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Hermione Malfoy

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Everything posted by Hermione Malfoy

  1. I am no longer allowed to hate curry.
  2. Michael Collins (the Politician)
  3. Not Guilty - I love my parents, and I do enjoy living, so I have nothing to curse them for. G/NG - Wishes that they could choose their family.
  4. Of course. Mad Apple?
  5. Big Trouble in Little China (movie)
  6. Okay, first off child abuse - I hate it. I hate watching about it, and reading about it. I even walk out of the room when I hear about it on the news. It is one of those things that does happen in the World. We have to live with it going on around us. BUT: As everybody said there is a difference between fiction and reality. I haven't read Lolita as the theme doesn't sit well with me but perhaps I should as a learning experience, I am not really sure. I have written scenes like rape, and murder, and sex, and right now I am contemplating a scene in my original story of a fifteen year old girl with her twenty year old cousin. By rights if there was no difference between fiction and reality I'd probably be put in solitary confinement. Also, one final thing which no one has mentioned before. Hundreds of years ago thirty year olds, forty year olds, even men in their fifties and sixties were married off to twelve, thirteen year old girls. Then, when a girl had her first period she was married of as soon as possible. It is only recently that practice is disgusting because of the way society has become. I like the thought that Mother Nature doesn't know the difference. Edit: I may ship Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus but I never have had her involved in an underage consensual sex scene. It is sixteen in the UK. Legally, here, Hermione could have had sex practically any time in Order of the Phoenix, as she was nearly twelve in PS/SS.
  7. ^ Has a lot of new sayings stored up.
  8. Carl Fogarty
  9. Niether have I. I have never attended an Auction.
  10. Absolutely Nan?
  11. Monday
  12. The Last of the Mohicans (movie)
  13. I don't mind concrit - you know the "I really like your story but..." and offers advice I can use. I love reviewers who also give me ideas for the next chapter, as sometimes I'm stumped. I also like the gushy ones as it proves to me that people are at least reading the story. What I don't like are people saying: "I really hate this story!" or, "I'm not going to continue reading this story!" when that's the only review I get from that particular person it's like... "Well, hon, you haven't reviewed before so I didn't even know you were reading the story so should I care?" I delete those I must admit. I had a grammer nazi reviewing my story, I took her advice to heart and she reviewed another story much later on and she said that my grammer had improved. I never give a bad review because I don't like giving bad stuff, if I like the plot or the story I say so. If I don't like the way the story is going then I stop reading that particular story. I did give a perfectly polite review once and I got stung so much by it that it's kind of frightened me since not to give any concrit at all.
  14. All the time. Guilty. G/NG: Waits until things are cheap before they buy them.
  15. Um, not the last time I checked. Red?
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