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Everything posted by hardykitty

  1. it worked, thank you so much.
  2. i have never seen a playgirl. i have however seen a yaoi anime called my sexual harasment. (my ex boyfriend bought for me) honastly what kinda boyfriend gives his girlfriend porn for her B-day. that kinda backfired though, because i start to like yaoi so we broke up and i got with a bi-boy to watch them with me lol
  3. hi I have found a really good downloading thingy, and I have AVI files but, my mediaplayer dosen't play them does anyone know what i need to download to get my windows media player to play avi files?
  4. Enemy by fozzy
  5. Thank you. God I say that alot. I am hoping to improve
  6. ending
  7. nope i have never been to canada but maybe one day
  8. welcome to the jungle. gunz n roses
  9. Good luck droped out in 9th. I know i shouldn't have But I am going back to school soon.
  10. Not to worry i am 22 (I'm just immature) and i have a 7 month old little girl, named charlee shiann. (sorry mother moment) p.s Thank you storiejunkie because my boyfriend says i act 5 so over 8 is an improvment.
  11. i haven't i have not been without a animal
  12. oh where oh where by pearl jam
  13. i know of a good slash site its fablespinner.com it is gundamwing slash
  14. i haven't either i think i have never drank hard alchol (lol i forgot how to spell it)
  15. buttons by pussy cat dolls
  16. it a circle that dosen't end......why
  17. hardykitty

    I Am...

    i am fighting with my sister agian
  18. hi names kitty and i am 22 i have no idea how to do a siggy so i don't have one but if i did it would have either duo and heero or riki and iason well thats all for now
  19. something hurtful. it might....
  20. hardykitty

    I Am...

    i am very confused right now i am fixing my sister keyboard too
  21. Thank you. that was very confusing. So sentences can be by themselfs, if there one thought and can't go with the paragraph before or after.
  22. smack you. but it might be worth it if...........
  23. me either i have only had sex with one person ever i have never saw my sister naked (thank god)
  24. earth angel by new edition
  25. because thats how they were raised..why?
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