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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. You got it. Red?
  2. If I knew the answer to that I wouldn't have asked the question. So who has the answer?
  3. Deaf
  4. Guilty - that was this morning. G/NG Has had a road construction crew member bang on your door and ask you to move your car
  5. Right gender - Right state. quamp?
  6. Around here - that would stand to reason. Is there anyone other than quamp who hasn't read or is reading the newest HP book?
  7. Allegance
  8. Rollover
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am currently sitting at my computer and futzing about on the forum.
  10. Sleep! Glorious sleep!
  11. I unfortunately have - I wasn't allowed to drive in my 3rd trimester and my ex was always drunk. I have never willingly gotten in a car with a drunk driver.
  12. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    What would happen if you were to lose 35 pounds (according to Dr. Oz)? I didn't know that.
  13. I honestly would buy them all. I have most of the HP books - but my kids read them more than I do.
  14. Stewart Townsend!!! Who boy! I'm oh so there. Although I really can't see Naomi Watts as Narcissa... but then again they tend to work out in the end. Make up can do wonders.
  15. Wrong redhead. Daz?
  16. I haven't either. I have never been intoxicated to the point of being legally unable to drive.
  17. Because most people look at appearance first. Why?
  18. Guilty - I gave birth to a set. G/NG Has children of their own
  19. Sorry - wrong person. Trae?
  20. Well - that's good - at least I don't have to think up witty replies then. Trae?
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