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    tolkien, elves, thundercats, books, kickboxing, music (erasure, prince, the doors, talking heads, van halen, led zeppelin, def leppard, and a variety of others)

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  1. There's actually a whole site dedicated to Gil-Galad & Elrond with a number of G/E stories... hasn't been updated in a while, but might have some stuff of interest. http://www.queencheetah.com/kingandherald/
  2. *raises hand* Yup, I recall reading it as it was being posted... three years ago? oi, I feel old... that's gotta translate out to, what, twenty years in virtual time? I thought it was a very sweet story about this pair, but then, I'll admit I'm biased and have a hard time not liking stories with Glorfindel and Erestor in them.
  3. The official site for the 2007 Tolkien Track has been updated: http://tolkientrack.queencheetah.com For those unfamiliar, Tolkien Track is part of Dragon*Con, an immense convention held in Atlanta the first weekend of September. This year's dates are August 31-September 3. It's tons of fun, and I happen to be one of the volunteers for the track, a presenter, and the moderator of the fanfiction forum. Hence, why I'm promoting it. For more info on the con itself, check out http://www.dragoncon.org -Zhie
  4. Thunder... thunder... thunder... ThunderCats, Hooooo! Voltron was the other big one when I was a kid, and then later on I liked the Super Mario Brothers Super Show. Then, when I was a teenage, Aeon Flux was on late at night. Loved it. Totally brought up all sorts of interesting ponderances of reality at 2am when I really should have been sleeping instead of alternatively hating and loving Trevor Goodchild. Also, I really, really had an almost unhealthy obsession with Pokemon for a while... still love watching it Saturday mornings.
  5. ^ Was offered a spot in Professor X's team, but decided to join the Justice League instead. < Really wants another caramel hot cocoa, but is too damned lazy to get up and make one. V Is planning to write the definitive guide to cartoon drinking games.
  6. 3954
  7. Paul Anka
  8. zhie

    Title Share

    Better Than Sex (Film, 2000)
  9. zhie


    huh... aff has forums... imagine that... *shifty-eyed look* *not so discretely glomps everyone, then pounces on Glorfindel*
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