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Status Updates posted by teeta

  1. Sure sure ... wrapped in green spandex, perhaps?

  2. I know, that's why I'm treasuring them even more. They're the rightful property of Deadly Bottoms :P

  3. OMG, fufufu, that was SOMETHING! And here I was, checking my EXP points and was like HUH? 1 point EXP?! NOW I know why :D

  4. Nah ah! I didn't steal any frags from you. YOU gave them to me, all by yourself. BTW, thanks! *keeping them in a treasure box*

  5. TWO suicides in a row? *ROFL*

  6. I need 2184 point of EXP right now to level. And yes, I'm not as often online now. Though still I have a few good rounds a day.

  7. Actually, I'm levelling twice slower than you, I need to wipe the whole list twice to level. But recently, I haven't been killing much.

  8. I already know you :P Though who knows what happens when I want to stir some 'water'?

  9. Well, I needed to say 'hello' in my own unique way :P

  10. Well, and I want to say 'hi' in a different way, you just gt killed :P Sorry! And welcome!

  11. Don't you think we have a lovely weather for the day after Easter? Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ...

  12. Well, now you ARE dead :P

  13. Kukukuku, Laaerie got you~~~~

  14. I envy you, mine goes painstakingly slow, and I'm tearing my hair here, I haven't updated in a month, I know what to write and it ... still doesn't want to be written.

  15. Morning and once again Happy Easter! I hope you had enough time to sleep today :)

  16. :D You'd have to swim across the ocean and I doubt you have this much stamina. I feel quite safe here, thank you. Hihihi, and our ages sugest that it would be me doing the smacking :P
  17. My address? Why would you need that for? We have PM system, and comments system ... PLus, Konohamaru never feared teachers, not even Ebisu!

  18. *rolling on floor, laughing* I think so too! I'm like Konohamaru, you know!

  19. And Happy Easter!

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