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Posts posted by cu-kid9

  1. That earthquake last night here in the Midwest scared the crap outta me! I had finally laid down to get some sleep when everything in my apartment started moving, like some giant had grabbed the building and was shaking it. I thought I was just going crazy since I was in that sort of middle place between being awake and asleep...

    I remember there being an earthquake here when I was a kid, but I don't remember anything more than the dishes rattling. I can do most natural disasters, but having the ground move when it's supposed to be solid is the weirdest thing ever, in my opinion.

  2. And here I thought I was the only one that was afraid of weird things. It's good to know I'm not alone :rolleyes:

    I'm only afraid of the dark if I'm in the bathroom -for some reason, that is the absolute worst and I totally freak out. Any other time, I could care less if the lights go out. I'm terrified of heights -pretty much anything over six feet from the ground- which isn't really unusual I guess. It's more of the possibility of falling that scares me more than anything. I'm even afraid of them when I'm playing video games where you have to jump across bottomless pits -when I die, everything in me just sort of seizes up for a moment :rolleyes: I'm cool with most insects except for ticks and silverfish *shudders* Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl!

    I also randomly develop phobia's that only last for a short time. Like the other day, I had a piece of something I had just eaten stuck in my back teeth (gross, I know, but it happens). Since I didn't have any toothpicks (I try to avoid putting my hands in my mouth...ick), I had to use my finger, but I knew my hands were dirty. A co-worker's solution was to use the Germ-X (it was closer than the bathroom), which I had thought of. But, after thinking about that, I immediately thought that if I put it on my hands and then put my hands in my mouth, I would end up poisoning myself. Completely irrational since it is unlikely that such a small amount would do anything, but I just couldn't do it once the thought had entered my head.

    Oh, and I can't drive by trash cans (like the ones that sit on the curb at fast food places so you can toss stuff from your car) slowly with my window down because I'm afraid a squirrel will jump out of it and attack me. My roommate thinks it's hilarious :huh:

  3. I always add a little oregano to the tomato paste. It helps with the saltiness, I think.

    You could also try other sauces for your pizza, depending on how much you like to experiment. I make pizzas with a pesto sauce with mozzarella cheese and garlic on top -I don't know if that sounds weird, but it's really yummy. I've also tried an alfredo sauce, which wasn't as good, but was decent. I love making pizza at home, it's so much better (I can't get pepperoni for it, though, because I usually just end up eating them out of the bag as a snack before I get around to making the pizza ;) ).

  4. haha gotta ask ya cu-kid, have you ever SEEN a review I did?? They're pathetic. Truly.

    :D No, I can't say that I've ever read a review you've written. But I still think that you have something to offer! Even if it's just con-crit on grammar/technique with a few, "but it's interesting so far"'s added in there. We're all here as writers and readers, which means we all have some basic knowledge on how these things should work. I'm not trying to push the matter, that's just my opinion.

    I would leave constructive criticism but I would tear the story down as I did and tell them exactly how to reconstruct. And although I would take that review in stride, I don't care what people leave me, nice or no, as long as it's constructive, I wouldn't expect other people who function like normal human beings to. So if I don't like it, I sit on my hands and clamp my lips.

    As for being too critical...is there such a thing? I'm sure a lot of people here would be happy for someone to point out all the things that they need to work on in order to make their writing better (the whole point, I think, of TheBlackadder posting this). While getting lengthy reviews about how good your story is, with all the things people like, is nice, getting one that actually points out flaws would be so much more helpful. I'm not going to lie and say that if someone did that to something I had written, I wouldn't be upset -after all, it is my baby that they're criticizing. But, after the initial sting, I would probably be grateful that someone took the time and effort to help me. Admittedly, there is a certain amount of tact involved in leaving con-crit, but ultimately I think if you're not making any personal comments about the writer herself/himself, and focus on literary elements, there should be no reason for people to get upset...although, I do find that there are a lot of people on this site (and elsewhere) that think even mentioning grammatical mistakes is a personal insult :(

    That’s another thing, I wonder if my stories get to involved and complicated sometimes? Maybe they drag on to long, or maybe they just don’t seem to interesting . . . .UGH! See what I mean?? The longer I go without feedback . . . . the more insecure I get about my writing LOL.

    I feel the same about my original stories -I watch the hit count go up and just wait and wait and wait for someone to review. Sometimes, I just want to post a chapter that is completely off the wall to see if I get someone to at least say "WTF?!?!" Surprisingly (or maybe not), I posted a three chapter fanfic in a fandom and got a ton of hits and more reviews than I have on any of my original stories. Maybe the readers in certain archives are just lazier (or...less zealous) than in others...?

  5. Ah, I'm going through the same thing right now. At first I thought maybe people were just waiting to see where things were going in the story (I know sometimes I won't review a one or two chapter story unless those first chapters are amazing). But, five chapters into it, and I have one review? Grrr! And I had to post a snide A/N note just to get that (well, it wasn't meant to be snide, but I think it may have come off that way :D ). My whole thought on it is that maybe people just really hate it and are too nice to leave a review saying, "I really hate this." ?? It's true, though, that as a writer it's a little discouraging to not get any kind of response (sometimes I'd kill for just a rating :( ) .

    As a reviewer, I kinda go through cycles. Right now I'm in my review-everything-I-read cycle, even if it isn't that great of a story.

    I have to disagree with you, DemonGoddess, about not having anything constructive to offer other writers as a reason not to review. I mean, you still read and still know what kind of elements make a good story, can recognize errors and poor plots. I don't think it takes another writer to critique someone's work. Just being a proficient reader is a good enough qualification, as far as I'm concerned.

  6. I have to say that, as a reader, I never expect sex in a story. In fact, I usually don't even enjoy the sex scenes...well, that's actually a total lie, but the best parts, in my opinion, are all those things that lead up to the sex -sexual tension in a story is what will keep me hooked forever. In one of my favorite stories on AFF, the characters haven't even come close to getting together (I don't even think they really like each other yet), but the author puts them in these situations that just make me want to scream, they're so tense. And, though she hasn't updated the story in awhile, I constantly go back and re-read it, overcome with jealousy at how well she writes those scenes.

    If the rating on your story just says ADULT with no +'s, I don't know why your readers think it should or would have citrus in it. However, posting in the Inu fandom is really kind of a pain -as others are, too, I'm sure, but I have only experienced the wrath of the Inu fanbrats. Most of the readers there seem to always want to see those characters getting naked and figure good writing can go to hell (and then they bitch that the characters are OOC...you just can't win). I've read some stories on there that were terrible and then I've looked at the reviews and was astounding to see things like, "This is the best story I've ever read!!!" ;) You're kidding me, right? But people love it because there was sex in it (not even well written sex! No tension or anything! Just off with the clothes and into the bed. Ugh).

    I say you just keep doing what you're doing. If it was my story, I might even add an author's note replying to reviewer's concerns about the lack of lemons. The politeness of the A/N would probably depend on how frustrated I was while writing it, but I would at least try to be civil :( I also suggest that you keep the story up; you never know when that one reader will come along and totally appreciate what you have written. Lack of reviews sucks, and bad reviews are even worse, but, for me, one good one can keep me motivated for months...but that may just be me :D

  7. I don't think you have any responsibility to notify readers when you post a new story/chapter. If a reader loves a story, they'll check to see if it's been updated (which some of us do obsessive compulsively :D ).

    I agree with scottishfae -it's not a hard thing to do, but it's really up to whether you want the added work on top of writing. I used to do a mailing list, but I would post, forget to send the e-mail, and the next day or day after feel bad.

  8. We're seeing the same thing here-

    Sunday, 70 degrees.

    Monday started out beautiful in the upper 50's...then it rained and dropped below freezing within hours.

    We got our 2-3 inches of snow though!

    It was freezing today...and I hear tomorrow's supposed to be worse, which is okay with me. I have a hot date with my couch and television ;)

    I also hear it's supposed to be in the 40's on Sunday...we'll see.

  9. Check your onboard battery. It's a lithium battery next to a set of jumpers, and then you have to also reset and clear CMOS.

    If it's not the CMOS battery, check your RAM next.

    Yeah...apparently, it was my hard drive. Dunno what happened -the people at the repair place said it had probably just worn out. Fabulous. So, now I get to re-install everything and hope to god that my last backup discs have everything that I need on them. Otherwise, I've just lost everything :o

  10. Yeah, but write anyone OC enough and they will make a match with someone they ordinarily wouldn't in the canon story.

    I don't mind a little OC. In fact, I think it's necessary if the author has made the characters older. But extreme changes in character annoy me.

  11. Ha. I wish I knew. I've replaced the power supply because it's not even turning on, but that didn't work. My CPU fan tries to turn and the LED lights on the front flicker, but nothing ever happens. I have to wait until Monday to take it in anywhere. Hopefully, it's just the power switch, or something trivial like that...my luck, it'll be the motherboard *sigh*

    I never realize until something like this happens just how dependant I am on my computer and the internet :D

  12. yep, an ADSL connection requires a landline. The shielded line is plugged into a filter, which plugs into your phone jack. What the filter does is enable the splitting of the signal so that you can use the internet and your phone simultaneously.

    See, this wouldn't help because I don't have a phone line in my apartment -we just use our cells (one less bill to pay...).

    Our old internet/cable service wasn't as bad as Comcast, but they certainly weren't anything to get upset over losing. We spent just as much, if not more, time arguing with them.

    And, now, to add to my list of grievances over all things computer related, my personal PC has just decided to NOT WORK anymore :) ...which probably should be posted in a separate rant, but I'm too lazy to start a new one...

  13. I don't know if this really constitutes a body "part" but I love dimples on a guy. It may be because, my whole life, I've taken crap for my dimples (I hate being called "cute" :) ).

    Long, slender fingers on a guy will win me over every time, but they have to have some shape to them. I don't like them if they're just straight -I love the dips and ridges that the knuckles and joints form. Also, being able to see the tendons/bones in the back of the hand -and on the inside of the wrist- is sexy to me.

    Other favorite parts are those depressions inside a guy's hips, just below his abdomen, and the lower back -especially if he has those two little indentations above his butt.

  14. I pretty much agree with most of what's been said here. I think once things get physical, then you're cheating. To say that thinking about other people, or checking out other people, is cheating takes it a little too far. If the guy I'm with looks at another girl, so be it. Hell, if she's attractive, I'm probably going to look at her too! I'm not sexually attracted to girls, but I'll bet I'd be the first person to say, "Damn, she's hot."

    Now, if he thinks about her when we're being intimate...well, I don't really consider that cheating either, but I don't really want to know about it.

    Sleeping in the same bed with another girl...kinda comes close to the line. For me, it would really depend on if I knew the person my SO was sharing a bed with...and the circumstances. I can't throw stones because I've shared my bed -not necessarily sexually- with plenty of people.

    Flirting is just one of those things, too, that can either be harmless or serious. I mean, if you're in a relationship and you're flirting with someone to get them to go home with you, then, yeah, not so harmless. But if I was accused of cheating every time I flirted with someone, we'd have some serious issues. I have a lot of guy friends, too, and sometimes the conversations we have are flirtatious -I just don't think there's any way to get around that. But they're just friends and there's no harm meant.

    I'd say that if you're lusting someone in your heart then there may be something more to it. If I'm seriously seeing someone, I don't become dead all of the sudden. I still find other guys attractive. But I don't lust after anyone else. I guess cheating really just depends on people's idea of how a relationship should work. I kinda agree with Keith Inc. -if the other person isn't okay with it, then it's pretty much cheating. The reverse is also true -if you're not okay with it, it should be taken seriously. Don't let other people tell you what is and isn't cheating.

  15. Ha! I read that same story awhile ago...I think I probably stopped right around the same place you did with a sort of what-the-hell feeling. I was actually pumped about it, too, because it really is well written and interesting.

    If even your story is in the General section, please, please, PLEASE put the pairings. If there's not room in the summary for it, at the very least put it in the first chapter (preferably the beginning so I don't get caught mid-story going, "NOO!!).

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