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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year?  Money issues, computer issues, hoping my mum lives long enough to actually get to see an overworked cardiologist, blocked sewage pipes, more yard work than I can handle, especially given my bad back, arthritis in my knees getting worse… oh yeah, I can’t wait for this year to end.  I wasn’t going to have a whinge, but fuck it, why not.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JayDee


      Sounds like a big pile of shit to have to deal with. I hope things improve for you somehow.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Jeebus Melrick.  Hang in there, things are bound to improve!

    4. Melrick


      Okay, boobies do make most things much better, I’ll be honest.  Thanks @pippychick :D

  2. 37626
  3. 37624
  4. 37622
  5. The Art Room and its attached forums is now member’s only, so guests will no longer be able to access it.
  6. 37620
  7. 37618
  8. 37616
  9. 37614
  10. 37612
  11. Okay, I’m closing this topic now since I’ve started another one in private.
  12. 37610
  13. 37608
  14. 37606
  15. Agreed.
  16. 37604
  17. I prefer this option. I’d still like DG’s opinion on it, but this works for me.
  18. 37602
  19. 37600
  20. Now that I’ve had a chance to sleep on this, I can see a potential problem with forcing people to use url’s linked to pictures off-site. What can happen is people deliberately leave a link to what they describe is a particular legitimate picture when in reality it’s to a very, very nasty site, designed to do nasty things to your computer, or even to a website with highly illegal content. This can, and does, happen elsewhere. All we need is a pissed off person deciding to leave, but not before leaving a parting gift. Another problem is that they could be providing a link to a legitimate website with a legitimate picture, but that website later disappears and is replaced by one of those nasty sites previously described. That’s a problem that’s occurred here at least once. Oh, and I’m assuming this is what people are talking about, linking to pictures that are hosted off-site?
  21. 37598
  22. Sounds good to me. I can’t see many people abiding by it, though, to be honest. You know how people are; we only have rules because we like to bully people, apparently.
  23. 37596
  24. I believe actions are what count, not thoughts, but governments seem to think differently. And I agree with the original suggestion.
  25. A fun, if painful, fact: a Kiwi’s egg is so large that its human equivalent would be a mother giving birth to a 6 year old child.

    1. BronxWench


      And we wonder why kiwi haven’t taken over the world. Yeesh. If that were true for humans, I’d have remained childless quite happily.

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