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Everything posted by Aeka-chan
Alrighty, yeah, I've been gone for a very long time, mainly because my muse sorta, keeled over and died or sommat, between stress at home, and school work, I haven't had much incentive or inspiration to continue any of my stories for the time, hopefully that will change in the coming weeks, but until then, I've returned now because, well, I got two of the same message in my e-mail (date Sept 1 2008, no I don't check my mail often) 'For Our Friend, Aeka-chan, and to All You Love... May Good Luck Be Your Friend AdultFanFiction.net keeps the inhabitants of New Orleans, surrounding areas, and those who love them, in mind, in this time of impending crisis. Let us be brave for life. Let us straighten after the pain, with the trees, after the rain. Let us see, even when life brings us blinding things. And, through it all, let us keep our sight, and see that everything will be alright. For darkness yields the light. I wish you safety, strength, perseverance, and ultimate joy. My ardent love and truest hopes are with you -- please, come back to us healthy, happy, and soon. I will pray for you all day, in my way; in all of your ways, I beg you to be blessed. Yours Truly, Jaxxy -- On Behalf of AdultFanFiction.net.' ... Why does it sound like people think that my entire family and I just spontaneously died?
Because you ate the whole bottomless tin of oysters. Is that a Jelly Baby in your pocket, or is it just really cold out?
Found some more Michigan bits, including some extensions to the rat bounty- There is a 3 cent bounty for each starling and 10 cent bounty for each crow killed in any village, township, or city in the state. Adultery is illegal, but can only be punished upon a complaint by the affected husband or wife. The last Sunday in June of every year was named "log cabin day". (What the hell?) Cars may not be sold on Sunday. (I always knew used car salesmen were demons) Detroit Putt-putt golf courses must close by 1:00 AM. Security guards at Joe Louis Arena will confiscate any item they feel might be thrown onto the ice. Couples are banned from making love in an automobile unless the act takes place while the vehicle is parked on the couple's own property.
What we should do is a make a zoo of these knuckle ehads and show kids, then explain what is happening... Thats how I learned, perhaps I should explain- My dad is white trash in every sense of the word (And oddly enough, mother is quite inteligent, I guess opposites do attract huh?) Anyway, a good example of what I'm talking about with the learning experiances was when a bug got stuck in one of the wall sockets, and he tried to get it out with a butter knife... It brings to mind a Christopher Titus quote actually- This man also blamed my mental disorder on my mom when it was his side of the family that had all the autism problems and such, and he was the one who expected mum to work her ass off even when pregnant with me, and when he was supposed to be watching me when I was like one or two, he fell asleep infront of the T.V. and I had fallen down the stairs... Just recently he was hospitalized with a liver condition, and he doesn't know why... And I think 'Gee, maybe it was the five bottles of beer you drink each day'... And no, I don't live with him, mum and I moved out when I was six and he shot the computer, while mom was sitting at it, because 'the clicking was pissing him off', but in the end, I managed to learn many thigns from studying him, like drugs (With the exception of the stuff I take to keep me from bouncing off the walls) are evil, never dive into a shallow pool head first (He lost half of his teeth after that bout of idiocy), and never spray aerosol into a wood burning furnace... Anyway, enough of my rambling, back to my point people who are stupid enough to even consider stoping a chainsaw with their genitals should probably neutered/spayed and shoved into a special zoo for so little kids can study things that they shouldn't do.
Oh, don't get me started on this topic, Michigan full of crazy people *nod* A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission. Any person over the age of 12 may have a license for a handgun as long as he/she has not been convicted of a felony. (See! All these shootigns are the government's fault!) Clawson There is a law that makes it legal for a farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens. (Riiight... Sleeping had best be all they are doing with those critters) Detroit It is illegal to let your pig run free in Detroit unless it has a ring in its nose. According to history and animal husbandry, it prevents them from "rooting" in the ground for their food. Willfully destroying your old radio is prohibited. It is illegal for a man to scowl at his wife on Sunday. Grand Haven No person shall throw an abandoned hoop skirt into any street or on any sidewalk, under penalty of a five- dollar fine for each offense. (Wait... People still MAKE hoop skirts?) Harper Woods It is illegal to paint sparrows to sell them as parakeets. (I've heard of counterfeiting but...) Kalamazoo It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend. Rochester All bathing suits must have been inspected by the head of police. Wayland Anyone can keep their cow on Main Street downtown at a cost of 3 cents per day. (Okay, I can't resist- Hey cow, MOOVE it!)
Most of my stories come to me at a spurr of the momment, which sucks if I don't have immediate access to a word processor since I have a very short attention span, especially durring periods where my body feels like it's eating it's self alive (Like right now, evil heat...). The ideas tend to pop into my head when I'm watching the tele, playing a game, reading, just nerding out in general, or if I'm looking for a specific type of story and can't find it, then I rush to throw the idea together for later use, and hope the idea tap hasn't dried when I finaly get to the story, of course, I also have to hope that the tap doesn't get clogged by too many ideas coming out at once... But yeah, what do I know? I'm no R. L. Stine after all.
Yep I'm back, after a LONG hiatus, anyway, heres the first story in a series of other stand alone stories I plan on doing. This one's for the slime girl lovers out there ^-^ Anyway, the story revolves around a young man who inherits a cottage in a forest nestled in the middle of nowhere, and his unexpected house guest, hopefully I don't back myself into a corner with this one and get writers block, or worse, bring myself into an open space and get writers plug (where you have too many ideas trying to get through at once). Life with Slime Edit: Saturday, June 23, 2007 Episode two now in progress
6/10, eh, tad bit simple in my opinion, but simple ain't alway not not ain't bad... Ain't it? (yes, I know I just single handedly butchered my own language, I'm just kinda hyper right now)
7/10, very nice picture, looks familiar for some on reason, and a clever quote, but the quote also sort of lost points in my opinion, but that's semi-biased because I am sick and tired of Roosevelt after studying him for two school years in a row x.x'
So I think it's safe to say that, atleast with final fantasy genre, things are starting come full circle, back to the days of FFI, with no real story to the characters, they just happen to be there... Realy, ever since ten, the games have been in a downward spiral, focusing mroe on gameplay and graphics, rather than story and characters... I mean when you make a shoot 'em up game based on the series, it's time to take a break or something... Ah well, It had to end somewhere huh? I just hope I never have to use the immortal words of Dr. Bones 'He's dead Jim' in the direction of these games...
Heh, after reading this bit I was surprised no one brought this up, but the cell phone bit wasn't the worst in my opinion... Let us consider final fantasy 11, or as I prefer to call it 'World of Final Fantasy'... Man, as interesting as the idea would be IF we could trust people to play in character in these games, the game it's self screws a atleast three groups over- First, it's online only, so anyone with a connection below broadband is out, second, it's pay to play, and not everyone have the extra cash to pay for things liek this, and third, not everyone has time to play the game enough to be worth paying the monthly fee... Mix that with the large number of 'Leet' idiots on online games... Just seems like a bad idea on Square's part.
I am no longer allowed to plot the downfall of Hogwarts (Nothing against the Harry Potter universe its self, I just think Hogwarts is a disgrace to magic users everywhere, but thats just me <.< >.>)
I am no longer allowed to *Resists urge to put 'Go to first unread post' while wondering if anyone else noticed that one* quote Eddie Izzard in a room full of rednecks...
I am no longer allowed to leave the Play Pen for fear of making myself look like a complete and utter fool.
Because they are on the continent that the Chinese locked the green monkey, why? (And just as a quick referance- Green Monkey is both the sign of chaos on the Chinese 60-year calender (though I think it may actualy be the Wood Monkey or something of that nature) and it's also the thing that was said to have cause the AIDs outbreak in Africa... Yes I'm a nerd *nod*)
(Thanks, and the cats look good too huh? Though I wish I could draw well enough to say I was the one who dre it (But I did remember to give credit to the person who did ^-^)) Because all everyone realy cares about is the fact that if giant eyebrows are left unchecked they will eventualy jump from their owner's face and terrorize the countryside, why?
8/10, though I realy can't give much of a reason otuside of what has already been said
Because for every action there is an equal yet opposite reaction, why?
Because the left taste buds were lost in the great tobasco disaster of 1990, why?
Because it makes eggnog taste better, why?
Because deviance is the spice of life... Along with nutmeg, why?
Because then she would be the two-handed typist, why?
Because the one-handed typist said so, why?
I have never seen anyone quite as stupid as George W. Bush (Junior)
Because satyrs tend to be hornier than lemon writers, why?