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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Sand
  2. Trap
  3. Fuck men who have the bad taste to drop trou in her field. Which would be funny if caught -
  4. Opening theme for Devil May Cry 3 - I have no idea who wrote it.
  5. Because all the best diet books told them to. Why?
  6. All in all I enjoyed the book - or at least the first few chapters and the last few chapters. Now here's my take on it.... SPOILER : Okay - The life and loves of Snape - I feel vindicated! I was right about him - he did have at least a small soft spot for Harry - even if it was because he loved Lilly. And the fact that Harry named his kiddo after him went a long way to bringing Harry some respect in my eyes. (To tell you the truth - he makes me want to go back and read all of the books just for him - just to see what I missed - and I know these books well.) I hated Hermione as always, but not as much as before. She just didn't seem as smart as before, and her reactions were a bit OOC at times. Ron - well he's human isn't he? And to me that explains the entirely human reaction of running. The fact that he came back made him even more of a hero in my eyes. The deaths - JK got a bit slaughter happy (to borrow a phrase a friend of mine used). But I didn't cry for any of them accept Snape (and I only cried for him after the pensive scene). The book was just too emotionally withdrawn for me to cry - in other words - I couldn't throw myself into it any further than to say WTF? when someone bit the big one. I only got angry at a couple of deaths - Snape (of course) because Harry couldn't tell him he was sorry - and in my eyes he should have. Fred - I don't think his death did anything to further the story other than shock value... and as he was one of my favorite characters it pissed me off to no end. And then we come to Dobby - He died protecting Harry which is something I can see him doing as he loved him, but I don't see why it furthered the plot. Again shock value or just another plot device to make Harry seem to rise above all the adversity even more. But the one death that pissed me off the most - Harry's. Yeah - he died but he was brought back - what was that? A hiccup in life's little game with him or is he the second coming? That did further the plot - but it seemed like it was put in there to make sure that everyone was satisfied, or that it was the only way she could come up with for him to survive to the end of the book. I did love some parts of the book though - Snape's Doe was perfect, Neville lopping off the snake's head was a stroke of brilliance, and Dumbledore turning out to be a complete prat actually made sense to me. Also - the fact that JK left it open for a few more books doesn't hurt either - she has 19 years to come up with stories for, and then there are Harry and Ginny's kids at Hogwarts and what they get into - that would make a few interesting stories as well. I wonder if she did that so that those of us who write fan fiction would have something to do? One last little rant until I can think of something else - the Malfoys. She absolutely castrated the whole lot. I could see Draco trying to save Harry the only way he could which was to be unclear in his identification of him, but the elder Malfoys? Did they have a change of heart or were they just always that wishy washy and just didn't show it? Out of everything this is what I'm most disappointed with - I had hoped that she would have fleshed Draco out a bit better than that. He started out strong in the books - like he was a major player and then ended up being just a bit part (and a whiny one at that).
  7. Honestly - I don't know if changing presidents is going to help in this regard. I keep telling myself just to hang on a little longer that we'll have someone else in the White House soon. Who's to say that this person will be any different? And who's to say that the damage done will be repairable?
  8. That's me. Daz?
  9. You shouldn't curse - the kids'll hear. Red?
  10. I think so Red - but you can feed the alligator this time. Red?
  11. I guess that's my lot - to ponder away. Red?
  12. Ooopsie! Paul Simon
  13. Mixer
  14. Picket
  15. Well that could be a problem - how would you know where to use it? Red?
  16. Clown *shudder*
  17. Booze
  18. Pocket
  19. Yeah - but the ticket to what? Red?
  20. Punch
  21. Pot
  22. Good evening to you too. Red?
  23. Cards
  24. Port
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