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Status Updates posted by teeta

  1. I can always wait for the moment when you're alive ... like a moment ago. Now you're dead :P

  2. Hihihi, you've signed a contract with devil *_*

  3. Going going, sheesh, is this how you treat FRIENDS?

  4. That was a BIG fluke, 60 frags went down the drain ...

  5. Well, I would say for another couple of hours, if you don't run into Laaerie, or Dominic, or Keith, or someone else ... I'm giving you a break, though. Nighty!

  6. Couldn't stop myself, sorry *sheepish green* Here, you're back to life!

  7. Aww, what happened? Lost to Laaerie? *snickers* and my, my, 60 frags gone ... Ahhh, damn ...

  8. THANK YOU *bows graciously*

  9. Hihihi, I know but I really didn't do anything to deserve thanks, I killed you around 10 times today, something around 900 points of EXP, I SHOULD thank.

  10. Errr ... you're welcome?

  11. Yup, but that's my site, here it's AFF forum and no one needs to know this lil piece of info :P Is it so important after all?

  12. Hehehe, my little dude is most definitely white, meaning gender not set. I feel more comfortable like this.

  13. Hi, back from work already? How's preparation to holiday?

  14. That happens to me every chapter, though now it's with detail, the big plot, it sticks, it's been decided and now I'm just playing with details. Anyway, good luck with writing!

  15. Well, hello, it's still a few hours before I go to sleep. U writing? Jigsaw?

  16. How's hunting the Tarots? Need any help?

  17. Hello :D haven't seen you in a while! You've got a bit catching up to do!

  18. A penis?! What gave you such an idea?!

  19. By all means, be my guest ^__^

  20. Hello! Dropped by to greet my fellow guildie and ask how the weekend was!

  21. By something you mean NST? Then no, not very soon. Some other stories have been updated in my site last weekend.

  22. Yeah, I bet anyone who sees it is like "Huh? WTH? How do you pronounce it?"

  23. Once again, congratulations!

  24. I survived the worst period, now it's almost gone, at least I don't need a ton of tissues. Congrats! Where were you? In Białka Tatrzańska?

  25. Well, whatever :P See you in the battlefield!

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