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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 36073
  2. 36071
  3. The location of those FAQ’s have changed since then. This is how to manage your recommended author’s list, and this is how to manage your recommended reading list. But all our FAQ’s are still located in the same part of the forum, here.
  4. 36069
  5. 36067
  6. 36065
  7. 36063
  8. 36061
  9. 36059
  10. It’s not my birthday, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank my mum for squeezing out my 11 pound 5 ½ ounce hulking frame naturally all those years ago.  And my 11 pound brother, 11 pound other brother, and 10 pound sister.  All naturally.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      holy hell!  your mum is superwoman!

    3. Melrick


      And she’s not a big woman, either. lol

    4. pippychick


      Can I just say: Ouch! And I’ve never even given birth… your Mom is amazing <3

  11. 36057
  12. 36055
  13. 36053
  14. 36051
  15. 36049
  16. 36047
  17. 36045
  18. 36043
  19. 36041
  20. 36039
  21. 36037
  22. 36035
  23. 36033
  24. 36031
  25. 36029
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