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Everything posted by Johnnyjosh

  1. *rotflmao* Oh man, jigglies everywhere, you're killin me here!
  2. I've gotta make sure certain friends don't find this post XD. But yeah, usually once a day and I'm good *laughs* I invested in some good books, some toys, etc., seems all my best kinks come out when I'm alone too XD just too shy to share those kinks with another person I suppose.
  3. Hi, I'm JJ, and I'm new to the forums, but not to AFF. I write primarily slash, but have been known to sprinkle in a little het or femslash as side pairings once in awhile. My main obsessions are anime, Supernatural, Smallville, and certain RPS pairings. I'm pretty much a chat addict, you'll always find me on aim or yim, bishounenjeice or johnnyjosh respectively ^^.
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