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Posts posted by ChimaeraChan

  1. Hey there! Love your icon by the way. X3 You ever need a beta for any of your writing or tips and tricks, just let me know. happy.gif

    Other than that, hope to read your work, have fun on the boards and I'll see ya roun! XD

    Hi ^^ I'll keep you in mind about the beta thing--I need one, but I've been putting it off until I actually complete my fics, instead of editing as I go. And thanks about the avatar. <3 I cropped an old pic of mine to make it... Here's the full pic, if you'd like to see

  2. While that MAY be the case, it's the job of the reviewer to make sure you understand that, not for me to have to decipher out of a two word post. There's a reason you can leave extremly long reviews. If they're not taking the time to explain to me that I may have not wrapped up the story properly, why shoul I take the time to check every fucking time a reviewer leaves "update soon" or "plz write more soon!" in the review field.

    At least now they HAVE to leave their E-mail addresses so I can write them back to let them know the story is ABSOLUTLY DONE and short of the han of frikkin GOD coming down and adding a chapter, it's as done as it's gonna be.

    *nod* Oh, I'm not excusing the people for being rude enough to comment... if you want to even call it a comment, with their little one liners of meaningless. If I had bothered to review the story I was talking about (which I hadn't 'cus it had been finished a while back and I assumed the author wouldn't be watching anymore) I would have been a little more specific, and courteous, than 'Update already!!11!!! TT__TT'

    Although, really, I haven't gotten to a point where I truly dislike reviews, even the craptastic ones. O_o I think I'm still just happy someone is reading. XD;; Thankfully no one has really given me a hard time yet.

  3. Not to be the voice of bitchyness here, but have you considered the fact that maybe you're getting such comments because your ending wasn't wrapped up properly? I read this beautiful fanfic a couple of years back, ran across it again recently and thought 'yay, the author must have completed it by now.' I reread the whole thing, only to find that no, it had already been completed the first time I had read it, only the way it had ended had been so abrupt and left so many elements unfinished that till this day I would like to hear a proper ending to it. And this was a brilliant, well written fic; the author just obviously had problems in writing endings because her beginning and middle were wonderful.

    I'm not saying that is necessarily the case with every reviewer that is going 'update' on a finished piece, but it never hurts to look at your fic again and make sure everything is tied up properly. ^^

  4. ...I can't believe I read that whole post and no one had sex at the end! XD

    Oh my, I do get a few of those, but usually in less annoying forms like 'omg, I can't wait till they finally hook up!' I just ignore them really, like all the other 'oh, have these two characters hook up' and the 'wouldn't it be cool if this happened next' comments. They mean well, but it's not their fic, so back off already. I think you have to remember that fanfics are predominately oriented around two (or more) favorite characters shagging like bunnies (which can be refreshing at times <3) so readers begin to expect it when cruising fanfics. It's a fanfic, the cannon plot has already been established, so let's have some sex already!

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I love plot in all its many forms. It is absolutely impossible for me to write a PWP, I just can't not write plot and backstory, or some sort of explanation as to why these people are together--and omg but I love establishing relationships; that's half the fun. But when I'm looking around AFF I'm not necessarily looking for plot at the time... and I really don't expect it. ...I think I've become jaded about it actually. O_o I expect to find poorly plotted out fics. Even the ones that try tend to fizzle out halfway through. Sad, actually.

  5. Mmm, I think it will always sting, no matter how much you prepare yourself and harden your heart to that sort of thing. Your writing is like your baby; no one wants to hear their kid is no good. But it needs to be said for the good of that piece of writing, and because of that, you can look forward to improving and creating something completely beyond your current level.

    I'm the sort of person that doesn't give any sort of in depth critique unless I feel the story is worthy of being fixed, and I have a feeling that most helpful critics are like that. Be glad someone took the time to read your full story, and tear it apart to show you those places that are broken. As writers, we can be too close to our writing, and can't see the flaws all the time, so someone else has to do the nastiness for us and pull our fics apart. You're allowed to sniffle at the initial pain, but after, it's your decision to either ignore the help, or take the hard road and grow as a writer.

    So... and this may sound asinine, but I don't want to hear the 'oh, it's perfect, don't change a thing' comments. I want the, 'nice, but you forgot ___, and ____ confused the hell out of me, and do you really want to approach it like that?' comments. It's boring to feel like you have nowhere else to go as a writer. Sure, you can enjoy that feeling of other's loving your work, but what's to keep you from improving if you feel like you've hit some imaginary peek? If you were content with your current level of writing, I imagine it wouldn't have hurt so much to have your work criticized.

    Good luck with it, and don't be discouraged. ^^

  6. Hey. ^^ Let's see... I'm an artist that just started writing last year, and naturally AFF was the place to go. XD I'm 24... write mainly in the hp section outside of my original stuff, because my brain can only seem to focus on one fandom at a time (although I pretty much read it all)... oh, and I'm a total rabid slash/yaoi fan. Oh, I'm a girl, too... What else? American... Tend to lean towards a mix of light humor/dark violence in my writing; don't know why, but it works for me. I'm a forum slacker, but I joined the AFF fanart group a little while back and thought I might as well poke the forums too. Seeing as I'm new to writing, I thought it might be nice to see what sort of advice was floating around from the veterans. <3 I have an annoying innate desire to learn and improve in most everything I do, so it fuels me.

    Anywho, nice to meet you all. >^.^< Just ignore me if I ramble your ear off.

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