doing. My idea is to include some excerpts from the 250+ reviews I received in my endeavor and I have been asked/advised by TyphoonJax to get permission from every reviewer that I wanted to use. Daunting task but here I am. So this is me, asking those who took the time to offer up a review for Brant and Wilber and even Constantine to give me permission to reprint portions of your reviews. If you give me permission, please provide the name you would like to be identified by...your pen name, alias, first name or last name. If I get no response, I will be disappointed but publishing will continue. Kiix
Does this mean that Cake is about to come out? I have to have this book! Autographed, if possible -- Madlodger Uh...no Not yet anyways. I have self published "THE BLACK TOWER" and I am trying to get the word out, but as you can see I have hit another snag. It's available at lulu.com and it searchable by kiix Hopefully someone can come up with the fix for this...I'm actually trying to give them money.
Hi I am trying to register as per the instructions Type or paste the URL http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/advsd/register.php into your Internet browser, or click the "Register for the Help Desk" link on the left-hand side of the Advertising Information page (which can be found by visiting AFF's Central Index page and dropping-down from the purple "Advertising" tab). I only get 403 you don't have permission and there is no "Register for the Help Desk" link. Is this not working? Or is it me, yet again? Kiix
be evil bwah hahahahahahaha
What on earth is this discussion about? - Monsterking Let me sum it up. This is CANDY: Book 5 of the Lord Emperor Vampire Saga and I have learned (ahem, the hard way) to listen to the opinions of my readers. I didn't in Book 4 and ended up scrapping 70 pages...which have not found their way back into the storyline. So, it's easier to gauge what the reaction will be if I test it out here first. I tried to kill off a minor character before because he was turning into a central figure and the story wasn't about him and damn, my readers handed me my ass on a plate and a swift kick to the noggin to kick start my muse. Which turns out to be a good thing because right now, Claudius is about the only mentally stable figure in the CAKE universe. So...I'm testing the waters, so to speak. Kiix
Greetings! I write mostly OC. Why? Because I can do horrible, smexy and glorious things to creatures of my own devising. I also write a little fanfiction = Ai No Kusabi. Actually ANK is the reason that I found AFF.net and I haven't left. Maybe because I consider myself a writer/author/hack/pornographer but I respect other people's work. I cannot grab a beloved character from, oh, let's say, ANK and do what I want because: 1. It's not mine to toy with 2. There is an established canon and I don't want to mess with it 3. I know what it feels like to have someone mess with your work. I can appreciate the effort it took to write a fanfic. When dealing with your own characters, you have built up a history and relationship if you will. You have an emotional bond with them be they vampire, weretiger or abused little sextoy cum mafioso hitman. Maybe that frees up the creative juices. All I know is that I have 19 original stories to my 2 fanfics. Everyone has a preference. I've atempted to read bad Original Writing and I've tried bad fanfics too.
Dears Loyal As per the outcry when I offed Haley, I will give you a little heads up about the upcoming chappies. I will be messing with Billiam (William/Liam). As per the CANDY Plot right now, William is on his way to being dormant because of Liam's merging with him. After William goes dormant, Liam will only have 50 years in the body until it turns to ash. Either way, our loveable little ass known as Hades will be left alone once more or not. This is where you, my LOYAL & TRUE come in. Give me your thoughts. I have an idea of where I want it to go but it's not set in stone. At the time of typing this, there is only about four chapters left, so let's get cracking!! Looking forward to hearing from you. Kiix *mauh* kiss on account
so it's just me then....figures.
I realize that the AFF Forum has been reorganized and it looks really, really pretty. Maybe it's me but it took me a heck of a long time to find the Original Writing Forum. I think maybe the authors who do Original Characters would use the site more, especially with getting reader feed back / peer support and all the rest of that good stuff IF ORIGINAL WRITING was more visible. I realize that the site is called Adult Fan Fiction, but surely there is room for Original Fiction as well. just something to think about because it stuck in my craw. (I'm on dial-up no hope of highspeed in my geographic area) It takes forever for the pages to load so I had a lot of time to think this up as I searched every Original Fiction listing on the list.
Howdie! It's me again. Just dropping a line to say that it looks like everything is still a go with the publishing of Cake. I have made to the publishers website -- www.yaoihousebooks.com and I am listed in the AUTHORS page and BOOKS. I have a synopsis listed and the first edited chapter of CAKE is up for preview. Now, based on the contract that I have signed, the rest of Cake has had to be pulled off the AFF.net site. I have only left the snopsis and the *ahem* original second draft up to be read. What surprises me is that the hit counter keeps going up even though there isn't anything to read there. Wow. So...later! And thanks. I keep a running update under HUMOR, since RANTS is gone under the title HOW DO YOU WRITE?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Keep an eye for me there. Tah!!
thank you, thank you big mauh mauh muah thank you. I wrote myself into a headache with this one but as you can now see with the new chappie for Candy : 198 I have bowed to your wishes...and maybe kyosuke's lycan with wings...I got a mental image that is just soooo iconic on that but that will come later in the story. So thank you for helping me get my head out of my butt. (so not iconic image here. eep) Go read. Ja ne Kiix
Eep. Look at what I said and here I go killing off my characters anyway. Oh well, nobody voted for Haley so....of the island he goes...No. JK. really. Haley was a plot point. Not random mayhem or anything. I'm not that cruel...er...ah...yeah, I'm not that cruel.
Okay kiddies, I have presented myself with a new set of problems and I hope that your opinions will help me plot my way out of the dark paper bag I have stuck myself in. This poll deals with the goings on of THE LORD EMPEROR VAMPIRE SAGA, which is currently into its 5th book. Summarizing it here is going to be a chore. (My readers know I'm lazy sooooooo....) *IMPORTANT* The protagonist is a multiple personality demonic entity -- a Vampire. When he was 9 he was bitten by a Lycan. He was magically nullified and continued life as a human. At 30 he got taken by a Vampire and made into a creature of the night. He moved from a duel personality to a triple threat. After trials and tribulations and genetic shenangians, our little Vampire is discovered to the last of the Ruling Blue house of Vampires -- Von Drachenfeld. He has superior abilites over the other vampires. He can heal, he can rip souls out of bodies, he can blow up things, and rip open your mind. On top of this he is acknowledged to be Hashmalliam, a prophecized entity that will destroy and remake the world. This entity turns out to be another fractured bit of personality. So you have four distinct, yet aware personalities in one body; Xavier, Sex, Azrael and Skell. Now in Book 5, the leadership for the Northern Pack of Lycan is up for grabs. Because of his attack when he was 9 he is in line for succession. The original HEIR has been murdered now and Azrael is out to avenge his friends death, only to find himself bitten by Britta the Elder, the dying leader of the Lycans and proclaimed the new HEIR. So...what does this make our third brother? My mushy little mind would like to know...Yah, yah, yah. I should have this plotted out but, but this is just the way I work. Give me feedback please. Thanks, Kudos and CANDY!! Kiix
You have no idea how much that means to little ole moi. Thanks!!
There will be a book 5 of the lord emperor vampire saga. Mostly like named CANDY. I was torn between Cider and Candy but I think the next one will deal more with the family than just Armor & Marcus. So tell your friends and stalkers....it's CANDY: Book 5 of the Lord Emperor Vampire Saga. (Just not pen to paper, or brian to muse yet...still working on CAKE --editing chapter 22 now.) Merry Seasons and Greetings Christmas Yule! I know -- bad and corny. Kiix
Ow, my eye. I'm not supposed to get pudding it it. A&M will be gracing a stage soon. tata for now
hahahaha..I will have you know that it very difficult to type on a laptop that is missing the 'a' key. I just have a rubber nubby to toggle. Who the hell knew that cats like to chew keysboards. jeess..I'm searching, I haven't found it yet..yess ewww, I am even searching the litter box. Wow, do you even know what the hell is going on? I'm impressed. I wasn't expecting big hits on it, but kudos to youse. Glad you like Gan/Walter. I have no idea where it's going but tigerwiger is in trouble...again. cya kiix