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Posts posted by MorbidFantasy

  1. I always ask for reviews by default. I'm as much a concrit whore as I am a review whore. If someone is taking the time to offer you advice on what to write next it means they at least cared enough about your writing to do that for you. So far I haven't gotten any flames so I can't say for sure how I'd react to them, although since I write non-con exclusively I suppose it's only a matter of time before some self-righteous prick goes on a grillout about how I'm a sick spawn of satan. Obviously though since he took the time to read my work on AFF we'd really all be in the same boat :shifty:

    Bottom line is being a review whore stems from being an attention whore. If we didn't want people to notice our work we wouldn't have posted them online in the first place, so if I'm taking the time to update my fics I better be getting me some feedback.

  2. I'm with you there 110%. If you thought it sucked when you wrote it then WTFH did you post it (or why did you tell us so)? How desperate for validation do you have to be to post something with an author's note that states you don't think it's any good?

    This goes back to a statement I posted before about people writing because they need glory. If you need it, then learn how to interface with your reading audience in order to get it. The first thing you have to figure out, though, is who your reading audience is. Many of us who read fanfiction also write it, and have precious little empathy for a fellow writer who is willing to bash themselves pre-emptively in the interest of their bottomless egos.

    It's a psychological impulse to either strut your ego around or efface it in front of other people to incite a response. I've done both in the past, and am currently sticking to the "I R0XX0RZ IN MY WRITING SO GO READ MY FICS" advert.

    I tend to get chatty in my chapter updates because I want reader feedback, but I understand that for some people that is a huge turn off. They'd rather get right to the action and skip all the author's notes. Luckily I enjoy my own writing enough that I don't necessarily need rave reviews and fanmail to support my admittedly unhealthy writing habit.

    My other pet peeve is just like the last person said about unfinished business. I hate reading through 30+ chapters of a good piece before the author drops off the face of the earth without a second word. If I ever decided to jump ship from AFF I'll be sure to at least put up a notice with my last update to notify my readers that I'm calling it quits.

  3. another way to gain readership (and subsequently reviews/ratings) is to choose a more popular fandom like Buffy or Harry Potter and write some fics there. I find that if I really like an author's work in one fandom I'm more likely to be checking his profile and reading his work in less popular/obscure fandoms.

  4. Sometimes I have to wonder if the authors honestly go back and read their sex scenes before posting. At least on my part if I can't read my own sex scenes and get a hard on from doing so I take the whole thing back to the drawing board and rework it.

    The other thing is some author think erroneously that they HAVE TO plug in descriptive words like "silken" or "vestal" or "throbbing", but loading your sentences with that sort of vocab can easily take your reader out of the mood, just like too much sugar in your coffee. Sometimes fewer words are better, and simplicity often works wonders.

    I definitely think that the flow of the entire scene is what makes or breaks the piece. I have to be able to render the scene in my mind as I read, like a well done sex scene in a film. If I have to pause to ponder the veracity or grammatical sufficiency of a series of words or descriptions it only serves to break my mood.

  5. Sometimes you have to consider the potential audience base. Some of the fandoms on AFF are inevitably more popular than others (Lara Croft, Buffy, etc) and get more attention from readers. Stories posted in these catagories get more readers by default, not because they're necesarily better but because more people are visiting the fandom more often.

    The other thing is that everyone has preferences, like I will by default NEVER read anything with M/M in it, and also will seldom read consensual or pregnancy fics.

    You could always promote your story here on the forums, like my shameless self adverts (I've got a big ego).

  6. BTW if you want to get a laugh, look at the guy's new profile: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1493267/Fatality_of_Mortality

    For some strange reason he's changed his name, but not his tune. Doesn't even update his insults. (One of my readers who slammed him, has published a story, but he still claims that THEY haven't.... Makes him look stupid!) Oh, and notice that the majority of his 'favorited authors' are just like him. Flamers who haven't published a single thing!

    lol, bets on whether the guy has a day job or is a basement whore?

  7. My latest flame!

    Damn commies tryna take our freedom of expression away!

    damn, that's intense XD

    oh, btw, J.D your external links to your Emma watson fics are no longer up. Where else can I find them?

  8. This is probably going to get me shot, but if you want to read a textbook example of a Mary-Sue, read the Twilight series. Basically, everything Stephanie Meyer writes you want to avoid like the bloody PLAGUE.

    On an ever so slightly more serious note, I remember reading that and I can't think for the life of me WHERE it went. It actually wasn't bad explanation.

    Quoted for truth.

  9. In chapter with 3000 words (my average) about 1500 is devoted to the sex scenes, although sometimes I do spend most of a chapter expanding the plot. Some people have no need for plot, and can get off on just reading the sex scenes. I don’t skimp on the plot because to me that’s just as important as the sex. Usually what I do is write the sex scene first after having thought out the plot. After completely fleshing the sex scene out then I tie it all together with the necessary plot points. This also gives me some leeway with plot, like the current two chapters of my Fat Man Remake, which have actually swapped chronological order since I’ve started working. I started out with the sex scenes, and soon realized the benefits of placing one chapter ahead of the other, so changed the plot links to order.

  10. there's only so many ways to have sex, and only so many ways to describe said options. It's all in the descriptive language. Think of the variety as a series of multipliers. You could also have more than one on each list happening at the same time.

    1. the basics

    The dick goes in the vagina

    The dick goes in the butt

    The dick goes in the mouth

    The dick goes in the hand

    The finger goes in any of the above (yes hand in hand too XD)

    The tongue goes in any of the above

    A toy goes in any of the above

    That pretty much sums up the physical possibilities, but if you expanded it to include setting, that alone changes everything.

    2. posture



    Laying down


    Bent over doggy style

    tied up bondage


    non submissive/dominant

    3. setting




    empty room (includes jail cells and other)


    nature (beach, woods, etc)

    4. emotions+# of participants and etc


    aggressive/non aggro


    M/F, F/F, M/M, orgy/multiple


    5. toys/utensils

    don't even get me started...ANYTHING can be used for sex. Some just work better than others and you just have to be creative about it.

    Obviously these lists aren't comprehensive. You also have to tack on the fact that even given the same characters in the same setting with the same sex format, descriptive language will allow two technically identical sex scenes to come off as unique and fresh.

  11. basically I was saying that writing is different than filmmaking where you could visually represent your ideals. Writing is harder in that the audience must visualize the intended scene via the author's language.

    Yeah, I prowled around AFF for three years before posting anything. By the time I started writing my own stuff I realized that everyone was pretty much just satisfying their own urges and/or writing for fun. It's a pretty openended place

  12. Fanfiction isn't youtubing. We can't see what's going on in your head, so you have to really lay it out for us. If you can read your work impartially and really visualize what you were thinking at the time that you wrote, it, than hopefully we can too. On subject matter, it's your call. Everyone has their own preferences (I only write M/F non-con for instance), so your subject might turn some people off or it might turn them on. What makes the biggest difference is quality descriptive writing. That will often win over readers who normally might not be inclined to read your type of fiction. One of my personal milestones was when a reviewer mentioned that he normally didn't like rape fiction but managed to enjoy my work. That's when I figured that I was doing something right.

  13. no, no, no...

    something more "cold", please :)


    "I thought you'd do much better", he said, slowly putting on his pants. With an expression of infinite derision written all over his face he slipped a cigarette in between his lips and lit it with somewhat studied solemnity, like a candle on a passion's grave.


    now that's just mean XD

  14. I've had a few devoted readers who reviewed my stories multiple times, but usually it's after I updated. I also have a tendency to ask for opinions on how my story should proceed plot wise and some of these readers do respond to them.

    Hey, in any case, it boosts review count right? can't hurt.

  15. A whole lot less M/M and more hardcore non-con Het. There, I think I just alienated the entire female AFF populace.

    Hey, just telling it like it is. Of course one of these days we should all have one big poll and find out how many of us are females and how many are males. I suppose with all that yaoi flying around this place must be like 80% estrogenated peeps, but then again, I could be wrong.

  16. The bigger man never says "I'm the bigger man." Just so you know.

    No no no, you got me all wrong. When I say I'm the bigger man, I wasn't refering to some form of self righteous ingratiation where I've somehow forgiven you for your utter lack of respect towards your fellow peers and your similar lack of gray matter betwix the ears. When I say I'm the bigger man, I was refering to my penis.

  17. You get one out of 40 people to review? And you're complaining? My most viewed (and reviewed) story has reviews from about one in every 600 readers. I'd love to have 1 out of 40 drop a review.

    technically when you have 600 hits it doesn't denote 600 readers. Everytime someone visits a chapter of your story you get a hit, so if you had a 50 chapter story and someone read them all you get 50 hits. If the same person chose to go back and read them again that's another 50 hits. Hits only document the number of times your story has been accessed (each individual chapter adding to the count). If you happened to write a story that was really good chances are there is alot of rereading being done. I have 17500 hits on one story with 10+ chapters. So that's 17500 divided by 10 to get 1750 hits for the entire story. Divide that by a conservative estimate that every person who read the story reread it at a future time 10 times and I think only 175 people have read that story. That really puts things in perspective, and is a big wakeup call to me that I'm not nearly as popular as I'd like to think I am.

    On reviews. Bad stories either get flames or don't get reviews at all. If someone posted a positive review on your story, you know you've done something right. Even if it is only one review, it's a significant achievement, especially here on AFF with people being so stingy with reviews (I literally begged my readers for reviews, and some of them even mentioned that they only reviewed because I begged XD).

    Obviously my math regarding the hits is just my personal estimate. Some stories get read less, some get read more. I have 40 reviews for 17500 hits...that means 1 review for every 438~ hits. Eventually you'll realize that the more hits you get, the worse the ratio between hits/reviews are going to get. I actually think of my hit-count as the true indicator of my story's success. 1 or 2 positive reviews help my ego alot, but it's knowing people are willing to come back for more that really lifts my confidence.

  18. yeah, I admit I shouldn't have inferred that EVERYTHING on FF was clean n squeeky. I think what I did find was that it was hard finding good het non-con there, which was a big factor in me finding AFF. It think some author had mentioned there that he posted his more extreme fics here, so I jumped here.

  19. Here again with the shameless self plug.

    Go read my Tomb Raider FF, titled Fat Man Remake. It has 11 chapters (ongoing), and around 9 sex scenes give or take depending on your definition of a sex scene. I feel I've managed to make every one of those different. If not, do tell me and I can take that into note.

  20. Sorry, but there's no way you can make me believe that you've read stuff at FF.net and believe that it's "Junior/Kiddy/Underage/Politically Correct". No one is that stupid. Either you lied about having read anything on FF.net, or you read stuff there and lied about what the content is. Either way, that is BS.

    If you want respect, EARN IT. Spewing out malicious lies and then getting upset when someone calls you on it is childish.

    Um, dude, we were talking about adults who read fanfiction. And the difference between two fanfiction sites. I made that very clear: "I have five friends who also read fanfic,"(note the underlined word) Why are you bringing up adults who don't read fanfiction? ...Oh, I see, you just wanted to make it out like I was arguing that most adults read fanfiction.

    I don't see how my age, or the average age of the readerships, have to do with any of this. You're going to have to explain yourself here.

    And I not only never said that, I very explicitly said the opposite: "People come to AFF for Darkfic and sex scenes(not saying there isn't anything else, but you really have to look for it)"

    So that's twice in one post that you lied about what I said. You're not doing a good job of earning mutual respect, or even showing that you're entitled to your opinion.

    First you label my opinion BS, then you call it malicious lies. But I digress. I'm not upset, anyone who gets upset over an argument on a forum is taking themselves too seriously. When I label you an ass, I do it with no hostility, which means I acknowledge the fact that you have a different opinion than mine but think your way of arguing it is uncouth and immature.

    I spent the better part of four years reading FF before AFF supplanted it. I know what there is to be offered. I was comparing the level of mature/dark content of AFF to FF when I labeled the later J/K/U/PC. You can't deny that a larger percentage of FF writing is more light hearted and less morbid than AFF. I'm pretty sure any of my fics would probably be banned if I posted them there. I have no need to earn respect on a forum. It hardly registers on my list of life goals.

    You said an overwhelming majority of adults to not want to read dark fic and smut. What part of my post refuted that? I was just commenting that most adults to not want to read fanfiction at all, so you're making your case out to be more important than it really is. What you really mean is that out of the MINORITY of adults who read fanfiction, most do not want to read dark fic or smut. It's a rather moot point. We all have our preferences.

    And regarding the age issue, I concede that point. I misread your comment. I thought what you said was that you and several of your friends all read AFF, and you were the only legal one. In that I apologize.

    You said, and I quote, "AFF is just the little niche corner for us desperate perverts." Which sort of seals the deal that you think that's all we want and find here. If you meant otherwise, you certainly didn't give off the impression. You can't do a 180 on yourself and say you meant the exact opposite. Logic doesn't work like that.

    My conclusion. I misinterpreted one of your sentences in my reading haste, but I have no idea where you came up with the number of 2 for times I lied about what you said. That's simply absurd. Everything you wrote is for all to see here, so it'd be pretty hard to claim otherwise.

    This is a community forum. Mutual respect shouldn't have to be earned, it should be a basis with which to treat each others. What does happen is you can LOSE that respect from your fellow peers for being belligerent and confrontational with no good cause. From what I can gather I'm not the only one that you attacked on this thread, and so far I haven't seen anyone agree with your point of view.


    Morbidfantasy: 2

    The Paring Guy: 0


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