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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Razzle Dazzle, Bill Haley & His Comets
  2. 22423
  3. Coffee Shop, B.A.P
  4. 22421
  5. Hear I go again, Whitesnake
  6. 22419
  7. lol That's funny.
  8. 22414
  9. 22412
  10. Picked up my cost-free rental car for the duration of my car being repaired. I shall now assume the use of breaks is optional.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      lol Duly noted.

    3. BronxWench


      I take frequent breaks myself. The use of brakes is, however, always discretionary. :D

    4. Melrick


      lol It's a nice car, apart from the uncomfortable seats, which are pretty standard in modern cars for some reason.

  11. 22410
  12. Shout, Tears for Fears
  13. Give it to me, Sistar
  14. 22408
  15. Spending all my time, Perfume
  16. 22406
  17. 22404
  18. Expectation, Girl's Day
  19. 22401
  20. Trap, Henry
  21. 22399
  22. 22393
  23. 22391
  24. 22389
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