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Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
XSFGC - 28 The End AKA Final Battle Yes, after a year wait, I have finally posted the final chapter to XSFGC. Don't you just love Beta's/Editor? I waited practically a year to post this chapter because I was trying to get someone to take a gander at it. I tried three people and all three, after receiving my chapter via email, none ever got back to me and one of them was my TWIN brother! Gah. The Final Battle. Sinister declared WAR on the X-Men and Charles Xavier was not hesitant to declare war back. Sinister has captured four of Xavier's wards and he wants them back! Sinister thought the ball was in his corner but seriously under estimated Chrome Dome's capablilities and the fact that Chrome Dome knew about Sinisters plant from the get go. But again, the X-Men don't escape suffering losses of their own! Afterwards, not only does Phillip make a decision but so does Stacy! P.S. Solaris, thanks for the comments/encouragement. Pariahsolo -
Jagged Alliance 2 Chapter 1 Posted in the Game Section
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
And my job here is FINISHED. I just loaded the last 1/3 of my tale and for those that care for violence and sick/sad shit happening, have a go and I hope you enjoy it. I added wrong, the story only held 22 chapters. After proofing it for the last week, I have been thinking about writing a small follow up chapter but no guarantees. Thanks, Pariahsolo -
Jagged Alliance 2 Chapter 1 Posted in the Game Section
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Since I had to join my son at Saturday School this morning, I was able to get four more chapters proofed for posting. So Chapters 11 through 14 has been posted. If anyone is willing, I would like to hear what you thought of my Devil's Advocate regarding the pros to Bestiality, Necrophilia and Incest which is all that Chapter 14 contained. Just so you know, the story ends with Chapter 22 so about 2/3's have currently been posted with the rest hopefully coming up shortly. Now off to watch the Watchmen. Woot. Pariahsolo -
Jagged Alliance 2 Chapter 1 Posted in the Game Section
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Well, it has been almost a year since I posted the first chapter of this tale and since again my luck with editors/betas went south, the completed story just sat on my electronic shelf gathering dust. Well no more, I have taken it upon myself to proof the work I did a year ago so that I can post it here. Let me apologize ahead of time incase I happen to miss anything which I tend to do no matter how many times I proof a piece. So with out further ado, the next nine chapters has been posted, up to chapter 10 and I aim to have the rest of the story posted by next week. Sorry for taking so long to get this up after the moderators took the time to add the section for this game. Thanks again and remember, more of a violent story then a sex story. Pariahsolo -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 27: That's Not Right! While waiting for Xavier's School/Mansion to be repaired so the students can return, the Year Two and Three's are still on Magneto's Island. However, the Year Two's think Phillip is getting preferential treatment with his mutant training and confront about it. Until Illyana shows up wanting her go at Phillip. Phillip never knew what hit him, let alone if he liked it but that didn't matter to Illyana because she did. To make things better, Sally decides that her control over her defensive Slide Shield is secure enough for Phillip and her to take that next step in their burgeoning relationship. She was wrong. Rape Mutilation And just think, only one more chapter left to post! -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 26: Revenge: Best Served Hot Professor X’s finds out who was responsible for the attack on his School and sends his resident Assassin to make him pay. And Pyslocke makes the man pay in a way only she can but not before remembers where she came from and how she joined the X-Men. Abuse by Uncle Sex with Captain Britain Plying her Trade Fun times with Logan Torture and more -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Greetings all. Finally, I can announce that Chapter 28 has been completed. As I am sure most understand, I simply quit writing all things pron. Not reading mind you, just writing. My creative juices have been percolating for months though with different story ideas. But I was adamant, I wasn't going to start writing anything else until I finished Chapter 28. So now all I have to do is write the synopsis for chapters 26, 27 and 28 so I can post them here. Since no one spoke up here, I will tell you anyway what I decided on Phillip's fate. No, he doesn't get killed (though something not nice does happen to him, but then again 'not nice' seems to follow Phillip around in this story). In the end, Phillip lives and I have plans to pull him from this Alternate Universe into one of my own universe and write about him there. Until then, See You in the Funny Pages, PariaSolo -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Status: First the Good: Chapter 26 and 27 have been written (written for a while actually) and 26 should be up in a day or two. Hopefully Chapter 27 will follow shortly thereafter. The Bad: I have decided to end this series with Chapter 28 with a current plan for a battle royal to take place with at least a couple of more deaths to Xavier's crew. So that leaves me with my final decision on XSFGC: do I kill Phillip or not. They way I have it planned, it won't be a glorious one but the more I think about it, what I have planned may come across as a bit abrupt as well... Let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Thanks, Albert - PariashSolo -
Jagged Alliance 2 Chapter 1 Posted in the Game Section
PariahSolo posted a topic in Promote a Story!
Title: Contract Free Arulco: The Bitch Must Die! Author: PariahSolo Summary: An introduction of the six mercenaries who were hired to liberate the small Caribbean country of Arulco from the clutches of the evil Queen Diedranna! Rating: Adult++ Feedback: Who doesn't like feedback? URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083086 Thanks to Altari the first chapter in the completed Free Arulco: TBMD has been posted. Chapter 1 is mainly a character introduction chapter with the action, both violence and sex starts to happen soon enough. WARNING: This is a story about a fictional war and so the story is heavy on the violence and light on the sex. Additionally, the sex is more of the forced kind and not at all romantic. In general the sex is not displayed in a positive light. Thanks and for those who are willing to take a gander, I hope you enjoy. Albert - PariahSolo -
Looks Like I Will Need to Post That Story Afterall
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Request a Beta
Had to think for a moment. No, no minors involved in sex. The Queen made some minors watch their parents get eaten by Bloodcats and minors were forced to fight for the Queen (a la Blood Diamond) but no sex. Send me a PM on how you want the story sent to you. Thank you for the interest. Albert - PariahSolo -
A while ago I made the request for a section for Jagged Alliance in the computer game section and with all of the work that has been done to this site lately, I was surprised to see the JA section in place. So now I need a beta for Free Arulco: The Bitch Must Die!. The story is complete and weighs in at 22 chapters totally about 84,000 words. What I need from a very willing beta is someone to go through and point out the words that the spell checker missed (most common ones are words like sight vs site both are correct) but I think it would almost be better if you have no clue what JA is, just to make sure that the story makes sense to those to those who JA would be new to them. Warning: Since this is a fictional write up of a computer game, it is heavy in violence and the sex is not the pretty kind. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Albert - PariahSolo
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 25: Bad Week; Gets Worst With the Year Two and Three’s moved temporarily to Magneto’s Island for the safety while the Mansion is repaired, the students and their guardians, Bishop, Phoenix and Storm start to act strangely. Cyclops and Wolverine show up in the Blackbird doing a supply run and Wolverine and Field but heads while Storm is the only person who seems interested in sex, but with just herself. The Professor tells Phoenix that they are under attacked by an unknown source and for them to be strong but Magick saves the day. Then the week got worst because Magneto wanted his Island back. Ororo parading her naked pierced goodness Author's Note: Thanks to Thriceborn for editing/Beta this series. -
Have You Ever Requested A Beta Reader And Got Nothing?
PariahSolo replied to Solaris's topic in Writers' Corner
Definitely can emphasis with most of what has been said here. When I first started XSFGC, I was fine with going it solo because I read and edit and read and edit a story numerous times while writing it. Then I wrote some non-FanFic stuff that really didn't fit here and so I posted them to another site; where it was promptly rejected for grammatical error. Ouch talk about feeling knocked down. So then I did my Re-Edit of the chapters I had already posted and even after I completed the process on chapters, I could still find small errors abound. So I did the Beta request. After three weeks of no response, I miss out when someone did say yes, boo on me, then a second said she would beta and after a month of her not responding she finally came back and said she wasn't going to beta XSFGC after all. I guess I must be a real Pariah here at AFF because I have started two threads, essentially asking opinion and have gotten no replies and only seven views per each thread. This beta issue isn't unique here. At the other site, I have requested help for an editor and twice I have had someone say yes and twice they ended up not working on my work. Interesting enough, "college picking up" seems to be the default rejection notice. Since I am on a roll with the whole Beta/Editor thing, let me rant some more; I have finally got two different editors to look at my non-AFF work and they seem to average two to four weeks to edit a chapter/short story. Is that the norm? And no my work isn't that attrocious, yes it has typo's or more accurately, wrong words that are correctly spelled (like SITE instead of SIGHT). Since I have been ranting, let me end with a positive. I have finally got someone to Beta XSFGC, he contacted me about fan fiction I wrote for a computer game on a third sight. I referred him to my XSFGC story here and after trading emails and giving him advance peeks at the new chapters, he started sending back suggestions. The kicker? While he is living in the US, he is an ESL. Albert - PariahSolo -
Okay, I have been recording Terminator: The Sara Conner Chronicles on the DVR to watch at my leisure, ie so I can fast forward through the commercials, and as I have been watching the shows, one dominate thought is never far from my mind: Terminator just screams to have the Adult Fan Fiction monkey wrench thrown at it. For me the show is heavy with incestial overtones between John and Sara and the last couple of episodes have shown that there is also a Love Machine Model for the Terminators as well. Or is this all in my perverted mind?
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 24: A Glimpse of the Future The idyllic lifestyle of Xavier’s School for Gifted Children is rudely interrupted by an invasion of Sentinels! The battle is costly for both sides as Charon is busy this night escorting the dead across the River Styx. Phillip was able to talk some with an over exuberant Sally and though she is ready for the next step, Phillip isn’t so sure her Slide Shield agrees. Phillip gets to play with Sally’s big bared boobies Two deaths for the X-Men sides but the invaders pay with most of their blood Author's Note: I have actually completed writting the next two chapters but the editing is slow going since I am still without a Beta. -
Greetings all, I am working on chapter 26 of XSFGC (Chapter 24 is done and I need to look over some suggestions a non-Beta made for it and Chapter 25 is with the non-Beta right now) and I need some help with a name of two monastery's that I am having one of the characters be sent to. The first monastery is a place were females are sent to learn all about pleasure (ie the ultimate prostitute school) while the second school is a secret sub-school of the first where they teach females to kill their target with sex). Since they are in China, i want the school to have an artsy fartsy style of name like Fallen Lotus Petals (instead of getting a color belt to show their skill, they get a petal of various flowers tattoo'd on their body). Currently the secret sexual assassin school is called Fleeting Blossom which if you are like me can agree that both names blow chunks. So, can anyone suggest something better? Thanks, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Let me be bad and throw a curve to this thread even though it may fit better under the Beta section but the Beta section doesn't really have a conversation style thread: How long does it take you to Edit or Beta? For me, probably because I am not anal or meticulous about it, it doesn't take much longer than it would for me to normally read it because as I read, my mind is looking for things that don't look or sound, in my head, right. The probablem with this way is that, like a speed reader, my mind will miss small things or if I am erroneous in my head about how something is supposed to sound.
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Boo Ya, the simple editing, mainly to fix the bad numbering of the chapters and to write out the above Synopsis is done and I am already working on Chapter 24, the one that I lost back in November. It started out very similar to the lost chapter but after I got a PM from a reader, I suddenly have this urge to be very bad. Very very bad. Hope you enjoy. Albert - PariahSolo - eastwooodaen PS Even though I have made the appropriate post in the Beta section, since I have struck out twice now, let me say that I would still love to get a Beta to work with me on this endeavor. Thanks. -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 23: Triple Shot Rachael finally takes Phillip’s monkey off of his back, though Phillip still has some maturing to do. Rachael confides in Teresa how at the right angle a 3 inch dick can feel real nice. Teresa lets her lover know that she has been requested to lay with Ric even though it is known that Rictor’s uncontrollable vibration power will turn most girls he beds into goo. Still upset about what Wolverine told him, Phillip sought council with the Assistant Head Mistress, who answered his questions while she was being service orally by a very willing Tabby-Cat. Phillip with Rachael, times 3 Phillip’s first game of Longshot Roberto wanking Tabitha eating Emma -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 22: Religious Zealotry Rahne approaches Brother Kurt for confession and punishment for her sins as a mutant and lover. Brother Kurt listens as she tells her horrid tale. Brother Kurt has tried and failed to convince her that she is not sinning with the two Headmasters guidance, tries a more aggressive approach. Can the religious X-Men do what is asked of him? S&M, Torture Bestiality Kurt putting his tail to good use -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 21: Animal Confessions The leaders of the School discuss their problem children before Wolverine surprisingly opens up to Phillip about his evil past. Phillip left the man thinking he had never met a more evil person. Twice Phillip tried to call off his date with Rachael but everyone is out for the two to be together. Wolverine rapes, tortures Carol Wolverine runs with the pack Wolverine rapes Heather -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 20: Panic Attack Suffering a Panic Attack, Phillip tries to flee the school, only to be waylaid by Wolverine. In his panic to escape, Phillip attacks Wolverine who easily disables him. Then Wolverine steals Phillip’s clothes and Teresa is sent with a change of clothes but insists that Phillip has to pose for her naked before she will give it to him. Back at the Mansion, Rachael says yes to being Phillip’s first. More sex in the Headmasters quarters Naked Wolverine Attack Naked Phillip Teresa shows her boobies again -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 19: Blood and Offerings After meeting up with Wolverine in the Danger Room for their next session, Phillip told how his class mates all had screwed up childhoods ending with Stacy being engaged to her Uncle and after he died before they could be married was sent to Xavier’s. Wolverine enraged Phillip who shaped his field around him to increase his speed and strength got a lucky bloody shot off on Wolverine. The Professor told Phillip that he wanted him to loose his virginity and Illyana and Ms. Frost showed up, naked, offering their services. Stacy pleasing everyone Hello Nurse sucking the Prof Illyana and Ms. Frost naked. -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 18: The Moving Wall, The Prince and His Lover Late at night, while all is sleeping, Teresa tells Phillip her tale of woe. The poor girl living in the shadow of a Castle, dreaming she was the princess. Only Teresa actually was the princess and her prince, Black Tom Cassidy rescued her from her squalor. That was all it took for the young girl to fall in love with the damper Lord of Cassidy Keep. However, being raped by his mountain of a friend ruined her love for her Lord and her uterus. Young love, learning all about sex Rape and nonconsent -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 17: The Devil’s Student Illyana tells a ghost story around the camp fire, full of demons, devils and sex. A tale of how a 10 year old girl was trapped in Limbo for four years while only four months passed on for those at Xavier’s. Too much of Illyana’s tall tale disturbed Phillip who doesn’t think he believes in magick but doesn’t shock as much as Illyana’s self fisting while she tells her tale of woe; which also included Nightcrawler. Illyana doing anything and everything Kurt wielding his dual swords. Demons and zombies too.