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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am saying that the dialup IS the problem. I am wondering how I'm supposed to search for porn while doing this at the same time with my dialup.
  2. Only from members of the opposite sex! 5102
  3. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am cursing my dialup yet again.
  4. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am reminding Daz of the truly GIGANTIC amount of text I would need to get through before I could even begin to post. I am advicing I talk to Red about this being a real potential problem for attracting new people, especially further down the track when there's even more up; I gave some suggestions on how that could be fixed.
  5. 5100 Woo baby, where do I collect my prize!
  6. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am saying put me in the story! I'm already a studly sex god so it should be easy! I am hoping I'm a good liar.
  7. Mmmmmm could be. Depends on who's asking! Elvis?
  8. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am advising that you could start off with an early teaser and make them wait for the longer, better stuff later in the chapter.
  9. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am pleased that I've only gotten positive reviews, as far as I remember.
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